Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated 11/18 w/ my aura) - Printable Version

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Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated 11/18 w/ my aura) - Daydreamin - 10-17-2011

This pic was taken using the SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation) machine I've talked about. It's kind of hard to see but apparently this is what an Idigo/Crystal aura looks like. When it's a crystal aura it can change obviously but from what I know you will see the crystals above and below the body. The pic was taken on a crappy cell phone so it's hard to see but when there is spots around the aura that look sort of like splotches instead of all solid color around the entire aura then those are the crystals. This part of the SCIO program she is clearing his chakra's and cleansing his aura. She told me that w/ this pic it's kind of hard to see but the darker color is indeed an indigo color and at the bottom of the aura by the purple line you can sort of see a white or lighter splotch and that is a crystal. She says that most or everybody's aura normally are solid colors? She's seen probably a thousand or more aura's and claims that she's only seen a few like mine and a few more like my son's.

Now I will say that the lady I go to did this for my son from her house while my son was at my house. It's crazy I know but apparently we all have our "Universal footprint"/"Cosmic footprint". And believe me my intentions are not to make my son an Indigo child or a Crystal but I did want to have his aura checked b/c I've had mine checked and I have a crystal aura. So sometimes when I go it's one color and the next time it'll be a different color. But every time I have numerous "crystals" at the top and bottom of my aura.

So with that said I was just wondering what y'all thought and if any of you have had any experience w/ the SCIO or aura's? I've never had my aura checked by one of those aura cameras but how would that work since I'm allegedly a crystal aura so it changes? The gal I go to is thinking about buying one of the camera's to do some cross referencing as well.

What do y'all think? What color aura does the pic appear to be to you?

Many thanks and lots of love!

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - Ruth - 10-17-2011

I have a photo of the auras of our fingers taken of my son, a close friend (male) and mine on polaroid film using some sort of machine. We each put our hand down in a sleeve (to prevent light from reaching the film), then touched the film with our fingertips while the operator allowed an electric charge to pass across. It's called a Kirilian camera. This was in the early 1980's, and I understand the technology has matured significantly since then. I'd, personally, love to have a photo of my aura taken with one of the newer imaging machines. If I can find the old polaroids I'll try to scan and post them.

Love and light!

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - Daydreamin - 10-17-2011

(10-17-2011, 04:09 PM)Ruth Wrote: I have a photo of the auras of our fingers taken of my son, a close friend (male) and mine on polaroid film using some sort of machine. We each put our hand down in a sleeve (to prevent light from reaching the film), then touched the film with our fingertips while the operator allowed an electric charge to pass across. It's called a Kirilian camera. This was in the early 1980's, and I understand the technology has matured significantly since then. I'd, personally, love to have a photo of my aura taken with one of the newer imaging machines. If I can find the old polaroids I'll try to scan and post them.

Love and light!
Ruth, there's a store here in St. Louis that holds a psychic fair the last Sunday every month and they have a photographer that will take your pic for $25 and capture your aura. What I'm getting at is maybe there is one by you perhaps? Or see if anyone offers the SCIO technology and they can tell you. I kind of prefer the machine just b/c I'm a crystal and so mine changes every time I am there except for the crystals above and below my chakra's.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - Ruth - 10-17-2011

I've looked in this area and haven't found anything close - but I intend to watch for the next psychic fair and see if there is someone there who does it.

Do you ever see auras? Just wondering if you feel that the remote picture of your son's aura is accurate? I've done some remote energy work so I can imagine it being correct.

Light and love!

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - Daydreamin - 10-18-2011

Do I see aura's? Well, I'm not sure? For example, sometimes w/ my son it does appear that I can see some sort of 'glow' of a green or purpleish/indigo color. If I had to say yes or no I'd say no though. As for whether the remote treatment worked or not I believe it did and I do believe that the aura pic is accurate. Can I prove it? No. But I 'feel' as if it did work and does work. After she did his first treatment mainly for sleeping issues my son the next couple weeks was taking naps like he ought to be. We went to a sleep specialist as well and it helped as well w/ him sleeping through the night but he was still only taking 20/30 minute naps during the day and he's only 13 months old so he should be taking more like hour to an hour and half long naps. Well, the very next day after the treatment he took his longest nap of his life. it was as a Saturday and I was home as well and my wife and I were literally wondering if he was alright b/c he took a two hour and some change long nap. It's been a little over a month and he's back to shorter naps but not as short. Now they're like 30/45 minute naps instead of 20/30 minute naps. So did it or has it worked? I think it helped but one session probably wasn't enough. My mom has been going the longest and she's seen lots of results. One example is she says that her entire life even when she was a kid she could never really grow her fingernails out but since she's been seeing Emily her nails are growing like crazy.

