08-19-2009, 02:37 PM
Hi Metamorpheous,
I enjoyed your list and resonated with pretty much all of it, so it was a nice confirmation to observe that behavior I have instinctively gravitated towards also fits someone else's definition of STO-oriented behavior. Some concepts, like veganism, have become less important to me in the past year or so, whereas I was vegan for about three years, but I suspect diet changes come and go a lot if you follow your intuition. I've had more than a couple people tell me not to be so "hard on myself", so I think its important not to be too strict/uptight, and remember that everyone has their own unique path.
I enjoyed your list and resonated with pretty much all of it, so it was a nice confirmation to observe that behavior I have instinctively gravitated towards also fits someone else's definition of STO-oriented behavior. Some concepts, like veganism, have become less important to me in the past year or so, whereas I was vegan for about three years, but I suspect diet changes come and go a lot if you follow your intuition. I've had more than a couple people tell me not to be so "hard on myself", so I think its important not to be too strict/uptight, and remember that everyone has their own unique path.