Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Printable Version

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Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Metamorpheus - 08-19-2009

Hello everyone,

I recently completed an article for my website entitled 'Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation,' which offers pointers on how to be in greater alignment with (my perception of) the STO ideal. I am really interested in hearing everyone's opinion.

Do you think that some of the points are inaccurate? Maybe your understanding of worldly STO-ness differs from my own? Let's share practical advice!

- Avoid loyalties to secret societies or occult orders. Even if we overlooked the often distorted and sinister knowledge such societies impart, their secrecy and compartmentalisation is internally and externally divisive, and thus incompatible with a path whose advancement demands universal embrace. Furthermore, few major orders remain uncorrupted by the Family, and few minor orders lack cultic qualities.

- Befriend only those who are kind, trustworthy and generous. If our current friends lack these values, then remember that the world is our reflection. When we cultivate virtue in ourselves, friends of questionable character will gradually diminish – or even depart altogether – from our realities. The maxim, ‘keep your friends close and your enemies close,’ is fallacious; self-serving forces already influence the world, and therefore us, enough. If we require one as a catalyst, the universe will orchestrate its arrival. Also, we must not despair because we cannot meet like-minded people. Few non-wanderers have awoken to the global conspiracy, and fewer still frame it with a metaphysical emphasis. Cyberspace cannot amend our physical need for others, but it can remind us that we are not alone.

- Remain open to the requests of others. Many people misinterpret ‘serving others’ as going out of their way to help anyone, but doing so results in violations of free will and the possible interference of important lessons. Instead, let others come to us. They can do so through grosser means (a friend seeking our advice), or through subtler and gestural means. If you are unsure whether a person crying alone on the street will welcome aid, consider approaching her and gently asking if all is well. While she may have been attacked and in need of care, she may have simply separated from a partner (or something equally insignificant) and wishes to be alone. We should assess the situation in a detached, objective manner, and never assume that the perceived level of pain corresponds with the severity of its catalyst.

- Prejudice evidences ignorance of oneness. Even if scientists unequivocally proved that one gender or race were superior to another, the equality of souls remains unaffected by this revelation. Thus, from a broader perspective, such a mentality is inherently vain and serves only to fuel societal dissonance.

- Try to cultivate, or maintain, an optimistic attitude. This can be difficult, especially for those who have incarnated from more harmonious and loving densities and who are unaccustomed to prevailing hatred and confusion. From my experience, the key to cultivating or maintaining a positive attitude is to look beyond the persona of a person and to acknowledge the soul within. Become habituated to viewing others as expressions of the Source, rather than fallible, biological actors in a production they chose to forget. Once we have understood, at least intellectually, the difference between the persona and the soul, we will see that it is normal and even acceptable to dislike someone. Problems only arise when we openly emphasise our dislike, or when our dislike extends towards their spiritual nature.

- Refrain from stinginess! We are manipulated to believe that money purchases survival, and that hoarding money guarantees longer survival. But this attitude not only jars with our true nature, it also impedes our experience and understanding of the metaphysical laws governing generosity. Offer money freely, knowing that, in accordance with the Law of Attraction and the Law of Karma, our input correlates with our output. But we must also practice discernment. For example, would it be wise to offer change to a beggar whose face is reddened by drinking? Maybe it would be better to save it for a beggar whose intentions are less destructive.

- Resist exploiting the Law of Attraction for personal gain. This is not the same as maintaining an optimistic attitude or cultivating generosity. Exploiting the law means actively attempting to conjure something (for example, a car, girlfriend, money, world peace, etc.) into our reality through visualisation. Doing so not only evokes our self-serving faculties, but also cotton-buds our reality with subjective distortions that can compromise our preincarnative goals. Besides, no amount of visualisation will conjure something that transgresses the boundaries that our lifeplan established. If we intended a life of abject poverty, we will never manifest a fortune in riches. We always possess the tools required to complete our intended work; further conjurations only distract us from, or becloud our conviction in, this truth.

- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and other poisons that only affirm, sustain and display our unhappiness, rather than heal it. Inebriation and certain altered states also attract STS forces, which consider cognitive relinquishment an invitation for influence or even possession.

- Avoid eating animals of any kind, and view battery farms and free-range farms as two methods towards the same outcome. It is unfortunate that we cannot avoid eating plants also, but vegetarianism and veganism are the closest we can come to dietetic altruism in third density. Until Codex Alimentarius is instigated, organic health supplements and tinctures can remedy nutritional imbalance. Remember also that flies and other small insects are still extensions of the Source, and although we can take away their life, we cannot give it back.

- Consider a reduction in sexual activity. All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure. Total celibacy is not essential but recommended, because sexual energy nourishes negative entities.

