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Abrahamic Religions - Snowflower - 01-06-2012

I've been searching for ten years now with questions regarding the Abrahamic Religions. In order to make this question understandable within the Law of One, I need to give a short history about where my perspective came from.

As a Baha'i (follower of Baha'u'llah) i was taught that all of the Abrahamic religions came from the same divine source, that the spirit of all of the Manifestations (Adam (represented as the "unknown" founder of a religion in prior histories), Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, the Ba'b, and Baha'u'llah) were the same Holy Spirit coming at different times to fulfill the same purpose, and were all descendants of Abraham. Abraham was promised that "his seed would inherit the earth" and I was taught that the fulfillment of this prophecy would happen because Baha'u'llah would be the founder of the religion that would finally unite all of mankind.

One of the reasons I withdrew from the Baha'i community and began searching is because of the teaching "by their fruits ye shall know them." It occurred to me that the "fruits" of the Christian Faith were the death of more people than any other cause via persecution, wars, and general meanness. The "fruits" of the Islam faith were persecution, destruction, and holy war, and (what I was taught as a Baha'i) was the most spiritually decadent nation (Persia) on the planet. The same appeared to be happening in the Baha'i Faith. People spoke pious words and did impious deeds (to use the old fashioned terms). In other words, although the buzzword in the Baha'i community is supposed to be loving all and being one in unity, the truth is backstabbing, nastiness, and the usual horrid behavior from one person to another.

Another problem I had was the sole reference to the manifestations in the Abrahamic religions and ignoring of all others: Quetzalcoatl, Sweet Medicine (Cheyenne), Deganeweda, (Iroquois Confederacy) as examples.

Then I learned about the Annunaki, and the genetic manipulation between Homo Erectus and Annunaki. I also learned about the hierarchical structure of the Annunaki ruling class, which included the fact that if a man were to marry a woman of lower caste, and in addition were to have a child with his own half-sister, that son of the half sister would have a higher caste than the son of his wife because the bloodline would be higher.

I learned that Sarah was Abraham's half sister. Ishmael, the first born, was the son of his wife, Hagar, but Isaac, who was Sarah's son, had the right of primogeniture even though he was younger than Ishmael. It isn't really explained in the Bible why. When I was a child (definitely did NOT learn that Sarah was Abraham's sister) I was told it was because Sarah was his wife and the other two wives were really concubines. That simply wasn't true. They were all wives.

So, I put all this together in my head. The Annunaki were not a positive influence on humans. They used us as slaves. In fact, the history goes that they created us to be slaves in the first place. It appears to me that Abraham was either heavily influenced by Annunaki or was Annunaki himself. He was told his "seed" would inherit the earth, we're told that all of them that I listed above were descended from him, and that eventually the world will be united as one, in that line.

Ok, so in Book One of The Ra Material, I found on page 151-152:

"QUESTIONER: Can you tell me the origin of the Ten Commandments?

RA: I am Ra. The origin of these commandments follows the law of negative entities impressing the information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes. The information attempted to ape positivity while retaining negative characteristics."

The question I'm having is whether or not ALL of the Abrahamic religions were channeled information from negative entities impressing the information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes, and that the actual purpose of the major world religions is to guide humans toward negative density. This would explain why, no matter how wonderful the teachings are, the people never seem to live up to them and actually do good things as a whole body-complex. Meaning, that individuals might be good people, but the general fruits of the religious community is abusive and persecuting behavior.

If this question has been addressed before, I would appreciate being referred to that thread.

RE: Abrahamic Religions - Tenet Nosce - 01-06-2012

Hi Snowflower!

Thank you for sharing your experiences and interesting thoughts on this subject. Here is a collection of commentary I have made which you may or may not find relevant. I deeply appreciate this opportunity to collect my shallow and obtuse thoughts on the matter.

More Positive but Less Harvestable

Tenet Nosce Wrote:You actually set me up quite nicely because it has a lot to do with what happens when a person runs the LOO material through a Judeo-Christian-Muslim (Abrahamic) line of thinking.

Not to say that they are totally incompatible. I understand Carla herself operates within a Christian framework of belief. And yet, there are some really important discernments that need to be made in order to understand where Ra is coming from.

The main thing has to do with eschatology, which I will admit I didn't know the definition of until a few days ago. Basically, the term refers to beliefs about the end of the world.

What I learned is that there are two distinct categories of eschatology.

The first, called historical eschatology, is the kind you find in the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim school of thought. Which, I can't help but point out, is decidedly militaristic in its view. I'm down with the teachings of Jesus, but let's face it, Jehovah is a war god, pure and simple.

This is classic Book of Daniel and Revelations-type stuff. In this view, time is conceived of as linear and the entire history of the world is leading up to some sort of cosmic climax, after which we all just live "happily ever after" or in "eternal damnation", according to however one is judged by God.

A second, related idea is that of salvation. Again, most people who were raised in Western society take salvation to mean having something to do with a Savior or Hero who comes and rescues humanity from immanent doom. In some New Age circles, the Saviors are ETs come back to save us.

With all due respect to my Jewish, Christian, and Muslim friends, this is NOT the mental framework which Ra is coming from. And I will admit, that much of my frustration in discussing this topic, and with the world in general, is this stubbornly dogged one-track mentality which insists on interpreting EVERYTHING in terms of Judaeo-Christian-Muslim belief systems.

I just have found that line of thinking to result in some very closed-minded self-righteous people who think that it is just fine to kill another human being for simply not subscribing to their belief system. So sometimes I feel moved to draw a very hard line with these folks. Sorry, Jesus is not coming back. The apocalypse is not coming. The pearly gates are not opening for you. Sorry, you've got it all wrong. You and everybody else who has believed the lies of the "apocalypse" and "salvation" over the last 2500 years. This isn't just my opinion, it is out of history books filled with religious folk who believed that their time was the "end time" and that the Savior was about to come. I say, you've been duped. Again. At this point it is just silly to continue to believe in this horrible lie, and to live in the immense anxiety it produces, and call it a testament to "faith".

Not everybody, mind you, but one would be pretty hard-pressed to find a Hindu, Buddhist, or Taoist, for example, that would agree it is their God-given duty to make war on other human beings for failing to adhere to their belief system. This is because in a very fundamental sense, their concept of salvation is through self-actualization, and not divine grace.

Anyhow, according to my repeated and extensive readings of the Law of One, I have come to the conclusion that the 2012 eschatology that has become associated with it is a mythical eschatology which takes a cyclical view of time.

