10-25-2009, 04:27 AM
(10-24-2009, 09:42 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:Quote:By the way, circling back towards one of your earlier comments, at some point clarification of what distinguishes an adept might be interesting, as well as how to get there and why to bother.
How about this as a possible definition: "one who has regained the full capacity to radiate Love and Light undistorted by personal mis-constructions of identity"
Shazzam!!! Kapow!!! Holy hoisted petard, Bathman!
Oh, I can't believe you did that to me! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...I'm alright now.
Boy, what a way to exemplify the title of a thread! Talk about "amusing yourself with distortions!!" [ha ha]
(10-24-2009, 09:42 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: My argument is two-fold: 1) the way to (re)gain the capacity to radiate Love and Light is to radiate Love and Light, observe the consequences, accept and forgive self and other(s) for any shortcomings, and then do it all over again, doubling and redoubling our dedication, and this isn't something we have to wait to begin.
2) I disagree, to some extent, that our radiation of Love and Light needs to be undistorted. The whole point of incarnation, as I understand it, is to radiate in our own special way. As we continue on the path, our efforts will be more and more in tune with the Original Thought (and hence less and less distorted), but they will always retain our energetic imprint. Otherwise, what's the point?
No argument--but--there's more.
It seems that there are two simultaneous avenues of working, the inner and the outer. What you say above covers well the outer. What about the inner?
Maybe that's where the business of adeptness comes in? Maybe that has to do with the capacity to "do work in consciousness" (whatever that means exactly) inwardly as well as in sphere of outwardly directed consciousness.
Anyhow, I think you might find it more comfortable to see the quote in a larger context, so here's the entire question and the rather loooong answer.
{Note: "These ones in particular" in the question refers to wanders with an energetic profile showing activation in lower chakras, higher chakras, but not so much the heart.}
Quote:J: Can you make suggestions which [could] make easier the polarization of these ones in particular?
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We have perhaps made a modest beginning at suggesting the general strategy for working towards the full integration of wisdom and love. We have talked before about the heart chakra. It is a much misunderstood energy center encompassing two distinct aspects.
It is impossible to make a direct assault upon the closed heart. The heart itself is protected within what this instrument would describe as an outer courtyard. The overarching dome of light that signals the presence of consciousness is gently enswathed in the basilica of the inner heart.
Outside of that sanctum sanctorum is that place where entities come, in all their dirt, to see if they are ready to enter their own heart. The difficulty that entities find when attempting to enter their heart is that they must needs integrate all of their personality shell into that entity which stands at the door and seeks entrance. All entities carry the full 360 degrees of personality. The entire spectrum of light and dark lives and thrives within each spirit sent forth by the one infinite Creator before the world was.
For those who carry that arrogance of wisdom, there is subtle work to be done in emptying the pockets of self. It is lonely and unforgiving work to break yourself open to the point where you can see and acknowledge all of the factors that go into what on the surface is a simple and seamless attitude of confidence and self-knowledge. Nevertheless, this is the task ahead of one who wishes to open his heart.
It is a difficult thing to grasp because there is no cleverness involved in opening the heart. There is only the acknowledgment of the falsehood of any claim that one may wish to make to true wisdom. For wisdom uninformed by love is not stable or balanced, in terms of that lesson which entities such as yourself incarnated in order to balance.
The wiser an entity is, the more narrow his ability to see beyond his own intelligence. The ability to use higher chakras further confuses the issue, because from the viewpoint of manifestation, there seems to be such a likelihood that such powerful knowledge will be useful to the self, to the Creator, and to the planet.
In orienting you and those like you to the actual situation, we would ask each to move back in perspective until there is a broadness that takes in all of the third-density pattern. A pattern involves a choice of how to be and how to serve. In third density, the path to graduation involves a simple choice followed by a series of congruent choices which progressively tune the spirit under such discipline to the point where that spirit is able to surrender to love.
The difficulty is in releasing all of the intelligence and knowledge that is so proudly carried and so skillfully used in the outer manifestations of life on planet Earth.
In order to dig down into the treasure of self, you must break the container that holds all of that pride or arrogance of accomplishment. When you have released this structure, you will find that you are as vulnerable as a tiny kitten, such as the one that is snuggled up against this instrument’s ankle at this moment. Only when you have become as a tiny child, free of the burden of your wisdom, can you at last break the bunker of self-consciousness.
My brother, how deeply and how truly you seek to do that! And yet how clever are the many, many thoughts and strategies that will gladly entrain your intelligence and distract your will. These forces within you do not wish for you to open your heart. They like having full pockets. They do not want you to empty your pockets of these things which, to the surface personality, seem to suggest selfhood. Yet there is a powerful voice within you that says that this is not true consciousness. And you hunger for that.
What is the “I” of a person and of a soul? When consciousness itself is the “I” of you, then shall your heart be free to open and blossom and radiate infinitely. And from that perspective alone shall you at last be able to march from the sanctum sanctorum, fed and strengthened, in full knowledge of who you are for the first time and ready at last to do serious work upon balancing the wisdom which you offered to yourself as a gift and as catalyst.
You seek to wend your way from the penumbra of articulated thought to the daylight of love. We wish you every good fortune in your seeking and we commend you for your awareness of the basic situation.