- Acknowledge the difference between electrochemical attraction (all forms of worldly love) and unconditional love. A basic intellectual understanding of this suffices, and graduation does not require a rejection of romantic relationships. But we should avoid dating anyone who feels ‘incomplete’ without another person, and who believes that a union will invite wholeness. Sadly, such personas are legion, and energetically imbalanced relationships seem to outnumber complementary relationships threefold. But the latter do exist, and if you approach relationships with the intention to contribute rather than to take, then one might find you.

- We should become informed in sacred and esoteric disciplines, and forget the fabrications indoctrinated into us from academia. Always remember that our level of free will and awareness correlates with our level of knowledge; just as happiness borne of worldly possessions is a false wealth, so bliss borne of worldly ignorance is a false nirvana.

- Once informed, we should share our knowledge with others. We can achieve this either through direct means (conversation and public addresses), or indirect means (the Internet and writing). Although discussing esoteric material with ‘left brain prisoners’ and sceptics often seems futile, we will plant seeds in their subconscious that will gradually germinate when the Orwellian state, and the vibrational transformation, become undeniable.

- Understand that seeking total escape from the challenges ahead is an inherently selfish act, especially when our knowledge will assist others during their manifestation. Many aspirant escapees rationalise their intents by stating that they need to work upon themselves before they can help others, without realising that disorder and ‘negativity’ provide the greatest catalysts for their self-development. Conscious isolation from all catalysts is a formula for stagnation, and often bears similar fruits to misanthropy. When the global economies start to implode, when the microchip enters the headlines, when the North American Union is imposed, when the holographic extraterrestrial landing is orchestrated – this is when we must stand amongst others and expose the official stories, not flee them in search of an unattainable security.

- Seek the most ethical daytime job available. As long as self-serving entities rule the world, full-time work is a toxic reality few can escape. Although we would love to support ourselves through research and creativity, our world is engineered to ignore or ridicule worthwhile pursuits, and extol destructive system serving. In this context, knowledge protects us from unwitting social harm. How many schoolteachers, doctors and journalists, for example, would keep their jobs if they witnessed, from a higher spiritual platform, the consequences of their influence?

- We must confront and respond to STS acts with greater detachment, because our anxiety and hatred only fuel their perpetuation. The truly STO being sees no more ‘good’ in an act of murder than in an act of generosity, and only the ongoing interaction between one potential lesson and another. Words of judgement such as ‘evil,’ ‘mistake’ and ‘luck’ are hollow to him, and have long departed his vernacular. He understands that everything is how it should be and will be, and that the only difference between a guru and an apprentice, or the Holocaust and the Renaissance, is that of perspective.

- We must be true to ourselves, and live as genuine a life as possible. Realise that when others speak of the weather, or sports, or fashion, or supermarket prices, or something equally vacuous, they are ultimately masking their inner pain, their overweening inauthenticity. People do almost anything to avoid gazing inwards and addressing their accumulated hurt, and absolutely anything to avoid sharing it with others. Most fourth density positive candidates cannot heal others directly, but we can demonstrate the path towards healing – and the noblest step is to show others, by example, the verity of a life defined by optimism, spiritual awareness and altruism.

- Finally, we must be a little more considerate of others in our daily life. This might include remaining quiet when others are asleep, sitting at the rear of the bus so that others have less distance to walk, or even accepting the uncomfortable chair so that our acquaintance can enjoy the nicer one. These considerations might seem slight and insignificant, but their value is appraised by intention rather than impact, and they help us to cultivate a continuously altruistic mindset that, ultimately, inspires reciprocation.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - βαθμιαίος - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure.

This part directly contradicts the information given by Ra through L/L Research.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - sos - 08-19-2009

Hi Metamorpheus. Your post was very interesting. I found myself agreeing with much of it while disagreeing with much of it as well. For example, I have never had a personal inclination to become a vegetarian. I see nothing wrong with it, but I doubt that I'll ever try it. And sex being STS? Come on! It depends on how it's approached
The primary problem that I have with it is that all of this has to do with rules/strictures on behavior. I do not think one can be harvested by following simple codes of conduct. I believe Ra made it clear that a profound inner transformation must occur. In my opinion, this must occur as an act of Grace and is a gift from the Creator. What I'm saying is that there will be a fundamental change of the heart. Buddhism calls it enlightenment. It occurs as a result of surrendering the ego.
God Bless.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Lavazza - 08-19-2009

Greetings Metamorpheus,

I appreciate your compilation of these bits of advice, but ultimately I think that each entity has their own unique path of service. I also strongly believe that right/wrong and good/evil are products of humanity rather than divinity, thus each individual is apt to label / define each experience differently from her neighbor. In that sense compiling a list of what to do or not to do may be ill founded, however well intended.