The Law of One is very crystal clear that no entity is lost in Creation. However, there is a specific time-frame for beings to achieve a particular vibratory frequency which is compatible with the next phase of human evolution. Otherwise, you repeat the cycle. This is not punishment, and in fact is yet another great opportunity for service.

That time-frame is now in its very last moments. Is there still opportunity for people to "wake up"? Absolutely. But for the most part, I view the Western world as filled to the brim with people who have been given every opportunity to choose differently in life, yet stubbornly hold on to their spiritually childish views, based on somebody else's spiritually childish views, which are erroneously taken to be the literal Word of God. Because, you know, God only talked directly to people in the distant past but has somehow since then become impotent to do so.

I can respect their free will to choose to believe in a falsehood. However, I do not have to entertain their beliefs out of a false sense of respect for their religion. Sometimes I feel the Love n' Lighters get a little carried away with their tolerance toward other people's intolerance, especially when it comes to religious belief systems. If we are supposed to "lead the way" into the next phase of human evolution, I believe it will be necessary to create an environment of strong social pressure against violent thinking. Especially at first.

I also think the harvesting process will take a lot of the burden off of the rest of society which is now so tied up in dealing with the minority of people who, not only persist in violent thinking, but have the means to carry it out on a global scale. Most people are ready to move on, but they have been held hostage to behaviors which are not only incongruent with, but antithetical to, a spiritually evolved society. This is not mere sin, but iniquity. (Just to throw in a Christian term)

More Positive but Less Harvestable

Tenet Nosce Wrote:The problem with the Abrahamic mindset it that it attaches itself to everything in sight, like a parasite. So to all the vegetarians, and the vegans, and the health freedom fighters, and the animal rights activists, and the gay rights activists, and the dolphin activists, and the rainforest activists, and the anonymous computer hacking groups, et al. it may APPEAR that they are fighting against different things, and so there is an opportunity there for a negatively-minded group to use distortion tactics (misinformation, disinformation) to turn all these groups upon each other, thus having an overall depolarizing effect on their (seemingly respective) mission(s).

A possible solution, I would offer, is for the activist to look first in their own mind to see where program might be lurking, and to exercise wisdom in taking action based upon emotional zeal. I am sure that some already do this.

Secondly, the activist would turn to their own group and ask others to join them in the HIGHER purpose of promoting their cause with a mind to minimizing the potential for distortion. Again, there are those already doing this.

Thirdly, the activist group when reaching out would selectively target those "fringe dwellers" of society to help empower them to be more effective leaders in their respective social groups.

Tenet Nosce Wrote:I would say that what I have observed about war is that it does not lead to peace. Then I would ask what they have observed in their own experience.

War can't be "wrong" because it is birthed out of the very idea of wrongness. We are right. You are wrong. Boom, boom, you're dead! "Wrong" is the problem, and war is the offered solution.

The problem is the illusion of separateness which some choose to employ to demiurgically "create" an artificial boundary between the "right things" and the "wrong things" in Creation. The Abrahamic program confounds this more primal distortion through the identifying unity with sameness, or conformity of belief, i.e. we know the "one true way" and so are justified in making war (physical or otherwise) upon those who refuse to acknowledge the reality of our arbitrary artificial boundary [i.e. false creation].

This "Supreme Ultimate" ninja move comprises a catachresis, metonymy, AND synecdoche, applied through the hypocorism of the name changing of Yahweh and Brahma by agency of the Covenant.

No, we are free to choose war. I certainly don't see anybody stepping in to stop us, with the possible exception of nuclear weapons. Rather, let us be clear about what we also know, based upon history, archaeology and scientific fact, with regard to where it leads.

We've gone down that road before. We know where it leads. And I don't think that is where we want to be.

More Positive but Less Harvestable

Tenet Nosce Wrote:There is a new book out called Atlantis and the Cycles of Time by Joscelyn Godwin. I dunno if you are familiar with his work, but he also recently resurrected The Kingdom of Agarttha: A Journey into the Hollow Earth. The book was originally written by Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre and published as The Mission of India in Europe (French translation of title) in 1886, in the time of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, author of The Coming Race. This was not long after the publishing of Donnelly’s Atlantis: The Antediluvian World in 1882. This time frame also overlaps with the life of Nikola Tesla, and the emergence of Coca-Cola into pop culture and its dissemination through North and South America through the demiurgic creation of Santa Claus as a marketing gimmick.

Many of Saint-Yves writings were influenced by another enigmatic character known as Hadji Sharif, who was possibly a brahmin, and who taught the Sanskrit language to Saint-Yves. According to his journals, there was some type of fallling out between the two, possibly over the use of plant entheogens to astral travel to the fabled realm of Agarttha. Saint-Yves also appeared to have a keen interest in the medicinal use of algae, although that line of thinking largely fell to the wastebin of history.

Also notable events from this time period are the re-discovery of Machu Picchu by Augusto Bernsin in 1867 and the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, eventually leading to the discovery of King Tut's Tomb. Tut being the last pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, best known for Ahkenaton, who proclaimed a cosmology eerily similar to the Law of One. The progenitor of the Inca culture, Viracocha, was also eerily similar to Ahkenaton, even down to certain unusual physical features.

Of course, the opening line to A Wrinkle in Time is a throwback to Lytton, and the story, I believe, a poignant example of how misguided thinking in 4D neophytes can lead them to a negative world where unity is identified with sameness. There are many flavors of unity (100 perhaps Tongue ), sameness being the one that the Abrahamic "salvation" mindset insists on identifying it with. Unity can also refer to connectedness, for example. This will lead one in an entirely different direction with respect to ethical considerations, and the supposed duty to proselytize and "convert" others to the "One True Path".

Saint-Yves is known to have made some sideways comments about Atlantis that later emerged in the Cayce Material, and again in the Ra material.

Godwin and I had a few email exchanges a few months back, and I said I would get the book. I suppose now might be a good time to do so. :idea:

Saint-Yves was also the architect of the Archeometre. He is a somewhat enigmatic figure in history. Writers about him have passed him off as a megalomaniac "fringe dweller", even among other alchemists, hermeticists, mystics, esotericists, spiritualists, and occultists of the time. However there are some interesting links I have found as to how some of his ideas got distorted, and passed through time by the Synarchists and Theosophists. He also tried to retract his book, although one apparently slipped through and was re-published by his "friends" post-mortem. Actually, it was an attempt to track down where "his" ideas came from that led me to do some deep historical research, and eventually was what brought me back to this forum after a year hiatus!

