11-19-2009, 07:33 PM
Eneary, you said "That said, I can't deny the possibility that this constant use of marijuana connected my mind to my soul much more than I ever had before. In that sense, I see the possibility that the sudden ideas, which came from nowhere, of me running away, did in fact originate from my higher self." Your higher self won't tell you what to do but he will always let you make your choice. Please do not link a thought to a drug, is what I would say.
My cousin wanted to go away too, but I knew in his case that this was just running away from his situation. I can say by my own personal experiences that you'll take your troubles with you wherever you'll go, unless you try to solve it first. If you should decide to go away, try to do this with a clean slate.
Life can be weird sometimes and signs can be so hard to interpretate. I do not believe anymore that coincidence exist, I had my own proof of that. So if everything would already have been written down than this means that any choice you might make, the end result would finally be the same. Every path you choose wil lead to the same point but might take some years before getting there ! That's why it's so important that a decision may not be based on a negative feeling. That's my insight.
My cousin wanted to go away too, but I knew in his case that this was just running away from his situation. I can say by my own personal experiences that you'll take your troubles with you wherever you'll go, unless you try to solve it first. If you should decide to go away, try to do this with a clean slate.
Life can be weird sometimes and signs can be so hard to interpretate. I do not believe anymore that coincidence exist, I had my own proof of that. So if everything would already have been written down than this means that any choice you might make, the end result would finally be the same. Every path you choose wil lead to the same point but might take some years before getting there ! That's why it's so important that a decision may not be based on a negative feeling. That's my insight.