Love and Light,

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - thr33tim3 - 08-19-2009

Hi Metamorpheous,

I enjoyed your list and resonated with pretty much all of it, so it was a nice confirmation to observe that behavior I have instinctively gravitated towards also fits someone else's definition of STO-oriented behavior. Some concepts, like veganism, have become less important to me in the past year or so, whereas I was vegan for about three years, but I suspect diet changes come and go a lot if you follow your intuition. I've had more than a couple people tell me not to be so "hard on myself", so I think its important not to be too strict/uptight, and remember that everyone has their own unique path.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Monica - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 11:49 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:
(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure.

This part directly contradicts the information given by Ra through L/L Research.

This definitely contradicts the info regarding sexuality from Confederation sources. There are many references to sexuality in the Law of One, and emphasis is placed on balanced energy transfer. Only if the transfer is based solely in the root chakra would the sexual sharing be based on physical pleasure, and even then, I don't recall ever seeing that described as being STS, although such a limited energy transfer might attract STS motivations. In other words, a limited transfer (ie., based on the lower chakras only) are more conducive to exploitation by STS entities, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are inherently STS. A couple could have an energy transfer based on the lower chakras and would miss out on the higher energies, but not necessarily be controlling/dominating or harming each other.

Blockages in the lower chakras can manifest in STS perversions, yes, and the Law of One does provide much info on this. But, even then, this is due to the blockage, not the sexual energy itself.

Conversely, the Law of One made it very clear that energy exchange in the higher chakras activated love ie. STO energies. In addition, Q'uo has stated that sexuality was given to us as a gift, to remind us of higher consciousness. Also, Carla was told that loving sex was nurturing for her, thus implying that the same might be true for all of us.

It really depends on the intentions of the participants and whether the chakras are open or not.

I think there is much room for discussion of various opinions on your points, but it's also important to point out what the Law of One says about this very important topic.

Here is just a small excerpt of the rich information available to us from our Confederation friends:

31.1 Questioner: I have a question that the instrument has asked me to ask. It reads: You speak of various types of energy blockages and transfers, positive and negative, that may take place due to participation in our sexual reproductive complex of actions. Could you please explain these blockages and energy transfers with emphasis upon what an individual who is seeking to be in accordance with the Law of One may positively do in this area? Is it possible for you to answer this question?

Ra: I am Ra. It is partially possible, given the background we have laid. This is properly a more advanced question. Due to the specificity of the question we may give a general answer.

The first energy transfer is red ray. It is a random transfer having to do only with your reproductive system.

The orange and the yellow ray attempts to have sexual intercourse create, firstly, a blockage if only one entity vibrates in this area, thus causing the entity vibrating sexually in this area to have a never-ending appetite for this activity. What these vibratory levels are seeking is green ray activity. There is the possibility of orange or yellow ray energy transfer; this being polarizing towards the negative: one being seen as object rather than otherself; the other seeing itself as plunderer or master of the situation.

In green ray there are two possibilities. Firstly, if both vibrate in green ray there will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer, the negative or female, as you call it, drawing the energy from the roots of the being-ness through the energy centers, thus being physically revitalized; the positive, or male polarity, as it is deemed in your illusion, finding in its energy transfer an inspiration which satisfies and feeds the spirit portion of the body/mind/spirit complex, thus both being polarized and releasing the excess of that which each has in abundance by nature of intelligent energy, that is, negative/intuitive, positive/physical energies as you may call them; this energy transfer being blocked only if one or both entities have fear of possession or of being possessed, of desiring possession or desiring being possessed.

The other green ray possibility is that of one entity offering green ray energy, the other not offering energy of the universal love energy, this resulting in a blockage of energy for the one not green ray thus increasing frustration or appetite; the green ray being polarizing slightly towards service to others.

The blue ray energy transfer is somewhat rare among your people at this time but is of great aid due to energy transfers involved in becoming able to express the self without reservation or fear.

The indigo ray transfer is extremely rare among your people. This is the sacramental portion of the body complex whereby contact may be made through violet ray with intelligent infinity. No blockages may occur at these latter two levels due to the fact that if both entities are not ready for this energy it is not visible and neither transfer nor blockage may take place. It is as though the distributor were removed from a powerful engine.

31.2 Questioner: Could you define sexual energy transfer and expand upon its meaning, please?

Ra: I am Ra. Energy transfer implies the release of potential energies across, shall we say, a potentiated space. The sexual energy transfers occur due to the polarizations of two mind/body/spirit complexes, each of which have some potential difference one to the other. The nature of the transfer of energy or of the blockage of this energy is then a function of the interaction of these two potentials. In the cases where transfer takes place, you may liken this to a circuit being closed. You may also see this activity, as all experiential activities, as the Creator experiencing Itself.