As history teaches us (or fails to teach us as the case may be) the views picked up by the Synarchists and the Theosophists reconvene later to form the occult philosophical basis of the Nazi Party and the Third Reich.

Unforeseen consequences, indeed!

More Positive but Less Harvestable

Tenet Nosce Wrote:Just now watching A&E's Ancient Mysteries: Astrology on Netflix.

It is uncanny how some of these distortions I have been jammering on about in various threads: the "Three Wise Men", the Mayan 2012 prediction as an apocalypse, astrology as having been birthed by the Babylonians, not the Aryans... keep emerging in the voiceovers.

See... this is what I am trying to get at... why is it so important to try and reconcile all of these seemingly inexplicable events from the past in terms of the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim (Abrahamic) system of belief?

AND why is there so much resistance in mainstream history and archaeology to the simple offering of an alternative view? Why won't otherwise intelligent people let go of their preconceived notions of human history as programmed onto them by their religious belief systems? What -exactly- is so threatening about it, anyway? :-/

Folks, y'all don't need to give up Jesus to get along with the rest of the world. Only let go of the lies that others (notably authority figures and "loved" ones) have told you about his life and mission. Trust me, there will be no hellfire and damnation for looking into "heretical" views like the Gospel of Thomas. Maybe, just maybe, you might find at long last some peace...

Personally, I have not observed those who accept the "Jesus as personal Savior" program to be in possession of peace. (Love, Joy, yes) But as for peace, it is only a superficial peace, weakly held in place by a distorted view of what it means to "have faith". It is a lie propagated by a false promise of a "land of milk and honey" where pain no longer exists.

ROFL! Hate to break it to y'all but 4D is a looooonnng way off from anything like that. :exclamation: No, we would do better to seek wisdom on how to bring peace forth/fourth in this moment. Leave the milk and honey, ambrosia, soma, philosopher's stone, manna, dehydrated potato flakes, and all of that mumbo-jumbo to the alchemists. Trust me, we are working on it. Wink

For the "Chosen Ones" and the "Saved Ones" there is always lurking in the background is that nagging question... why hasn't the Savior returned? I have observed this to cause deep emotional and psychological angst in people, which in turn results in certain warlike behaviors, or to make excuses for warlike behavior in others. In addition, I am of the opinion that this can lead to certain distortions in the physical body, and contribute to the manifestations of disease in the body complex.

I will just throw myself out on a limb and hypothesize that this sort of deep psychological rift is more damaging to the body than, say, eating meat.

I mean, it doesn't make sense, right? What would Jesus have to say about making war on your brothers and sisters here on earth? I would have thought this much would be obvious by now.

2012: Keeping it positive

Quote:Ra: In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.

May we enunciate this law in more detail?

Questioner: No.

I am Ra. Is there another query at this time?

Questioner: Can you comment on the coming planetary changes in our physical reality? [Noise of cassette tape being flipped.]

**NOTE: This noise was later found out to be Jim walking in with groceries, and not the tape getting flipped**

Ra: I am Ra. I preferred to wait till this instrument had again reached the proper state of depth of singleness or one-pointedness before we spoke.

The changes are very, very trivial. We do not concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest.

Tenet Nosce Wrote:I mean so right there you see Ra offering to converse more on the Law of One, but the Questioner says no and instead asks about earth changes! Even after Ra just said that such changes are very trivial. So you can see how Confusion creeps in on a single moment's lapse in one-pointedness of mind.

In my research, I have traced this distortion back to the historical eschatology found in the Judeao-Christian-Muslim (Abrahamic) line of thought as it contrasts to the mythical eschatology found, for example in the Hindu cosmology which posits a return to the Golden Age at the end of the cycle. Obviously, the Mayans also thought of time as cyclical, and not linear.

So maybe this whole thing has something to do with viewing time as either a circle or a straight line, when in reality it is a spiral.

Earth Changes (Shifting)

Tenet Nosce Wrote:I agree. I have observed these views to sometimes impress themselves upon the Law of One and the Ra material, although there is little evidence within them to support such a belief in separation and elitism.

Sadly, there is so much wisdom that the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have to offer humanity that gets largely ignored due to the schism in the group mind that results from fundamentalist thinking. I like to call this schism the "Wrinkle in Time", after one of my most loved childhood books.

What fundamentalists fail to discern that it is the fundamentalist mindset / mental program itself that is getting in the way of the spiritual mission. Hence, I believe they would benefit from a change in their entire mental operating system. How to affect such a change in others, I don't know. According to Ra, changing others is quite impossible.

But I can see how even otherwise well-intentioned and service-minded activists can sometimes get caught up in this sort of absolutism and fundamentalism that is so divisive. It is such a sad sight to me when service is withheld until one accepts the doctrine of a particular savior, or guru, for example.

I take a syncretic approach to religion that recognizes the interconnectedness of spiritual teachings throughout the entire current cycle of human history. I think each has something to offer, and I do believe that, at some point in the future, they may come to be reconciled once again.

An appreciation of 'Outlier' Don Elkins

Tenet Nosce Wrote:All of the three Abrahamic religions posit a historical eschatology based on the return of the World Savior, or Messiah. Time is linear, and building up to some sort of grand climax characterized by the physical appearance of a being with superhuman powers, or even God himself. This idea may also have been present in Zoroastrianism, and there are some Messianic flavors of Buddhism expecting the coming of Maitreya Buddha, etc. So it is not wholly a Christian thing.

But the Hindu tradition, which predates all of these other religions, is based in a mythical eschatology, based on a cyclical view, or return of the Golden Age. The Mayans, who are notorious for introducing the 2012 "end-date", were also in this second camp. And of course the Law of One link is that quote about the earth changes, or inconveniences, persisting for about 30 of our years. Which brings us to right about now in 2011.

Interestingly, in most documentaries about 2012 that I watch, this is the very argument that the skeptics use to dismiss the whole idea. Namely, that it invokes an apocalyptic worldview. People have been proclaiming the return of Jesus for the last 2000 years, and yet he has not come.

So I can see how in the mind of somebody who is very new to the Law of One, and who is steeped in a certain line of thought with little experience outside of their religious belief system would easily project the return of Christ into the Ra communication.

