Thank you fairyfarmgirl, I will be sure to read up on intentional communities, they sound like what I've been looking for.
What I meant by insignificants were the things that we do that neither play any role in our physical survival (i.e. clothes, food, shelter) nor do anything to help us along the spiritual road we're on. Specifically, most of the mainstream norms of society. Television, video games, sports (spectating not participating), fashion, fads. Sitting on the couch, watching TV 4 hours a day and then playing Call of Duty another 4 hours does nothing but turn a person into a functional illiterate (as the US congress of 1930 so dubbed We The People).
Another major problem I see is the extremely high, unquestioned pedestal we place science on. It's one thing to have scientific insight, curiosity, and pursuit of new knowledge, but what's going on today is we have "mainstream" science saying "F you, I don't care what you have to say" to anything that even mentions a contradiction with any currently held scientific beliefs.
I'm a very scientific person, I'm in college right now pursuing a degree in Microbiology so that I can become an R & D scientist in Biotechnology. I chose this path because it is extremely interesting to me and I would get the best shot I could get to help the world. You see, for a while, in my mind, ever since I saw a particular scene from Stargate Atlantis, I've had the belief that there's just no good reason why people die (when I say no good reason, I mean that the reason why, the reason exists, is absurd, and has no business being there). Lately though, with all the H1N1 flu vaccine scandals involving contamination with H5N1, and all the other scary crap going on with that, I've been disgusted, because the company making vaccine is Baxter, a biotech company, the same type of company I'd be working for! I want to unlock the biological secret to immortality for all humans to have, and here I'm seeing my future peers pursuing means to end life!
I definitely am going to do some good reading up on these New Age Earth movement communities. I have some very important, vital, insightful skills that can be put to great use. I'm sure they can find something for me to do. I guess that sums it up for me. I just want to live in close proximity, on a daily basis, with people who are looking to accomplish the same thing as me. I just can't stand daily life on campus being bombarded by teachers with their lectures that just don't resonate with me, assaulted mentally by the thoughts and words of fellow students who just don't get it yet.
I want to be able to have an intelligent conversation with someone, face to face, about all this wonderful information, without having to bring them up speed, unless they truly are interested in it. I also could use some time away from the daily battle with my brother, who is a year younger than me. Constantly belittling me because of the way in which I speak and explain things. He constantly concerns himself more with how much I'm saying and not what it is I'm saying. I tell him he really should read up on this information in the Law of One series, but he refuses solely because I constantly talk about it and I'm the one who's suggesting he read it. Whether I'm the reason or he's the reason, I think some significant time apart would be very healthy for us both.
Thank you very much for helping me! Peace, love, and light to all. Adonai, and Namaste.
What I meant by insignificants were the things that we do that neither play any role in our physical survival (i.e. clothes, food, shelter) nor do anything to help us along the spiritual road we're on. Specifically, most of the mainstream norms of society. Television, video games, sports (spectating not participating), fashion, fads. Sitting on the couch, watching TV 4 hours a day and then playing Call of Duty another 4 hours does nothing but turn a person into a functional illiterate (as the US congress of 1930 so dubbed We The People).
Another major problem I see is the extremely high, unquestioned pedestal we place science on. It's one thing to have scientific insight, curiosity, and pursuit of new knowledge, but what's going on today is we have "mainstream" science saying "F you, I don't care what you have to say" to anything that even mentions a contradiction with any currently held scientific beliefs.
I'm a very scientific person, I'm in college right now pursuing a degree in Microbiology so that I can become an R & D scientist in Biotechnology. I chose this path because it is extremely interesting to me and I would get the best shot I could get to help the world. You see, for a while, in my mind, ever since I saw a particular scene from Stargate Atlantis, I've had the belief that there's just no good reason why people die (when I say no good reason, I mean that the reason why, the reason exists, is absurd, and has no business being there). Lately though, with all the H1N1 flu vaccine scandals involving contamination with H5N1, and all the other scary crap going on with that, I've been disgusted, because the company making vaccine is Baxter, a biotech company, the same type of company I'd be working for! I want to unlock the biological secret to immortality for all humans to have, and here I'm seeing my future peers pursuing means to end life!
I definitely am going to do some good reading up on these New Age Earth movement communities. I have some very important, vital, insightful skills that can be put to great use. I'm sure they can find something for me to do. I guess that sums it up for me. I just want to live in close proximity, on a daily basis, with people who are looking to accomplish the same thing as me. I just can't stand daily life on campus being bombarded by teachers with their lectures that just don't resonate with me, assaulted mentally by the thoughts and words of fellow students who just don't get it yet.
I want to be able to have an intelligent conversation with someone, face to face, about all this wonderful information, without having to bring them up speed, unless they truly are interested in it. I also could use some time away from the daily battle with my brother, who is a year younger than me. Constantly belittling me because of the way in which I speak and explain things. He constantly concerns himself more with how much I'm saying and not what it is I'm saying. I tell him he really should read up on this information in the Law of One series, but he refuses solely because I constantly talk about it and I'm the one who's suggesting he read it. Whether I'm the reason or he's the reason, I think some significant time apart would be very healthy for us both.
Thank you very much for helping me! Peace, love, and light to all. Adonai, and Namaste.