What this says to me is that sex is good! Tongue And can be even better, even sacred, as we release any blockages.

There is much more on the database:

Also, search the L/L transcripts and you will find much more.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Lavazza - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 03:26 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:
Ra Wrote:The orange and the yellow ray attempts to have sexual intercourse create, firstly, a blockage if only one entity vibrates in this area, thus causing the entity vibrating sexually in this area to have a never-ending appetite for this activity. What these vibratory levels are seeking is green ray activity. There is the possibility of orange or yellow ray energy transfer; this being polarizing towards the negative: one being seen as object rather than otherself; the other seeing itself as plunderer or master of the situation.

I have not run across this information before, thank you Monica! Does this mean then, that pornography is inherently bent towards the negative, citing the text in bold as evidence?


RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Metamorpheus - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 11:49 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:
(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure.

This part directly contradicts the information given by Ra through L/L Research.

Yes, I know. I simply do not agree with Ra on this one.

My post is not intended as an articulation of L/L Research's information, but as a distillation of what I believe based upon personal observation and research. Although the Law of One is - by far - the most influential external source of mine, I don't wish to blindly embrace its every precept. Carla would be the first, I'm sure, to encourage independent thought.

Thank you for your constructive criticism Lavazza, I agree that service is a very subjective issue that cannot be outlined in absolute terms (even if mainstream religion believes otherwise). I should re-emphasise that the list simply conforms to my perception of the STO ideal; I am not claiming objectivity.

Thanks also, thr33tim3 Smile

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - βαθμιαίος - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 05:18 PM)Metamorpheus Wrote: My post is not intended as an articulation of L/L Research's information, but as a distillation of what I believe based upon personal observation and research.

That's a great exercise to undertake. My response was because you posted this in the "Strictly Law of One" forum. Might it go better elsewhere?

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Monica - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 05:00 PM)Lavazza Wrote: I have not run across this information before, thank you Monica!

You're welcome! and there's lots more where that came from!

(08-19-2009, 05:00 PM)Lavazza Wrote: Does this mean then, that pornography is inherently bent towards the negative, citing the text in bold as evidence?

I would think so.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Monica - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: Do you think that some of the points are inaccurate? Maybe your understanding of worldly STO-ness differs from my own? Let's share practical advice!

I think it's more a matter of perspective. We may all agree on some or even most points, while having a different perspective on others. Also, we may be focusing on different aspects. For example, someone who gives too much to others, to the point of draining him/herself and never able to set any boundaries, might see some points differently from someone who tends towards selfishness.

Also, clarification of terminology is important...we might not all read the same thing and understand it exactly the same.

Thanks for sharing! I agree with most points overall, but disagree with some, while slightly modifying others...

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Avoid loyalties to secret societies or occult orders. Even if we overlooked the often distorted and sinister knowledge such societies impart, their secrecy and compartmentalisation is internally and externally divisive, and thus incompatible with a path whose advancement demands universal embrace. Furthermore, few major orders remain uncorrupted by the Family, and few minor orders lack cultic qualities.

Assuming you are referring to STS-oriented societies, I would agree. However, many STO seekers find fellowship and spiritual sustenance from occult orders/covens/churches/meditation groups that, while not mainstream and maybe even obscure to the point of being secretive, still may be doing STO work.

I do agree that loyalty should be to Truth and your own spiritual growth, rather than to an entity. I would definitely see a red flag if some spiritual group demanded some sort of allegiance or tried to control...that would indicate STS energy, to be sure! So a good question might be: Are you free to come and go as you please, and to believe as you wish? Even, or maybe even especially, some churches might fall into this category. It doesn't have to necessarily be metaphysical/occult.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Befriend only those who are kind, trustworthy and generous. If our current friends lack these values, then remember that the world is our reflection. When we cultivate virtue in ourselves, friends of questionable character will gradually diminish – or even depart altogether – from our realities. The maxim, ‘keep your friends close and your enemies close,’ is fallacious; self-serving forces already influence the world, and therefore us, enough. If we require one as a catalyst, the universe will orchestrate its arrival. Also, we must not despair because we cannot meet like-minded people. Few non-wanderers have awoken to the global conspiracy, and fewer still frame it with a metaphysical emphasis. Cyberspace cannot amend our physical need for others, but it can remind us that we are not alone.

