01-13-2012, 08:38 AM
(01-07-2012, 06:47 PM)Snowflower Wrote: I've managed to glean enough from what you've quoted from Ra's material, as well as what I've read to be thinking that the entities that received the information were positively oriented but that the delivering entities were negatively oriented. Do you happen to know if this applied to Jesus as well as Moses?
About Jesus:
Ra, 17:11 Wrote:This entity was then a Wanderer of no name, of Confederation origins, of fifth* density, representing the fifth-density* understanding of the vibration of understanding or love.
* This should be fourth. Ra corrects the error in the next answer.
Ra, session 17,19 Wrote:Thus the one known as Jesus became aware that there dwelt in him a terrible potential. This entity determined to discover how to use this energy for the good, not for the negative. This entity was extremely positively polarized and remembered more than most Wanderers do.
Ra, session 17:17 Wrote:Questioner: Can you tell me what the Orion group did in order to try to cause his downfall?
Ra: I am Ra. We may describe in general what occurred. The technique was that of building upon other negatively oriented information. This information had been given by the one whom your peoples called “Yahweh.” This information involved many strictures upon behavior and promised power of the third-density, service-to-self nature. These two types of distortions were impressed upon those already oriented to think these thought-forms.
This eventually led to many challenges of the entity known as Jesus. It eventually led to one, sound vibration complex “Judas,” as you call this entity, who believed that it was doing the appropriate thing in bringing about or forcing upon the one you call Jesus the necessity for bringing in the third-density planetary power distortion of third-density rule over others.
This entity, Judas, felt that, if pushed into a corner, the entity you call Jesus would then be able to see the wisdom of using the power of intelligent infinity in order to rule others. The one you call Judas was mistaken in this estimation of the reaction of the entity, Jesus, whose teach/learning was not oriented towards this distortion. This resulted in the destruction of the bodily complex of the one known as Jesus.
About Moses:
Ra, session 16:16 Wrote:Questioner: Was the recipient of the commandments positively or negatively oriented?
Ra: I am Ra. The recipient was one of extreme positivity, thus accounting for some of the pseudo-positive characteristics of the information received. As with contacts which are not successful, this entity, vibratory complex, Moishe, did not remain a credible influence among those who had first heard the philosophy of One and this entity was removed from this third-density vibratory level in a lessened or saddened state, having lost, what you may call, the honor and faith with which he had begun the conceptualization of the Law of One and the freeing of those who were of his tribes, as they were called at that time/space.
Ra, session 16:17 Wrote:Questioner: If this entity was positively oriented, how was the Orion group able to contact him?
Ra: I am Ra. This was an intensive, shall we say, battleground between positively oriented forces of Confederation origin and negatively oriented sources. The one called Moishe was open to impression and received the Law of One in its most simple form. However, the information became negatively oriented due to his people’s pressure to do specific physical things in the third-density planes. This left the entity open for the type of information and philosophy of a self-service nature.
Ra, session 60:18 Wrote:Thus the negative forces were partially successful but the positively oriented Moishe, as this entity was called, gave to your planetary peoples the possibility of a path to the One Infinite Creator which is completely positive.
This is in common with each of your orthodox religious systems which have all become somewhat mixed in orientation, yet offer a pure path to the One Creator which is seen by the pure seeker.
L/L Research about negative greetings:
L/L Research Wrote:It may seem that there is an excessive amount of personal and rather melodramatic material about psychic attack included here. We considered long and hard before deciding not to delete it. Our reason—Ra seems to suggest that any “light worker” will, if successful in this work, attract some sort of negatively-oriented greeting. Therefore, we wish to share our experiences and Ra’s discussion of them, in hopes that the information might be helpful.
The session they speaking of:
Ra, session 75:14 Wrote:Questioner: The instrument would like to know why twice during the “Benedictus” portion of the music she sang in a group concert that she experienced what she believes to be a psychic attack?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not a minor query.[1] We shall first remove the notations which are minor. In the vibrating, which you call singing, of the portion of what this instrument hallows as the Mass which immediately precedes that which is the chink called the “Hosanna” there is an amount of physical exertion required that is exhausting to any entity. This portion of which we speak is termed the “Sanctus.” We come now to the matter of interest.
When the entity Jehoshuah [2] decided to return to the location called Jerusalem for the holy days of its people it turned from work mixing love and wisdom and embraced martyrdom which is the work of love without wisdom.
The “Hosanna,” as it is termed, and the following ”Benedictus,” is that which is the written summation of what was shouted as Jehoshuah came into the place of its martyrdom. The general acceptance of this shout, “Hosanna to the son of David! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” by that which is called the church has been a misstatement, an occurrence which has been, perhaps, unfortunate for it is more distorted than much of the so-called Mass.
There were two factions present to greet Jehoshuah, firstly, a small group of those which hoped for an earthly king. However, Jehoshuah rode upon an ass stating by its very demeanor that it was no earthly king and wished no fight with Roman or Sadducee.
The greater number were those which had been instructed by rabbi and elder to make jest of this entity, for those of the hierarchy feared this entity who seemed to be one of them, giving respect to their laws and then, in their eyes, betraying those time-honored laws and taking the people with it.
The chink for this instrument is this subtle situation which echoes down through your space/time and, more than this, the place the “Hosanna” holds as the harbinger of that turning to martyrdom. We may speak only generally here. The instrument did not experience the full force of the greeting which it correctly identified during the “Hosanna” due to the intense concentration necessary to vibrate its portion of that composition. However, the “Benedictus” in this particular rendition of these words is vibrated by one entity. Thus the instrument relaxed its concentration and was immediately open to the fuller greeting.