Their worldview requires them to attempt to reconcile the prophecy of the return of Christ with the foretold shift from 3D to 4D in the Law of One. Since they are Christian, and Christians believe in the Return of Christ [not all Christianity actually subscribes to that belief, by the way], then this whole density shift thing must have something to do with Christ's return.

Sorry, I don't mean to pick on Christians.
As I have said elsewhere, I am down with the teachings of Jesus. It is just that Roman catholicism is the only religion I have much personal experience with, as in going to mass and being taught the belief system as a young child. I didn't come across anything else until much later, incidentally right around the time I originally found the Law of One Books.

My Awakening. Or Grand Delusion. You Choose.

Tenet Nosce Wrote:Ra made contact with humans. Their teachings were distorted so as to be used to infringe upon the free will of humans, rather than to accentuate it and liberate them. I am sensing this has something to do with the concept of "harvest" as it was originally presented, and its being twisted into the historical eschatology of "Armageddon" as forwarded by those in contact with Yahweh, and passed down to us through the lineage of the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim (Abrahamic) belief system.

This distortion is still -in this very moment- resulting in all manner of confusion as to the nature of this event. In particular is the notion that, since "Armageddon" is upon us, we must look to be "saved" by external figures such as Jesus/Maitreya/ETs etc.

Another way that this creates an issue is because "2012" has become so identified with these catastrophic beliefs, that the average person does not look past that in order to investigate into the true meaning. As a corollary- I have suggested the possibility that a premature focus on "earth changes" in the latest contact by Ra has contributed to a continuation of this distorting influence.

Free will has been abrogated because people are being offered a false choice. It is being framed in an EITHER/OR context... as has played out in this forum as the sudden/gradual conceptions of harvest. I humbly suggest that it is not EITHER/OR but somehow BOTH/AND. Moreover, I am hypothesizing that the ability to shift from EITHER/OR to BOTH/AND style of thinking.... IS EXACTLY THE SHIFT ITSELF.

My apologies if this comment was confusing to you. I didn't mean to imply that Ra's contact infringed upon free will. I am insinuating that the conscious, and repeated, manipulation of Ra's message by Orion influences has resulted in an abrogation of free will by disallowing the populace to perceive that -other choices- are available to them.

11/11/11 - What will occur?

(11-11-2011, 10:01 AM)zenmaster Wrote: 11/11/11: Is Date Tied to the Mayan Apocalypse?
Read more:

I just love how Fox News does things like put "Apocalypse" in the title for effect, then the first sentence says:

Quote:it's a spiritual signal linked to 2012 Mayan prophecies of both doom and spiritual renewal.

Hmm. What about the renewal part? Why does the media just zoom in on the "doom and gloom" aspects? (I mean other than ratings. At one time journalism was a respectable vocation in this country.)

I'd be willing to bet over 95% of writers and reporters at Fox News don't know the meaning of the word eschatology, much less that there are multiple kinds of eschatology. Yet they style themselves qualified to report on it. Just can't seem to see past their own Abrahamic bias... :idea:

Fair and balanced my hiney!! Tell you one thing, so long as Rupert Murdoch is still incarnated, I will take it as a sign that the New Age has not yet begun. (Barring a complete 180 flip in his attitude toward others... unlikely but ever possible.)

In regards to eating meat

Tenet Nosce Wrote:All else aside, I think the common thread for me is that I take issue with dietary law. All religions have certain sects which espouse dietary law, but they seem to run most strongly through the Abrahamic traditions.

Really it all goes back to the story of how Abraham forbade the Israelites from making animal sacrifices while he was up on the mount with Yahweh (I happen to believe this was the false Yahweh). When he returned to find they were worshiping a golden calf that Aaron had made, he ordered his brothers and sisters to be slain.

This task was taken up by the Levites (or sons of Levi) who later were placed in charge of protecting the tabernacle which held the Ark of the Covenant as the tribes wandered through the desert. So interesting how the Ten Commandments were protected by a band of murderers... but the Bible doesn't exactly point that out in the open.

Later, the Levites were "given" the land which is now the "Middle East" (before that Phoenicia and before that Canaan) which of course meant they were given permission to murder the previous inhabitants. In those times, it was a haven for thieves and criminals looking to escape justice in their home lands.

Let us not forget the first commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. I always thought that was interesting wording there. Hmm.. now what kind of a god would say such a thing?

Interestingly, the book Leviticus I referred to earlier was actually a code of behavior specifically for the Levites. I don't think it was meant toward people in general. As you may recall, this is the book that homophobes like to cherry-pick from to support bigotry.

Q'uo: The harvest began in 1987

(12-23-2011, 10:15 PM)Tyler Durden Maybe Wrote: I've also heard that Human Beings are somewhat "Hard-Wired" to believe whatever it is they believe no matter what, as a kind of Evolutionary function.

That is true, to an extent. But there is also evidence for genetic manipulation toward bellicosity and insolence. And I don't mean just from Ra Material.

New Evidence Debunks 'Stupid' Neanderthal Myth

Quote:Blades were first produced by Homo sapiens during their colonization of Europe from Africa approximately 40,000 years ago. This has traditionally been thought to be a dramatic technological advance, helping Homo sapiens out-compete, and eventually eradicate, their Stone Age cousins. Yet when the research team analysed their data there was no statistical difference between the efficiency of the two technologies. In fact, their findings showed that in some respects the flakes favoured by Neanderthals were more efficient than the blades adopted by Homo sapiens.


Now that it is established that there is no technical advantage to blades, why did Homo sapiens adopt this technology during their colonization of Europe? The researchers suggest that the reason for this shift may be more cultural or symbolic. Eren explains: "Colonizing a continent isn't easy. Colonizing a continent during the Ice Age is even harder. So, for early Homo sapiens colonizing Ice Age Europe, a new shared and flashy-looking technology might serve as one form of social glue by which larger social networks were bonded. Thus, during hard times and resource droughts these larger social networks might act like a type of 'life insurance,' ensuring exchange and trade among members on the same 'team.'"