I think I understand your point, but I see this differently. It probably depends on what you mean by 'befriend.' I prefer to befriend everyone I meet! I'd rather give them the benefit of the doubt, and seek the good in them, than to have any sort of criteria as to character, before I decide to accept them as a friend. Are we not here to shine the light? And none of us are perfect. It's that pesky 49%, ya know? Our own spouse or best friend might have 2 out of the 3 virtues, ie. kind and trustworthy but not generous, or kind and generous but still has some trust issues due to a traumatic childhood or something. Yes, they mirror something in us...but we also mirror to them. Together, we might learn, grow, and polarize together! I know my husband and I have both changed dramatically in the 26+ years we've been together. If we had had such criteria back then, we might not have stayed together, but might still be searching for that elusive 'perfect' partner who has it all together!

I would agree that if someone is abusive or in some other way clearly STS, and has rejected our offers of love/kindness, then certainly we wouldn't want to continue allowing them access to our lives...we have to protect ourselves from those energies and sometimes we have to set boundaries and love ourselves enough to not allow others to hurt us.

It is those on the fence that I wouldn't rule out because of any criteria...those 3D entities who have not yet polarized might be touched by our love and maybe that's just what they needed to jump over the fence to STO! Whereas, if we had eliminated contact with them due to some character flaw, we wouldn't have helped them.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Remain open to the requests of others. Many people misinterpret ‘serving others’ as going out of their way to help anyone, but doing so results in violations of free will and the possible interference of important lessons. Instead, let others come to us. They can do so through grosser means (a friend seeking our advice), or through subtler and gestural means. If you are unsure whether a person crying alone on the street will welcome aid, consider approaching her and gently asking if all is well. While she may have been attacked and in need of care, she may have simply separated from a partner (or something equally insignificant) and wishes to be alone. We should assess the situation in a detached, objective manner, and never assume that the perceived level of pain corresponds with the severity of its catalyst.

In magickal practices, it is advisable to seek guidance before doing anything that affects another, because we can't be sure that what we think is best for them really is what they would choose on a soul level.

I agree overall, but this idea can be taken too far. For example, someone (who was a 'new' New Ager at the time) once told me that his spiritual teacher said that if he ever saw a woman getting raped in an alley, he should keep on walking, because if he helped her, he would be interfering with her karma.


I told him his teacher had not taken into consideration that maybe it was the woman's karma for this guy to help her! And it was his karma to learn to care about others! The very fact that he was there on the scene meant that he was already involved in that particular drama.

When in doubt, I think the best thing to do is offer help. Then, if they reject it, respect their choice. But I would rather offer help and have it be rejected, than miss an opportunity to answer a call for help.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Prejudice evidences ignorance of oneness. Even if scientists unequivocally proved that one gender or race were superior to another, the equality of souls remains unaffected by this revelation. Thus, from a broader perspective, such a mentality is inherently vain and serves only to fuel societal dissonance.

Agreed! It blows my mind to see how much prejudice has been surfacing lately.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Try to cultivate, or maintain, an optimistic attitude. This can be difficult, especially for those who have incarnated from more harmonious and loving densities and who are unaccustomed to prevailing hatred and confusion. From my experience, the key to cultivating or maintaining a positive attitude is to look beyond the persona of a person and to acknowledge the soul within. Become habituated to viewing others as expressions of the Source, rather than fallible, biological actors in a production they chose to forget. Once we have understood, at least intellectually, the difference between the persona and the soul, we will see that it is normal and even acceptable to dislike someone. Problems only arise when we openly emphasise our dislike, or when our dislike extends towards their spiritual nature.

Beautiful! I would add that if we dislike some trait in another person, it is because that trait needs healing in ourselves.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Resist exploiting the Law of Attraction for personal gain. This is not the same as maintaining an optimistic attitude or cultivating generosity. Exploiting the law means actively attempting to conjure something (for example, a car, girlfriend, money, world peace, etc.) into our reality through visualisation.

How is attempting to attract something (prosperity, health, whatever) thru visualization any different from working towards it in other ways? For example, how is visualizing the ideal job any different from scanning the job ads? Both are proactive. Both utilize know laws of nature. I really see no difference.

I agree that we won't manifest something that is outside our pre-incarnative parameters. For example, I am very short, and no amount of visualization will get me a job as a fashion model or basketball player! But that is just so obvious, that it would be ridiculous for me to even try. But if I put effort into manifesting, say, a slimmer body or better health or something practical that I need, how is that exploitation? And, if I felt inclined to work towards that goal, then isn't that an indication that it's not outside the parameters of my pre-incarnational programming? Or, if it is, the exercise might still be valuable in some way?

