08-19-2009, 11:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2011, 12:23 AM by Whitefeather.)
Quote:Metamorpheus Wrote: Do you think that some of the points are inaccurate? Maybe your understanding of worldly STO-ness differs from my own? Let's share practical advice!
Hi Metamorpheus,
Thank you for sharing your points. These are interesting and good starting points.
Sharing practical advice, I could not help but notice your choice of wording, such as :... Avoid..., try to..., refrain from..., resist..., avoid (again).... And then I pondered about the reasons behind your creation of these words and rules. It all seems like a fight somehow.
In your list of rules, I missed the creation of 'feelings', of 'embracing' life, of 'enjoying' the presence of otherselves, of 'laughing', of 'loving', of 'forgiving', etc., in brief, of having a happy time here on our beautiful Earth in relation to the activity of all chakras.
The creation of positive feelings (rather than 'objective' rules) are certainly the 'main stream ' of STO-ness since positive feelings are of the radiant path.
There is a couple of useful little questions to ask oneself from time to time during our walk in life, and these are:
''Am I living in opposition to myself or am I living in agreement with myself?''
''Who am I?''
''What is it that I truly want?''
''If I could create all I wanted, what would that be?''
I would like to quote Sos
(08-19-2009, 11:56 AM)sos Wrote: Hi Metamorpheus. ...The primary problem that I have with it is that all of this has to do with rules/strictures on behavior. I do not think one can be harvested by following simple codes of conduct. I believe Ra made it clear that a profound inner transformation must occur. In my opinion, this must occur as an act of Grace and is a gift from the Creator. What I'm saying is that there will be a fundamental change of the heart. ...God Bless.
I agree here! Well said, Sos!
Metamorpheus, wouldn't you say that STO is first of all, a connection to the heart, in alignment to the radiant energy of the heart?
STS would definitely by-pass the heart (green-ray), we know that. There is an enlightenment STS where the heart connection has been by-passed.
I would like very much if you could elaborate your position regarding your list versus the heart chakra activity. I mean as an exercise and, if you are interested in doing so, of course.
(Qu'o 2009 May 09)''You are not building a stairway to heaven. You are spiraling into the light of truth. As you go, you are learning to love yourself and others and the Creator. You are learning to accept love from yourself, from others, and from the Creator.../...You are here to love. The rules are simple. In each challenging piece of catalyst there is that thread of truth, “I am here to love. I am here to trust. I am here to gain the insight that all is well''.../...set your intention to love and serve the Creator by loving and serving the best in all that you see—yourself, others, the world around you.../..However, in the process of being a loving and compassionate person, you shall inevitably discover that there are those things for which you would wish to be forgiven. And so that loving heart of yours opens and says, “Please forgive me.” Most importantly, in terms of karma, rather, that loving heart opens towards the self and you are able to forgive yourself.../... It is often far easier to forgive others than to forgive the self. Therefore, as you discover within yourself those suspicions that you may have karma with another and that you wish to stop the wheel of karma, remember that in addition to forgiving the other, .../... it is crucial always to forgive yourself.”
Thank you for your posting and, take care
Love and Light