I can say that when I'm there and getting treated I feel SOOOOOOOOOO grounded!! And when I leave I feel as if I just has a massage and accupuncture and also a good nights sleep. It also seems as if I'm lighter.....not sure how to explain it?

Also, if you'd like I could ask the gal I go to w/ the SCIO if she'd do a session for you? She's treated my sister who is is Seville, Spain currently and has other customers around the country. She even treated my son from her house while he was home at our house. After multiple sessions with her I can safely say that she is a lot like us and her story is amazing! She actually is a cancer survivor and says that she healed herself as a child by thought. If Indigo's are real, then she's an Indigo much like my sister and I have Crystal aura's and my son has a Indigo/Crystal aura.

I 'feel' as if this technology is the same concept used for healing w/ the pyramids. I will continue to check this thread so let me know if you're interested. I could possibly see if she would do the first session for free for some of you b/c she is looking for some new customers. She's losing some of her customers b/c the treatments have been WORKING!!

The cool thing is that it's not really New Age technology. Rather Old Age w/ a New Age twist.


RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - JeiaRaManuk - 10-18-2011

indigo, purple, bits of green and yellow!
(10-17-2011, 11:11 AM)Daydreamin Wrote: This pic was taken using the SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation) machine I've talked about. It's kind of hard to see but apparently this is what an Idigo/Crystal aura looks like. When it's a crystal aura it can change obviously but from what I know you will see the crystals above and below the body. The pic was taken on a crappy cell phone so it's hard to see but when there is spots around the aura that look sort of like splotches instead of all solid color around the entire aura then those are the crystals. This part of the SCIO program she is clearing his chakra's and cleansing his aura. She told me that w/ this pic it's kind of hard to see but the darker color is indeed an indigo color and at the bottom of the aura by the purple line you can sort of see a white or lighter splotch and that is a crystal. She says that most or everybody's aura normally are solid colors? She's seen probably a thousand or more aura's and claims that she's only seen a few like mine and a few more like my son's.

Now I will say that the lady I go to did this for my son from her house while my son was at my house. It's crazy I know but apparently we all have our "Universal footprint"/"Cosmic footprint". And believe me my intentions are not to make my son an Indigo child or a Crystal but I did want to have his aura checked b/c I've had mine checked and I have a crystal aura. So sometimes when I go it's one color and the next time it'll be a different color. But every time I have numerous "crystals" at the top and bottom of my aura.

So with that said I was just wondering what y'all thought and if any of you have had any experience w/ the SCIO or aura's? I've never had my aura checked by one of those aura cameras but how would that work since I'm allegedly a crystal aura so it changes? The gal I go to is thinking about buying one of the camera's to do some cross referencing as well.

What do y'all think? What color aura does the pic appear to be to you?

Many thanks and lots of love!

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - cosmica - 10-18-2011

Is that like an overlay?

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - Daydreamin - 10-19-2011

(10-18-2011, 07:45 PM)cosmica Wrote: Is that like an overlay?
Not sure what you mean?

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - yossarian - 10-19-2011

Where are the crystals in the picture? I can't see what you mean by crystals

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - Daydreamin - 10-19-2011

(10-19-2011, 03:05 PM)yossarian Wrote: Where are the crystals in the picture? I can't see what you mean by crystals
She says that when it's a crystal aura you'll see what is a 'break' in the coloring. Next time I will try to remember to take a pic of my aura where they show up a little better. But at the bottom where it appears a bit 'splotchy' are the crystals. He doesn't have any at the top which is why the color is one solid color. If there were any 'crystals' at the top of his aura there would be a break in the indigo color. Before she started the cleansing of the aura she said there was more indigo coloring in his aura as well.

When she cleanses my aura which is what she was doing during this pic my aura each time is a different color usually and it'll be solid coloring except for above and below my aura. One time my entire aura except for the crystals was completely green. Another time it had a bunch of red in it but only one time did it have red. But each time there's the 'splotches' or breaks in the color above and below my aura. Last time was the first time that my aura was almost completely whitish-crystal color.

She also clears my chakra's as well while I'm there!