Another example: Say a person grew up poor so has a poverty consciousness. He visualizes winning the lottery and having a nice house. Maybe he never wins the lottery, because that's outside his pre-incarnational programming, but maybe his visualization helps him to release his poverty consciousness and at least get a decent job, afford a decent house, and live comfortably. So it wasn't in vain.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and other poisons that only affirm, sustain and display our unhappiness, rather than heal it. Inebriation and certain altered states also attract STS forces, which consider cognitive relinquishment an invitation for influence or even possession.

For the most part, I would agree. In particular, anything that becomes an addiction is best avoided. However, there are exceptions: The woman who has an occasional glass of wine for harm there...or those who use natural mind-altering substances with reverence and respect as part of their spirituality. Surely the shaman utilizing plant allies is not in the same category as the heroin addict. (See the 'Spiritual Use of Entheogens' thread if you wish to discuss mind-altering plants specifically.) My point is that, while guidelines may be helpful for most people most of the time, they don't apply to all people all the time. That's why religions don't really work in the long run...people eventually outgrow the doctrine and realize that they can seek their own unique guidance for that particular point in time.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Avoid eating animals of any kind

I'm with you on this one! Although, again, there are always some exceptions, such as those with medical conditions which require animal foods. Those people are very rare, though; for most of us, eating meat is not necessary, and can't justify the enormous amount of cruelty perpetuated on this planet due to the meat industry. This too is a controversial stance - see the debate on the meat thread.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Consider a reduction in sexual activity. All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure. Total celibacy is not essential but recommended, because sexual energy nourishes negative entities.

Vehemently disagree! Already addressed in a previous post. Perhaps, for some people, avoiding sex might seem appropriate, as a means to heal past sexual imbalances. But, for the most part, I think it's more advisable to clear the blockages that cause sexual perversions (as in, STS energies) rather than avoid sex itself. I recommend exploring what the Law of One and Q'uo have to say about this, for they offer much that can assist in sexual healing.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - When the global economies start to implode, when the microchip enters the headlines, when the North American Union is imposed, when the holographic extraterrestrial landing is orchestrated – this is when we must stand amongst others and expose the official stories, not flee them in search of an unattainable security.

Whoa! Those are all just possibilities, not set future events. I do agree with your main point about being in the world instead of trying to run away, in general, but again, who are we to say that some people might not be guided to head for the hills? Maybe that's where they need to be at that point. We each have to listen to our own personal guidance.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Seek the most ethical daytime job available.

But if you find yourself in a job that's unethical, then try to shine the Light in that dark corner.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - ...the only difference between a guru and an apprentice, or the Holocaust and the Renaissance, is that of perspective.

Ultimately, yes. But right now, here in 3D, it's also a difference of polarity. And here in 3D, our task is to choose polarity. Even Q'uo claims to be unapologetically biased in favor of STO. I think to view the holocaust with the same detachment as the Renaissance would to be neglect that choice. I unapologetically reject violence and other STS horrors. As Q'uo said (paraphrased): the STS path is a bloody path...Q'uo is not of that path, but is of the radiant path. I don't think we need to be so detached that we view STS & STO actions the same; on the contrary, I think discernment is key to our polarization. We can know that all will be harmonized a few densities henceforth, while still rejecting the STS ways while here in 3D.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - ...Realise that when others speak of the weather, or sports, or fashion, or supermarket prices, or something equally vacuous, they are ultimately masking their inner pain, their overweening inauthenticity.

Not necessarily. They might just be young souls who've recently polarized, or still sitting on the fence.

(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: - Finally, we must be a little more considerate of others in our daily life.

This one is the most important of all!!!
(08-19-2009, 11:56 AM)sos Wrote: The primary problem that I have with it is that all of this has to do with rules/strictures on behavior. I do not think one can be harvested by following simple codes of conduct. I believe Ra made it clear that a profound inner transformation must occur.


(08-19-2009, 11:56 AM)sos Wrote: In my opinion, this must occur as an act of Grace and is a gift from the Creator. What I'm saying is that there will be a fundamental change of the heart. Buddhism calls it enlightenment. It occurs as a result of surrendering the ego.

Is not surrendering the ego still a choice? I contend that we very much do precipitate that change of our choices. Aside from everything being ultimately a gift from the Creator, this entire 3D experience is all about choice!

10.14 Questioner: For the general development of the reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra.

Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and useable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously see that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking empowers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential.

Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise.

Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.

Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator.

The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer. With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it, the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind, thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Monica - 08-19-2009

(08-19-2009, 05:18 PM)Metamorpheus Wrote:
(08-19-2009, 11:49 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:
(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure.

This part directly contradicts the information given by Ra through L/L Research.

Yes, I know. I simply do not agree with Ra on this one.