My guess is that "Eren" is one of those 50+ folks to which you previously referred that can't see the truth even when it smacks them right in the face. Notice how the murderous technology is spun into a good thing. You know... something that was useful and necessary for "colonizing". Funny, when I read the word colon-ize it makes me think of disembowelment. Now blades would certainly be useful for that. Wink

Brains of Neanderthals and Modern Humans Developed Differently

Neanderthals More Advanced Than Previously Thought: They Innovated, Adapted Like Modern Humans, Research Shows

Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal, Genetic Research Shows

Fall of the Neanderthals: Volume of Modern Humans Infiltrating Europe Cited as Critical Factor

Ancient Humans Were Mixing It Up: Anatomically Modern Humans Interbred With More Archaic Hominin Forms While in Africa

But notice how, in these studies, the scientists are still overlooking the obvious explanation and calling it "interbreeding". When interbreeding occurs between species, there is exchange of entire chromosomes, not chromosome parts. That is evidence of genetic engineering, not interbreeding, and anybody who has taken a intro course in genetics should know that. Some "scientists" should be stripped of their degrees, in my opinion.

After the "new man" was manufactured, they were told by their "creator" that it was their right/duty/privilege to roam the earth, committing genocide of their more peaceful and gentle cousins, the Neanderthals. And there were a couple other of species of hominids that early man wiped out as well. Notice how this lines up well with the multitude of "creation myths"... except the genocide of other species part has been conveniently edited out. The fratricide within our own species, of course, remains in the materials, and it always said to have been done at the behest of "God" against the "rebels". Interesting... I wonder what those "rebels" were rebelling against? Genocide, maybe?

Maybe it all has something to do with collective amnesia caused by repression of these heinous atrocities committed by our ancestors upon those others they perceived themselves as "better than"?

Out In The Open

Tenet Nosce Wrote:What an interesting topic! I very much appreciate this opportunity to share my limited and fallible understanding:

The goat head motif refers to Baphomet, or "Goat of Mendes", which is also considered to be a throwback to the Egyptian "god" Ba'al.

Mendes is an ancient Egyptian city. The known history of Mendes goes back as far as 4000 - 5000 years ago, somewhere in the time between Imhotep, the world's first known healer/physician/surgeon and High Priest of Ra at Heliopolis, and Sargon "The True King" in Babylon, and possibly his visitation by the Annunaki, or Nephilim, or "Sky Gods", if you will.

According to the Ra Material, and other corroborating sources, this period also corresponds to the very end of the last pyramid building phase, during the Taurean Age, when Ra and other sixth-density beings walked openly among the people of the earth. These pyramid-builders appear to have had three main focal points of activity: North Africa, East Asia, and Central/South America. Some people also believe that there was a fourth focal point of activity in Antarctica. Archaeologists did find evidence for this nearly fourteen years ago, though I am currently unaware if any further progress has been made along this line of inquiry.

Getting back to Mendes: it is a unique and enigmatic city. According to renowned archaeologist Donald Redford, Mendes was home to a mysterious cult of the "fornicating ram who mounts the beauties." As such, Mendes was also known as the "City of the Ram-Man". Ancient Greek reports, including Herodotus, corroborate the idea of ram-gods occasionally ritually fornicated with women.

The Ra-m, in turn, is a motif which originated during the turn of the Ages from Taurus (The Bull) to Aries (The Ram) , which roughly corresponds with the retirement of sixth density entities from 3D earth. Besides Egyptian and Greek historical accounts, events from this time period may also have been conceptualized by the stories of Ra-ma in the Hindu Mahabharata, as well as depictions of Mit-ra in the Sanskrit Rigveda and the Indo-Iranian Avesta.

About 1000 years after this time, during the rise of Judaism, Ba'al was depicted as an opponent of Yahweh. According to 1 Kings 18, the prophet Elijah mocked the followers of Ba'al, for worshiping a god seemingly impotent to "produce miracles", and later slew them in the name of the "One True God" Yahweh.

1 Kings 18:26-27 Wrote:And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, "O Baal, hear us!" But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.

And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them and said, "Cry aloud, for he is a god! Either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he sleepeth and must be awakened."

1 Kings 18:38-40 Wrote:Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.

And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said, "The LORD, He is the God! The LORD, He is the God!"

And Elijah said unto them, "Take the prophets of Baal. Let not one of them escape!" And they took them; and Elijah brought them down to the Brook Kishon and slew them there.

Here are some relevant quotes from the Ra Material.

24.7 Wrote:Questioner: Did the Orion group use similar methods for their impression 3,600 years ago?

Ra: I am Ra. The group or empire had an emissary in your skies at that time.

24.8 Wrote:Questioner: Can you describe that emissary?

Ra: I am Ra. This emissary was of your fiery nature which was hidden by the nature of cloud in the day. This was to obliterate the questions of those seeing such a vehicle and to make it consonant with these entities’ concept of what you may call the Creator.

24.9 Wrote:Questioner: And then how was the information passed on to the entities after they saw this fiery cloud?

Ra: I am Ra. By thought transfer and by the causing of fiery phenomena and other events to appear as being miraculous through the use of thought-forms.

This also seems to be the time period in which there was a swap of the Ram for the Goat in certain traditions and practices. Curiously, the choice of the hybrid species of goat may have had something to do with genetic engineering, and does correspond to the time frame given by Ra for the Orion contact/creation of those of "Anak".

18.20 Wrote:Questioner: When did Yahweh act to perform the genetic changes?

Ra: I am Ra. The Yahweh group worked with those of the planet you call Mars 75000 years ago in what you would call the cloning process. There are differences, but they lie in the future of your time/space continuum and we cannot break the free will Law of Confusion.

The 2600, approximately, time was the second time—we correct ourselves: 3600—approximately, the time of attempts by those of the Orion group during this cultural complex; this was a series of encounters in which the ones called Anak were impregnated with the new genetic coding by your physical complex means so that the organisms would be larger and stronger.

24.5 Wrote:Questioner: Then Yahweh, in an attempt to correct what I might call a mistake (I know you don’t want to call it that), started 3,300 years ago a positive philosophy. Were the Orion and Yahweh philosophies impressed telepathically, or were there other techniques used?

Ra: I am Ra. There were two other techniques used: one by the entity no longer called Yahweh, who still felt that if it could raise up entities which were superior to the negative forces, that these superior entities could spread the Law of One. Thus this entity, “Yod-Heh-Shin-Vau-Heh,” came among your people in form according to incarnate being and mated in the normal reproductive manner of your physical complexes, thus birthing a generation of much larger beings, these beings called “Anak.”

The other method used to greater effect later in the scenario, as you would call it, was the thought-form such as we often use among your peoples to suggest the mysterious or the sublime. You may be familiar with some of these appearances.

