10-18-2011, 07:30 PM
indigo, purple, bits of green and yellow!
(10-17-2011, 11:11 AM)Daydreamin Wrote: This pic was taken using the SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation) machine I've talked about. It's kind of hard to see but apparently this is what an Idigo/Crystal aura looks like. When it's a crystal aura it can change obviously but from what I know you will see the crystals above and below the body. The pic was taken on a crappy cell phone so it's hard to see but when there is spots around the aura that look sort of like splotches instead of all solid color around the entire aura then those are the crystals. This part of the SCIO program she is clearing his chakra's and cleansing his aura. She told me that w/ this pic it's kind of hard to see but the darker color is indeed an indigo color and at the bottom of the aura by the purple line you can sort of see a white or lighter splotch and that is a crystal. She says that most or everybody's aura normally are solid colors? She's seen probably a thousand or more aura's and claims that she's only seen a few like mine and a few more like my son's.
Now I will say that the lady I go to did this for my son from her house while my son was at my house. It's crazy I know but apparently we all have our "Universal footprint"/"Cosmic footprint". And believe me my intentions are not to make my son an Indigo child or a Crystal but I did want to have his aura checked b/c I've had mine checked and I have a crystal aura. So sometimes when I go it's one color and the next time it'll be a different color. But every time I have numerous "crystals" at the top and bottom of my aura.
So with that said I was just wondering what y'all thought and if any of you have had any experience w/ the SCIO or aura's? I've never had my aura checked by one of those aura cameras but how would that work since I'm allegedly a crystal aura so it changes? The gal I go to is thinking about buying one of the camera's to do some cross referencing as well.
What do y'all think? What color aura does the pic appear to be to you?
Many thanks and lots of love!