(01-14-2009, 02:22 AM)Lavazza Wrote: It'd be great to find a list like that- Maybe I need to start it? From my perspective as a newbie, it can sometimes be really confusing separating the 'legit' from the 'less-than-legit'. Then again, I wouldn't want to be presenting my list as an authority of what is or is not right, so in that sense maybe it's not such a hot idea. Hmmmm...
Hi Lavazza,
Here's a link to a list of "recommended reading" from David Wilcox's DivineCosmos Forum. There are certainly aspects of DC which I love and admire, and I still post there occasionally. Similarly, it has it's warts as well, IMHO. But this list is pretty well "vetted" with respect to LOO, and David is huge proponent of LOO as well.
For what it's worth. As always, please use your discernment as to any souce that does not come from within.
Love and Light,
3D Sunset