She is trained to use this technology and I am not. I am only going by what she's told me and I've brought it here to share to see if any of you may be able to confirm the validity.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura - 3DMonkey - 10-19-2011

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Daydreamin - 11-04-2011

So yesterday I was treated again. Attached is a pic of my aura after it was cleansed. B/c of the lighting it's harder to see the crystal on the top but the white-ish/blue-ish circle on the bottom is a crystal. Normally it's not quite so circular but yesterday it was. My son's as you can see isn't nearly as viewable. Since I have a crystal aura it changes all the time and I should of been taking a pic every time but I normally leave my phone in the car b/c of the EMF smog.(whether it's legit or not I don't want to risk it messing w/ my treatment.) But I'll try to remember to take a pic each time (I go every three weeks) so you can see how it changes.

Anyway, I thought I'd share and wish one of you out there would try out the SCIO machine that I've mentioned. I've found it to be very helpful.

Sidenote: I brought in a piece of orgone yesterday to show the gal that treats me and she was amazed by the energy she could feel from it.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Oceania - 11-04-2011

i want to do that.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Ruth - 11-04-2011


I was thinking about you and your son very early this morning. Is he sleeping better? I'm glad you posted the picture, and hope you'll keep posting each time.

As for the EMF - that is a valid concern, cell phones do put out a great deal of EMF.

And when you say orgon, do you mean orgonite? I've never heard of it, but found this when I googled it (besides it being the name of a band).

Love and light!

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Daydreamin - 11-04-2011

Thanks Ruth!

He's was doing great for a few weeks and it almost seemed like it wore off? So, she said yesterday that she'd treat him that night so I'm actually excited to see how he naps the next few days. You have to understand that my son is a ball of energy. He goes to a kids day out and they tell us how he just never ever stops going compared to the rest of the kids and we tell them we know b/c he's the same way at home. Lil' man has a ton of energy and was only taking two 20-30 minute naps/day since he was born. After she treated him the first time the following weeks he was taking hour and half to two hour naps. Which is why I am excited to see if it works again like last time.

As for the phones and EMF I actually feel as if it's 100% true and in fact I never ever turn on my wi-fi on my iPhone and for a long time had a piece of black tourmaline and smoky quartz taped to the back of it. Then my wife bought me a Mizzou phone case for my birthday and I took them off so I don't cover up the logo. But very soon I will put the rocks back on the phone. I will tell you that my wife does not believe in nearly the stuff that I do but will admit that when she has a piece of black tourmaline taped to her phone it works better/smoother and I would agree w/ her.

As for the orgone/organite yes, your link is an example and I would suggest you look into it yourself and I believe you'll see that it is real and it does work. I have some in both of our cars, by our water heater, electric box, one in each corner of my property, one by each t.v, one in my freezer (and yes sometimes my ice cubes have CRAZY patterns in them and no it never happened before to my knowledge that I ever noticed.), etc. I also have two of the Holy Hand Grenades that have some crystals in them.

I also put a few pieces of black tourmaline on the back of my tv's and my 42" LED one ends up forming some type of a white hard powdery substance after being by the tv for a period of time. It's rather strange to say the least. I also have some black tourmaline spread throughout my house where I feel as if it was needed.

And I will say that even my wife after only a month or so of the orgone/orgonite and cystals asked me if I felt that they where working b/c we were both in much better moods on a daily basis and I just smiled! B/c I'm the open minded one who tries out this stuff and will give it a chance where she's very much skeptical so when she admitted to it working I was very happy!

FYI, do not expect overnight miracles w/ crystals or orgonite but do expect it to help whether you know it or not. However, I suggest that you do not take my advice and instead research it yourself to find out the benefits.
(11-04-2011, 10:17 AM)Oceania Wrote: i want to do that.

Oceania, I could ask her about treating you remotely and see if she'd do it free the first time? She may or may not I don't know. I know that she does already treat people in other states just like she's treated my son remotely and has never met him. The technology is fairly new in the sense that it's not very popular yet.

The technology is actually ancient technology which is very cool to me. I will tell you that when I leave there after being treated I feel as if I'm 'lighter' and sort of feel like I just had accupuncture as well. It's cool b/c the machine will tell you what your subconcious wants you to work on. Yesterday for example, it worked on my eyes, my nerves, and a few other things.

Message me if you'd like for me to inquire about her possibly treating you.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Ruth - 11-04-2011

Thank you, Daydreamin! I have had tinnitis since I got my newest smart phone and I believe 100% that the tinnitis has been caused by the EMF of the phone. I'm careful to use speaker phone, or a headset and not hold the phone to my head. But I plan to try making these orgonites! In fact, I'm headed to Wal-Mart today to see if they really have the stuff mentioned in the article I posted.

