Hi Metamorpheus. Your post was very interesting. I found myself agreeing with much of it while disagreeing with much of it as well. For example, I have never had a personal inclination to become a vegetarian. I see nothing wrong with it, but I doubt that I'll ever try it. And sex being STS? Come on! It depends on how it's approached
The primary problem that I have with it is that all of this has to do with rules/strictures on behavior. I do not think one can be harvested by following simple codes of conduct. I believe Ra made it clear that a profound inner transformation must occur. In my opinion, this must occur as an act of Grace and is a gift from the Creator. What I'm saying is that there will be a fundamental change of the heart. Buddhism calls it enlightenment. It occurs as a result of surrendering the ego.
God Bless.
The primary problem that I have with it is that all of this has to do with rules/strictures on behavior. I do not think one can be harvested by following simple codes of conduct. I believe Ra made it clear that a profound inner transformation must occur. In my opinion, this must occur as an act of Grace and is a gift from the Creator. What I'm saying is that there will be a fundamental change of the heart. Buddhism calls it enlightenment. It occurs as a result of surrendering the ego.
God Bless.