(09-03-2009, 06:17 PM)Quantum Wrote: In any event, it still seems likely that the whole of the Council carries the day vs a subset, less the Council be divided in their mission. This does not seem reasonable or plausible.
Monica Wrote:Divided in their mission?[/i] How does recognizing the Oneness of the higher densities make them divided in their mission? I don't see it that way at all. Each density has its own characteristics and its own tasks. Recognizing that the lower density complexes still enjoy polarity while the higher ones don't, does not make them divided.I am seeing the Council functioning in "congruency" verses in "subset division" which is what makes any Council a council. As you have stated, "beyond polarity" as regards the Council is simply a speculation, but it is one worthy of consideration. I am suggesting as such, that if it is worthy of discussion, that any Council would be in full agreement verses a subset of a council acting "beyond polarity" carrying out a decision not mandated by the full consent of the whole said council.
(09-03-2009, 06:17 PM)Quantum Wrote: Careful. We do not know with certainty that portions of the council are beyond polarity. All we may speculate is that the "Guardians" are beyond polarity. The Ra quote in the previous posts offered several times seem to contradict this sentiment quite effectively in any event, and as given by Ra with humor implied. It might be helpful were you to provide a Ra quote that contradicts the answer Ra offered.
Monica Wrote:I am referring to mid-6D and beyond. I'm puzzled as how you don't see them as being beyond polarity.I do see this. This is self evident. I can not however see that smaller faction of a larger faction of varying densities would act in subset division, given that the greater majority are "not beyond polarity" and as such a Council is only a council if it acts in mandate as a full council.
Monica Wrote:Ra is not referring to physical warfare, but to the finer conflicts that occur when polarities collide. I know there are other quotes that discuss how STS entities cannot evolve any further as STS beyond mid-6D, and all is coalesced back into Oneness. That is what I am referring to by 'beyond polarity.I understand and agree to the definition of beyond polarity. But it goes back to the same issue of a council being a council only if it acts in concert as ONE. Thus the "beyond polarity faction" of said council would not pass something "apart from the whole of the council" which by the quotes regarding said council being comprised of lessor densities as well could not pass something as though "without or beyond polarity". See?
(09-03-2009, 06:17 PM)Quantum Wrote: I'm open to delving further into your speculative assumption that STO might offer STS assistance, but it seems there is a clear stated bias based on the Ra quote of "not likely."
Monica Wrote:those who are beyond polarity serve both STO and STS....May I suggest that you let go of the idea of polarity-based agendas. Beyond polarity, there is no such agenda. All is ONE. All are served....this allowance is coming from the higher density that is mixed-polarity and who serve without regard to polarity.I see your point clearly. I even suggested the same in my previous post. Please refer back to it towards the end. But the gist of the point lies to the Council as a whole. This does not lend itself to "a Council" as much as it would to a "subset of the Council". Ergo this is not a Council. It is to the principle of "The Council" passing information verses those members alone "beyond polarity" passing information. Thats the difference and point.
(09-03-2009, 02:24 PM)Quantum Wrote: I would offer that being beyond polarity would be defined as such, i.e. they have no polarity considerations, i.e. whether STO or STS, and as such offer only whatever it is they have to offer from a non-polarized consideration, notwithstanding that they have a "strong bias" towards STO. But in no manner imho would they pass STS information as a consequence.
Monica Wrote:This sounds like a contradiction to me. If they are offering whatever it is they offer, with no regard to polarity, then it seems unreasonable to me to then say none of it could ever be utilized by STS.We are making progress. They wouldn't pass it without the Council as a whole. It is the Council that passes information, not those beyond mid sixth as a subset. See? They imho have no consideration STS or STO. But they would nonetheless imho act in concert with the Council as opposed.
(09-03-2009, 06:17 PM)Quantum Wrote: Quarantine holes and passing STS information I might speculate are two wholly different conversations and thought processes altogether, and as such that the allowance of the one does not transfer as same to suggest an allowance of the other.
Monica Wrote:Just because the mechanism is different does not necessarily mean that the principle is different. It is to the principle of which I speak, not the mechanism.My point is that "quarantine is wholly a Guardian Principle". "Passing information is wholly a Council Principle." It would seem they are not at all the same given the Guardians are in fact not even from our/Ra's octave, but are from the next Great Octave, which suggests they are beyond anything even Ra dares not plumb the understanding thereof.
I am curious as to what you think as regards my last closing statement as refards the Ra quote vis-a-vis your interetsing question of passing possible STS information?
Loo Wrote:Ra: I am Ra. This is partially correct. In effect, the balancing allows an equal amount of positive and negative influx, this balanced by the mind/body/spirit distortions of the social complex. Thus in your particular planetary sphere, less negative, as you would call it, information or stimulus is necessary than positive due to the somewhat negative orientation of your social complex distortion.I am speculating they (the Guardians) who have the duty of quarantine have nothing to do with the lessor concerns of "passing or not passing" information as much as they do to stand above the Council as a back up from beyond, this as given by Ra. Note further the quote bolded above "Thus in your particular planetary sphere, less negative, as you would call it, information or stimulus is necessary than positive due to the somewhat negative orientation of your social complex distortion" would also seem to effectively answer your question of passing (STS) negative information in as much as negativity sadly apparently needs no assistance in our culture. Sad but true. Thus it seems that both the quarantine and passing information question is satisfactorily answered by this Ra quote.
By the way, I'm not at all seeing this as what you are concerned to as becoming a heated debate as much as I am loving the very lively, explorative and interesting question posed by you. Its quite thought provoking. I full well understand you are speculating verses making definitive statements. I am engaging you by citing the Ra quotes, which seems to be the point of any of our discussions, this towards a fuller understanding by challenging one another (as in playing together) to be better, or understand deeper, this to sharpen our wits with respect to what has been offered by the Ra source. In any discussion there almost needs be a challenge/play dynamic verses full agreement in order to assist the discussions impetus. I think we're doing a great job. Its what we're here for. Given the differing opinions, there will never be a doctrine. In that spirit, lets keep asking and challenging the questions and playing with our growth.