(09-04-2009, 01:14 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The idea was presented only as a suggestion, as a possibilityAnd an extremely interesting suggestion it is. An excellent topic. It may potentially lead to as interesting of a discovery, speculation, or logical conclusion.
Monica Wrote:Since you disagree that it's a possible explanation, I would welcome any alternative suggestions you might have. (Please post them on the Oahspe thread.). ... Until/unless some more plausible ideas are offered, I shall continue to personally keep the idea on the shelf as a possibility.Since this is more in keeping with the Confederation thread, albeit a development of the Oahspe, I wonder if it is far more simple and elegant than complicated to suggest that the answer may be right under our noses as an alternative in reasoning: The Guardians allow only a dripling, if any, STS through the field of our Quarantine for the reasons of balance, given the overabundance of STS already present, that otherwise the balance would tend towards overly biased STS. Were the case thus reversed, e.g. as in a more STS planet in the next galaxy, it might as likely have the same effect of allowing a dripling of STO through to prevent the same forestalling of 3D. The Guardians thus in our reversed overly abundant STS scenario are then in the position of disallowing more STS through by quarantine, but "perhaps" drips nonetheless get through as in the Oahspe example nonetheless. If they disallowed STS in entirety, or if STS were not as overly abundant here as to be prevented from penetrating, it would then have the reverse effect of creating our 3D as overly STO. Balance must be maintained in order to play the game to gather the eggs of the lessons.
It raises the interesting question that our bemoaning our fate here in 3D with its mired and murky "shiteness" all about us everywhere in money, politics, friend, neighbor, etc etc, is the very blessing of the reason for being here in this whacky wonderful painful exhilarating confusing enlightening groggy dream.
Thus in a sense Monica, you've been intuitively correct in the assumption that STS is allowed through, or that it simply gets through, but only in drips as a result of it being so abundant in any case, this through random penetration naturally, or even by allowance, but not as a result of it being "passed by the Council" given the overly abundant penchant of STS in our culture already. It is balanced by the Guardians in time/space vs passed by the Council, given STS is somewhat more natural to our present space/time. Thus is the necessary tension needed to maintain homeostasis through the maintaining and moderating necessary for balance, this in lessons for growth, less there would be no catalyst. It may be as simple as that vesres overly complicated.
Have we penetrated a truth by means of the dichotomy of catalyst necessary to get there?