As for your son, mine was the same way. He didn't sleep through the night until he was 3 years old, and then his night wasn't very long. He rarely took more than a 20 minute nap at any time during the day. He was very fussy and had terrible tummy troubles until he was about 6 weeks old. After that, he was just awake and "busy". He is still that way and he's in his 30s. My challenge was helping him learn how to use his energy to help others, without making him feel negative about himself. He's very good at it now, very helpful to others, and he's also an excellent father to his child, who is also very high energy. You and your sweet wife will certainly be in my thougts as your high energy son raises you! LOL!

Keep us posted, Daydreamin!

Light and love!

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Daydreamin - 11-04-2011

Thanks Ruth! And there are 'stickers' you can buy that are supposed to cut down on the EMF from cell phones that you can put on the back of your phone so it's not so bulky. I have never broke down and bought one but I will be applying another piece of black tourmaline to the back very soon. I've always wondered why airlines make people put their cell phones on airplane mode or turn them off before there was airplane mode and I believe it has something to do w/ the EMF. Whether it's so it doesn't mess w/ the planes signals or what I don't know but there is always a reason for everything. A cheap way to combat the EMF is black tourmaline that you can find locally I'm sure. Look for any metaphysical type store or a store that sells crystals. I've even seen them at flea markets where people sell all types of crystals.

If you are making some orgonite you can also add crystals to it as well. Are you familiar w/ crystals? A lot of people put rose quartz or some form of quartz in their orgonite and other gemstones that they 'feel' will work. I've learned that it really is all about what 'feels' right and we all need to listen to our intuition. So don't add crystals if you don't 'feel' the need.

I will try and remember to take some pics of my orgonite pieces and Holy Hand Grenades. If you need the metal shavings to make it then ebay is a good place to find the material as well.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Ruth - 11-04-2011

I found some black tourmaline today at Michaels craft store in the beads department. It will be easy to apply one (I got some flat square beads) to my phone and plan to make a necklace and bracelet to wear as well. After shopping around to price supplies for making the orgonite, I think it will be easiest if I just find a place to buy some already made.

Yes! I use crystals in conjunction with Reiki healing. The instructions on the link I posted earlier mention placing quartz crystal in each orgonite piece, and that feels right to me.

I'd love to see a photo of your orgonite.

Thanks again for the information!

Love & light!

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - BrownEye - 11-05-2011

(11-04-2011, 02:29 PM)Daydreamin Wrote: I've learned that it really is all about what 'feels' right and we all need to listen to our intuition. So don't add crystals if you don't 'feel' the need.

You have to have a clear quartz in the orgonite or it becomes what is called an accumulator, which can accumulate DOR and be very unhealthy around people.

Any other quartz can be added for specific "flavor" or vibration.

But clear quartz is important.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Daydreamin - 11-07-2011

hmmmm.....never knew that about the quartz pickle.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Oceania - 11-07-2011

remember to clean your crystals before using them. especially flea market crystals that are used. Tongue

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated w/ my aura) - Daydreamin - 11-08-2011

The flea market gemstones actually aren't used. But yes all crystals should be cleansed and programmed when you first get them.

RE: Picture of My Son's Aura (Updated 11/18 w/ my aura) - Daydreamin - 11-18-2011


.jpg   before.JPG (Size: 63.52 KB / Downloads: 9)


.jpg   after.JPG (Size: 57.32 KB / Downloads: 9)

Went yesterday and here's my latest aura pic.

I took one before she clensed my aura and an after as well. The dark colors that appear blackish are actually a dark purple/indigoish color. The before pic has the red circle in the top left corner and you can see the crystal at the bottom which is the white circle. B/c I have a crystal aura what you see in the top left is me picking and retaining someone else's aura. It's hard to explain but this is the 'empathy' part. Having a crystal aura every single time I go it's completely different. I wish I'd of taken pics from the first visit.

In the after pic she says that the crystals are more spread out which is why on the bottom is appears splotchy. She says that the crystals are now more spread out and that normally a persons aura is solid colors and doesn't appear like that.

She also checked my pineal gland as well and good news! It's open! She said it needed about five minutes of work to open it. So while she was doing it I could totally feel a warm fuzzy feeling on the front side of my body and it felt good/positive. Then I told her that I couldn't feel it as much and she looked at her computer and said that's b/c it just finished.