24.6 Wrote:Questioner: Could you state some of those?

Ra: I am Ra. This is information which you may discover. However, we will briefly point the way by indicating the so-called wheel within a wheel and the cherubim with sleepless eye.

RE: Abrahamic Religions - Snowflower - 01-06-2012

Thank you for your response, Tenet. I have read through your posts. I'm interested in your reference to the Abrahamic Religions as limited to Judeo/Christian/Moslem. Also, I realized while reading your posts that I had forgotten to list Zoroastrianism in my list of previous manifestations. But, about the Abrahamic line, it might be of interest to you to note that both Hindus and Buddhists claim ancestry to Abraham, through Katurah his third wife who was banished into India.

I also wanted to comment on one thing you said:

"I also think the harvesting process will take a lot of the burden off of the rest of society which is now so tied up in dealing with the minority of people who, not only persist in violent thinking, but have the means to carry it out on a global scale. Most people are ready to move on, but they have been held hostage to behaviors which are not only incongruent with, but antithetical to, a spiritually evolved society. This is not mere sin, but iniquity. (Just to throw in a Christian term)"

I've been learning a great deal this past autumn about psychopaths and sociopaths. It sounds to me like these are the people you're describing. And, you put it well, that we are being held hostage to their behavior. In fact, I'll go further to suggest that psychopaths are the result of interbreeding with a reptilian race that is currently pretty much in charge of this planet. The 4-5% of humans that are psychopathic, truly canNOT feel remorse for harm done or empathy for the pain of others. It isn't just that they choose not to - they cannot. They lack the neural pathways in the brain to allow this thought pattern. I suspect this lack of remorse or empathy is indicative of beings that have chosen negative density worlds, and is part of their attempt to turn this world toward negative density. But, I'm still only in Book One of the Ra Material, so I might find this idea either completely supported or totally discredited.

RE: Abrahamic Religions - Tenet Nosce - 01-06-2012

(01-06-2012, 09:39 PM)Snowflower Wrote: Thank you for your response, Tenet. I have read through your posts.

You're welcome, and I am grateful that my posts have given you food for thought. Sometimes I feel as if I am only writing these to myself... well I suppose in a sense I am! Wink

-Snowflower Wrote:I'm interested in your reference to the Abrahamic Religions as limited to Judeo/Christian/Moslem. Also, I realized while reading your posts that I had forgotten to list Zoroastrianism in my list of previous manifestations. But, about the Abrahamic line, it might be of interest to you to note that both Hindus and Buddhists claim ancestry to Abraham, through Katurah his third wife who was banished into India.

According to my limited and fallible understanding, the idea that Hindus and Buddhists (as well as those practicing Shinto) are descended from Abraham and his second wife, Keturah, is unique to the philosophy conceived by Yakov Leib HaKohain and promulgated by the Dönmeh West organization. That Bahá'u'lláh is also said to have been born of this lineage, I would imagine that your previous adherence to the Bahá'í faith offers an explanation for when and where you were exposed to this idea.

Of course, nobody really knows how it all went down, including myself. However, I don't think that the majority of Hindus and Buddhists would claim to be a descendant of Abraham... I suspect that is a minority view. Though I would point out there is considerable evidence to believe that Abraham was from India, there having been known as Brahma. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that there are groups of Indians and Asians who are descended from Abraham.

According to my personal research and current belief- Zoroastrianism, along with Hinduism, may have emerged more toward the dawn of the Arian Age as the world's first truly monistic religions among the Indo-Iranian peoples living in the Caucasus. Whereas, the monotheistic religions didn't emerge until the latter part of the Age, roughly 800 - 500 BCE.

Monism is the belief that all beings and things are part of God. This is in contrast to monotheism, which is the belief in one god above all the rest ala the First Commandment as given by Yahweh to Abraham. This is why I refer to the three main monotheistic religions as Abrahamic. My apologies if I didn't include the Ba'hai... I am afraid my understanding of the Ba'hai faith is extremely limited. I don't know how to categorize it properly.

Now that being said, there is much overlap in religions, and there are monistic strains of philosophy that run through the monotheistic religions. Some examples: Chasidic Jews, the Sufis, the Sikhs, Soto Zen, the Gnostic Christians.

There is also a curious dynamic that went on between Zoroastrianism and Hinduism that may interest you. Under the Zoroastrian system, all of the nonphysical beings were divided into two camps: the ahuras (who followed the true Creator Ahura Mazda), and the daevas (who followed the false demiurge Ahriman). As this concept made its way down the Indian peninsula there was a flip-flop of deities which occurred as it was incorporated into Hinduism. According to the Hindus, the devas are the "good spirits" while the asuras are the "evil ones".

I would point out here that my intention with all of this babble isn't to simply give a monologue, or to prove the "rightness" of my beliefs. Rather, I am of the mind that in comparing and contrasting our knowledge and beliefs- while keeping an open mind to what the other is saying- can help us both to achieve new insights and understandings!

Snowflower Wrote:I've been learning a great deal this past autumn about psychopaths and sociopaths. It sounds to me like these are the people you're describing. And, you put it well, that we are being held hostage to their behavior. In fact, I'll go further to suggest that psychopaths are the result of interbreeding with a reptilian race that is currently pretty much in charge of this planet. The 4-5% of humans that are psychopathic, truly canNOT feel remorse for harm done or empathy for the pain of others. It isn't just that they choose not to - they cannot. They lack the neural pathways in the brain to allow this thought pattern. I suspect this lack of remorse or empathy is indicative of beings that have chosen negative density worlds, and is part of their attempt to turn this world toward negative density. But, I'm still only in Book One of the Ra Material, so I might find this idea either completely supported or totally discredited.

It's a brain-buster, no doubt about it! I agree there appears to be some credible evidence that one or several subgroups of humans were genetically and socially manipulated toward bellicosity. Ra says as much... but also take a look at this quote here:

24.12 Wrote:Questioner: Could you tell me why the Orion group had to leave after what figures to be a six hundred year period?

Ra: I am Ra. Although the impression that they had given to those who called them was that these entities were an elite group, that which you know as “Diaspora” occurred, causing much dispersion of these peoples so that they became an humbler and more honorable breed, less bellicose and more aware of the loving-kindness of the One Creator.

The creation about them tended towards being somewhat bellicose, somewhat oriented towards the enslavement of others, but they themselves, the target of the Orion group by means of their genetic superiority/weakness, became what you may call the underdogs, thereby letting the feelings of gratitude for their neighbors, their family, and their One Creator begin to heal the feelings of elitism which led to the distortions of power over others which had caused their own bellicosity.

