08-14-2009, 09:56 PM
Hi Flavian,
Welcome to the forum.
By the way, where is Brasov located?
Good of you 3D Sunset to find the quote from Ra.
From Ra, it looks like the entities living in the bases in the Earth today, are 4D ...
Ra and Qu'o often reiterate the importance of meditation.
It seems that meditating grove our access to Akhasic Records. Accessing Akhasic Records is an experience of 4d, hence the advice given by Ra and the Confederation, to meditate. Meditation with focus on the heart chakra (green ray - green Earth) will call for 'positive' information and align the meditator/receiver on positive polarization.
L/L to all,
Welcome to the forum.
By the way, where is Brasov located?
Good of you 3D Sunset to find the quote from Ra.
From Ra, it looks like the entities living in the bases in the Earth today, are 4D ...
Ra and Qu'o often reiterate the importance of meditation.
Quote:''RA: ... for a social memory complex to speak ad infinitum about the need to meditate is a waste of the considerable abilities of such social memory complexes.
... reserving the abilities of the Confederation members for those already meditating and absorbing information which are then ready for additional information.''
3D Sunset: Although it is a little off topic from your original questions, I threw in the discussion at the bottom about the cosmic equivalent of automated call distribution (ACD) systems, one of my favorite LOO concepts, that the Confederation uses to handle simple calls and tell seekers to "meditate".
It seems that meditating grove our access to Akhasic Records. Accessing Akhasic Records is an experience of 4d, hence the advice given by Ra and the Confederation, to meditate. Meditation with focus on the heart chakra (green ray - green Earth) will call for 'positive' information and align the meditator/receiver on positive polarization.
L/L to all,