My post is not intended as an articulation of L/L Research's information, but as a distillation of what I believe based upon personal observation and research. Although the Law of One is - by far - the most influential external source of mine, I don't wish to blindly embrace its every precept. Carla would be the first, I'm sure, to encourage independent thought.

Our Confederation friends always say to use our own discernment and accept that which resonates, leaving that which doesn't. They definitely encourage us to avoid blindly accepting everything they say!

I have found very little that I disagree with in the Law of One, but when/if I do, I would tend to think it's more of a matter of where I'm at as an individual, ie. my own personal biases, blockages, lack of understanding, etc. So, rather than discard that which doesn't resonate, I try to put it on a shelf for future reference. I have found that I often do find resonance later, when my outlook has shifted, due to more time and catalyst.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Whitefeather - 08-19-2009

Quote:Metamorpheus Wrote: Do you think that some of the points are inaccurate? Maybe your understanding of worldly STO-ness differs from my own? Let's share practical advice!

Hi Metamorpheus,
Thank you for sharing your points. These are interesting and good starting points.
Sharing practical advice, I could not help but notice your choice of wording, such as :... Avoid..., try to..., refrain from..., resist..., avoid (again).... And then I pondered about the reasons behind your creation of these words and rules. It all seems like a fight somehow.

In your list of rules, I missed the creation of 'feelings', of 'embracing' life, of 'enjoying' the presence of otherselves, of 'laughing', of 'loving', of 'forgiving', etc., in brief, of having a happy time here on our beautiful Earth in relation to the activity of all chakras.
The creation of positive feelings (rather than 'objective' rules) are certainly the 'main stream ' of STO-ness since positive feelings are of the radiant path.

There is a couple of useful little questions to ask oneself from time to time during our walk in life, and these are:
''Am I living in opposition to myself or am I living in agreement with myself?''
''Who am I?''
''What is it that I truly want?''
''If I could create all I wanted, what would that be?''

I would like to quote Sos
(08-19-2009, 11:56 AM)sos Wrote: Hi Metamorpheus. ...The primary problem that I have with it is that all of this has to do with rules/strictures on behavior. I do not think one can be harvested by following simple codes of conduct. I believe Ra made it clear that a profound inner transformation must occur. In my opinion, this must occur as an act of Grace and is a gift from the Creator. What I'm saying is that there will be a fundamental change of the heart. ...God Bless.

I agree here! Well said, Sos!

Metamorpheus, wouldn't you say that STO is first of all, a connection to the heart, in alignment to the radiant energy of the heart?

STS would definitely by-pass the heart (green-ray), we know that. There is an enlightenment STS where the heart connection has been by-passed.

I would like very much if you could elaborate your position regarding your list versus the heart chakra activity. I mean as an exercise and, if you are interested in doing so, of course.

(Qu'o 2009 May 09)''You are not building a stairway to heaven. You are spiraling into the light of truth. As you go, you are learning to love yourself and others and the Creator. You are learning to accept love from yourself, from others, and from the Creator.../...You are here to love. The rules are simple. In each challenging piece of catalyst there is that thread of truth, “I am here to love. I am here to trust. I am here to gain the insight that all is well''.../...set your intention to love and serve the Creator by loving and serving the best in all that you see—yourself, others, the world around you.../..However, in the process of being a loving and compassionate person, you shall inevitably discover that there are those things for which you would wish to be forgiven. And so that loving heart of yours opens and says, “Please forgive me.” Most importantly, in terms of karma, rather, that loving heart opens towards the self and you are able to forgive yourself.../... It is often far easier to forgive others than to forgive the self. Therefore, as you discover within yourself those suspicions that you may have karma with another and that you wish to stop the wheel of karma, remember that in addition to forgiving the other, .../... it is crucial always to forgive yourself.”

Thank you for your posting and, take care
Love and Light

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - irpsit - 08-28-2009

All from the original post seem good guidelines towards STO.
Overall, your post is excellent! Thanks for posting.

As many have said, *lovemaking* can be definitively STO, as is an exchange, and there is no problem with having self-pleasure, while sharing and giving to others.
Sex can be also at times STS; I guess the main problem is that if you dominate the other.
If we neglect the giving and sharing process in lovemaking, then sex is more serving self and not the other.
The key here is having a good balance.

Masturbation for instance would be service to self, but no one said that we need to be 100% service to other. If you dont have a partner, I guess there is absolutely no problem, as this release of energy would be better than creating a blockage.
I agree with the key idea, that is best to make sure we are happy and fullfilled in order to joyfully serve others.
I think our focus should be in not worring with our self-serving needs, but instead practicing STO in our daily encounters.