While it should go without saying, it is worth mentioning that this "Diaspora" has resulted in a thorough mixing of these bellicose genes among those of all breeds and races.

I would also speculate here that I am not entirely sure that psychopaths are totally beyond assistance and recovery. Of course, the first steps would be to ask for, and accept, that assistance which can be a real stumbling block for psychopaths.

I had a close friend who became psychopathic. I suppose it would be wiser to refrain from applying that label to people, however it has been almost nine years since he had a drug- and alcohol-induced mental breakdown which included paranoid delusions that I was spearheading a conspiracy amongst our mutual friends to have him committed to a mental institution. Apparently, he still believes it to this day. Last I heard, he had claimed that I put an implant in his head!

Also, I just came across this latest Matthew's Message. Some interesting thoughts therein:

Quote:8. It is Earth’s destiny to leave third density when a universal cycle opens an astral window at the end of this year, and by then no one with a dark mind and heart will be left on the planet. That may seem unduly harsh, as if some arbitrary judgment process simply will eliminate them, and that is not so. There are persons who have amassed fortunes dishonestly, achieved power ruthlessly, and consistently have refused the light constantly available to them, and both their souls and their bodies will “pay the price,” you could say.

9. It is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density. In antiquity, strong civilizations with darkness at the core deliberately altered the DNA of weaker civilizations to reduce its people’s capacity for intelligence and spiritual awareness. That affected their bodies as well—crystalline cells degraded into the carbon structure that can be, and was, programmed with vulnerability to all forms of illness and a much shorter life span than in eras long, long ago in your concept of time.

RE: Abrahamic Religions - Snowflower - 01-07-2012

You're right about how I was exposed to the idea about Hindus and Buddhists - from the Bahá'í writings. And the correct category would definitely be within the Abrahamic religions added to the Judeo/Christian/Moslem list.

I went to the Matthew website and have bookmarked it for further study. One thing common to all of them - from TLOO, to Matthew, to Drunvalo Melchizadek, to the Webbot - this is the year for the climax on the whole shebang isn't it? Whew! SO much to read, most difficult with eyes that tend to see double when reading long text passages. Sure do wish I could find this stuff in audio.

I truly do sympathize about having a close friend who is suffering delusions, but actually, it sounds like your friend was suffering far more from a psychotic condition than a psychopathic one. I use these two specific terms because they are so easily misunderstood from each other. A psychopathic person does not suffer from delusions and is not mentally ill. A psychotic person has suffered a mental breakdown and is mentally ill.

The psychopath has a different brain function. It can be diagnosed definitively based on a brain scan test. When shown pictures of human or animal suffering, the psychopath will demonstrate no change in brain waves, no matter what their outward appearance seems to be. The psychopath is simply a person who feels no remorse for wrongs done and has no empathy for the suffering (or joy) of other humans. It is not mental illness at all.

A discussion about the religious institutions on the planet, and the wrongs committed by those institutions is actually appropriate to include a discussion about psychopaths, because psychopaths are attracted to any position of power and authority over other humans. Religious institutions offer such positions with far less accountability. So, if someone desires to be in a position to hurt others, one of the places they will gravitate toward would be religious institutions. This has been the condition on this planet for the past 5000 years at least - psychopaths who want to hurt use religion to do so.

RE: Abrahamic Religions - Tenet Nosce - 01-07-2012

(01-07-2012, 01:38 PM)Snowflower Wrote: I went to the Matthew website and have bookmarked it for further study. One thing common to all of them - from TLOO, to Matthew, to Drunvalo Melchizadek, to the Webbot - this is the year for the climax on the whole shebang isn't it? Whew! SO much to read, most difficult with eyes that tend to see double when reading long text passages. Sure do wish I could find this stuff in audio.

Not that you would have any reason to trust me- but I have already pored over all of these. In my limited view, as we are now in 2012 none of that really matters anymore. Though it all remains quite interesting!

Here is the way I have come to see it. Remember when those Voyager craft were launched back in 1977? From then until now, these craft have been traveling through the heliosphere. In one sense, we would tend to think of them as having traveled great distances from our Sun. However, in another sense, they have never left. So long as those craft are within the heliosphere, they are technically- and most correctly- speaking, within the body of the Sun.

As a point of possible irrelevance, there is a quote from the Bible that very much tends to be associated with monistic flavors of monotheism. Perhaps you are familiar with it?

Acts 17:24-28 Wrote:God who made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of Heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands. Neither is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things. And He hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation, that they should seek the Lord, if perhaps they might feel after Him and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us. For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as also certain of your own poets have said, `For we are also His offspring.'

Anyway, back to the main point. As it turns out, those Voyager craft "just so happen" to right now- at this very moment- in a special borderline region called the heliopause. One could think of the heliopause as an electromagnetic membrane around the outermost reaches of the Sun's body. As you can further imagine, this membrane is permeable- thus permitting the passage of the Voyager craft- as well as changing in time. It is confined to a particular region, but is not precisely fixed at any particular location.

I have come to see our current planetary situation here in 2012 as a more metaphysical representation of this same process. And much in the same way- as we approach the point where we actually pass through this barrier to the other side, the less and less it makes sense to theorize about what is there on the other side.

Snowflower Wrote:I truly do sympathize about having a close friend who is suffering delusions, but actually, it sounds like your friend was suffering far more from a psychotic condition than a psychopathic one. I use these two specific terms because they are so easily misunderstood from each other. A psychopathic person does not suffer from delusions and is not mentally ill. A psychotic person has suffered a mental breakdown and is mentally ill.

The psychopath has a different brain function. It can be diagnosed definitively based on a brain scan test. When shown pictures of human or animal suffering, the psychopath will demonstrate no change in brain waves, no matter what their outward appearance seems to be. The psychopath is simply a person who feels no remorse for wrongs done and has no empathy for the suffering (or joy) of other humans. It is not mental illness at all.

You are totally right about that. I must have some neurons crossed there! Thank you for bringing this discernment to my attention!

Snowflower Wrote:A discussion about the religious institutions on the planet, and the wrongs committed by those institutions is actually appropriate to include a discussion about psychopaths, because psychopaths are attracted to any position of power and authority over other humans. Religious institutions offer such positions with far less accountability. So, if someone desires to be in a position to hurt others, one of the places they will gravitate toward would be religious institutions. This has been the condition on this planet for the past 5000 years at least - psychopaths who want to hurt use religion to do so.