Another issue is occult groups. In my humble experience, most "spiritual" groups seem to fall into STS behavior, even if their original intentions were STO. Larger groups / communities often tend to gravitate towards hierarchies and one philosophy, having mixed orientations, and many rules and "musts" to my like.
I have found STO groups mostly in charity, ecological and humanitarian activities. A small meditation group can also be STO. In a ideal STO environment, the individuals associate spontaneously by heart and not by obligation. The focus would be supporting others, not by imposing or philosophy but true love and friendship.

In my life, I often try to practice STO in my family and job situations. :-)

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Richard - 08-28-2009

In matters of the spirit, I go with what resonates with me. STO should be a natural path...if that is your choice. Writing down the rules seems to infer the beginnings of a heirarchy and..ultimately, a priesthood. Or at the very least, the roots of dogma.

I throw each day open to the will of the infinite creator. Qu'o related the following in one the early channelings. It resonated so well with me that I start each morning with:

What is your will for me today?
How shall I serve?
What shall I experience?
And, in what shall I rejoice?

And try to keep that perspective in mind as the day passes.


RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - irpsit - 08-28-2009

I ressonate with your perspective, Richard.
The original guidelines are excellent.

But being free to find your own rules, is even better.

STO is not only a positive and supportive path,
but one that is non-enforcing and liberating,
thus a true companionship!


(08-28-2009, 01:26 PM)Richard Wrote: In matters of the spirit, I go with what resonates with me. STO should be a natural path...if that is your choice. Writing down the rules seems to infer the beginnings of a heirarchy and..ultimately, a priesthood. Or at the very least, the roots of dogma.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Thorne - 09-24-2009

I've passed several milestones over the last few years as I've worked on my spiritual development as well as increasing my positive polarity. Last year I had a huge opening of my 4th chakra that lasted for many weeks. It was quite blissful. At that time i had many dreams about graduation. It may arrogant of me, but I feel that I've already passed the crossing line STO "graduation".

That said, I think your list was a good exercise in looking at factors that effect polarity. Depending on ones current polarity, it would likely increase their shift toward positive polarity. But on the other hand, I do not think it is that complicated. And certainly not following many of the items on your list doesn't preclude one from becoming a majority STO polarity.

Here's been my focus which seems to have been somewhat efficient.
a) De-emphasize doing and focus on presence, beingness, and connection to your deeper Self...all of which are essentially the same thing.

b) Examine your reaction to everything and determine whether it FELT negative, neutral, or positive. If negative, then intend on changing that reaction next time you're in a similar situation. If it's a real challenging one then shoot for getting neutral. Sometimes getting from negative all the way to positive is difficult on some things.

c) go back to a) and repeat.

So, I would say to follow your list...but don't judge others who don't do the same, and don't judge yourself when you don't meet the standard. Then it becomes counter productive.

But it was an interesting read...thank you for sharing.

take care, thorne

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - fairyfarmgirl - 09-25-2009

I feel this says it all! Enjoy!


RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Thorne - 09-25-2009

(09-25-2009, 07:17 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: I feel this says it all! Enjoy!

Agreed. That was great. Just be love...the rest will take care of itself.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - LsavedSmeD - 10-25-2009

(08-19-2009, 11:49 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:
(08-19-2009, 07:41 AM)Metamorpheus Wrote: All forms of sex are STS, including ‘soul sharing’ amongst twin flames, for they are inherently based on physical pleasure.

This part directly contradicts the information given by Ra through L/L Research.

Unfortunately for the Original Poster this quote is true in the fact that if both entites share the want of having any form of sex than it is service to eachother (service to other self).

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Marina - 10-26-2009

While these codes might be right for you, Ra did not advocate making rules that limit the choices of other people. This is a violation of free will.
Even the Ten Commandments were described in the Ra material as containing some negative material because of the prohibitions. ("Thou shalt not...")
Each of these areas of life (eating, sex) are opportunities for discernment. As each of us goes within to make a choice of what is right for us, we engage in a process. Our intentions become clear and we discover what sex and food mean to us.
There are no rules; there is only individual choice, freedom, and love.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Thorne - 10-26-2009

Well stated Marina.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Whitefeather - 10-27-2009

Hi Fairyfarmgirl,
Thanks for the link.
Here is part 2:

There is a lovely music accompanying it. Enjoy!

Smile L/L

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Marina - 10-27-2009

This is beautiful! Thank you Whitefeather.

RE: Realistic Ambitions for Positive Graduation - Whitefeather - 10-27-2009

(10-27-2009, 01:31 PM)Marina Wrote: This is beautiful! Thank you Whitefeather.

Angel I agree it is!
Fairyfarmgirl posted part one in the post #18 on same thread.
Thanks to all of us! BigSmile
Isn't positive graduation all about happiness, good spirit and, good humor?
I like to think so.