What I find most curious is not that this has been occurring, but that so many people continue to be "shocked and amazed" when they find out about it. I had thought this much would be obvious by now.

RE: Abrahamic Religions - Snowflower - 01-07-2012

I have a feeling that the world waking up to the manipulation of humans by psychopaths is part of the process of entering the new density. It seems to be impossible to keep secrets anymore, especially when those secrets involve hurting others.

I've managed to glean enough from what you've quoted from Ra's material, as well as what I've read to be thinking that the entities that received the information were positively oriented but that the delivering entities were negatively oriented. Do you happen to know if this applied to Jesus as well as Moses?

RE: Abrahamic Religions - Ankh - 01-13-2012

(01-07-2012, 06:47 PM)Snowflower Wrote: I've managed to glean enough from what you've quoted from Ra's material, as well as what I've read to be thinking that the entities that received the information were positively oriented but that the delivering entities were negatively oriented. Do you happen to know if this applied to Jesus as well as Moses?

About Jesus:

Ra, 17:11 Wrote:This entity was then a Wanderer of no name, of Confederation origins, of fifth* density, representing the fifth-density* understanding of the vibration of understanding or love.

* This should be fourth. Ra corrects the error in the next answer.

Ra, session 17,19 Wrote:Thus the one known as Jesus became aware that there dwelt in him a terrible potential. This entity determined to discover how to use this energy for the good, not for the negative. This entity was extremely positively polarized and remembered more than most Wanderers do.

Ra, session 17:17 Wrote:Questioner: Can you tell me what the Orion group did in order to try to cause his downfall?

Ra: I am Ra. We may describe in general what occurred. The technique was that of building upon other negatively oriented information. This information had been given by the one whom your peoples called “Yahweh.” This information involved many strictures upon behavior and promised power of the third-density, service-to-self nature. These two types of distortions were impressed upon those already oriented to think these thought-forms.

This eventually led to many challenges of the entity known as Jesus. It eventually led to one, sound vibration complex “Judas,” as you call this entity, who believed that it was doing the appropriate thing in bringing about or forcing upon the one you call Jesus the necessity for bringing in the third-density planetary power distortion of third-density rule over others.

This entity, Judas, felt that, if pushed into a corner, the entity you call Jesus would then be able to see the wisdom of using the power of intelligent infinity in order to rule others. The one you call Judas was mistaken in this estimation of the reaction of the entity, Jesus, whose teach/learning was not oriented towards this distortion. This resulted in the destruction of the bodily complex of the one known as Jesus.

About Moses:

Ra, session 16:16 Wrote:Questioner: Was the recipient of the commandments positively or negatively oriented?

Ra: I am Ra. The recipient was one of extreme positivity, thus accounting for some of the pseudo-positive characteristics of the information received. As with contacts which are not successful, this entity, vibratory complex, Moishe, did not remain a credible influence among those who had first heard the philosophy of One and this entity was removed from this third-density vibratory level in a lessened or saddened state, having lost, what you may call, the honor and faith with which he had begun the conceptualization of the Law of One and the freeing of those who were of his tribes, as they were called at that time/space.

Ra, session 16:17 Wrote:Questioner: If this entity was positively oriented, how was the Orion group able to contact him?

Ra: I am Ra. This was an intensive, shall we say, battleground between positively oriented forces of Confederation origin and negatively oriented sources. The one called Moishe was open to impression and received the Law of One in its most simple form. However, the information became negatively oriented due to his people’s pressure to do specific physical things in the third-density planes. This left the entity open for the type of information and philosophy of a self-service nature.

Ra, session 60:18 Wrote:Thus the negative forces were partially successful but the positively oriented Moishe, as this entity was called, gave to your planetary peoples the possibility of a path to the One Infinite Creator which is completely positive.

This is in common with each of your orthodox religious systems which have all become somewhat mixed in orientation, yet offer a pure path to the One Creator which is seen by the pure seeker.

L/L Research about negative greetings:

L/L Research Wrote:It may seem that there is an excessive amount of personal and rather melodramatic material about psychic attack included here. We considered long and hard before deciding not to delete it. Our reason—Ra seems to suggest that any “light worker” will, if successful in this work, attract some sort of negatively-oriented greeting. Therefore, we wish to share our experiences and Ra’s discussion of them, in hopes that the information might be helpful.

The session they speaking of:

Ra, session 75:14 Wrote:Questioner: The instrument would like to know why twice during the “Benedictus” portion of the music she sang in a group concert that she experienced what she believes to be a psychic attack?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not a minor query.[1] We shall first remove the notations which are minor. In the vibrating, which you call singing, of the portion of what this instrument hallows as the Mass which immediately precedes that which is the chink called the “Hosanna” there is an amount of physical exertion required that is exhausting to any entity. This portion of which we speak is termed the “Sanctus.” We come now to the matter of interest.

When the entity Jehoshuah [2] decided to return to the location called Jerusalem for the holy days of its people it turned from work mixing love and wisdom and embraced martyrdom which is the work of love without wisdom.

The “Hosanna,” as it is termed, and the following ”Benedictus,” is that which is the written summation of what was shouted as Jehoshuah came into the place of its martyrdom. The general acceptance of this shout, “Hosanna to the son of David! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” by that which is called the church has been a misstatement, an occurrence which has been, perhaps, unfortunate for it is more distorted than much of the so-called Mass.

There were two factions present to greet Jehoshuah, firstly, a small group of those which hoped for an earthly king. However, Jehoshuah rode upon an ass stating by its very demeanor that it was no earthly king and wished no fight with Roman or Sadducee.

The greater number were those which had been instructed by rabbi and elder to make jest of this entity, for those of the hierarchy feared this entity who seemed to be one of them, giving respect to their laws and then, in their eyes, betraying those time-honored laws and taking the people with it.

The chink for this instrument is this subtle situation which echoes down through your space/time and, more than this, the place the “Hosanna” holds as the harbinger of that turning to martyrdom. We may speak only generally here. The instrument did not experience the full force of the greeting which it correctly identified during the “Hosanna” due to the intense concentration necessary to vibrate its portion of that composition. However, the “Benedictus” in this particular rendition of these words is vibrated by one entity. Thus the instrument relaxed its concentration and was immediately open to the fuller greeting.