07-15-2011, 04:39 PM
(12-25-2008, 08:02 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Greetings to everyone!
There seems to be a lot of (apparently) STS-oriented, sensationalistic stuff out there about 2012. Just recently, I was in a movie theater and saw a preview for a movie entitled '2012' that appeared to be all "the world is ending" doom-and-gloom. And there is plenty of it on the internet. As the date draws nearer, we'll likely be seeing more of that negatively-focused stuff, whose purpose seems to be to instill fear.
I thought we could discuss ideas on keeping our environments and attitudes positive, amidst such negative or mixed-polarity messages in the entertainment industry and mass media.
I used to be really caught up in a lot of the behind-the-scenes STS activity, and that probably was not a very good use of energy! What helped me a lot was a transcript from Q'uo (from about a year ago) about how empires come and go, and most of us probably don't need to concern ourselves too much with them, because helping to raise the vibration of the planet is far more important. Anyway, as the vibration is raised, world events will begin to reflect that.
I feel a lot more optimistic now, ever since around the time of the election. It almost feels to me like we had been heading off-course (as Q'uo said, they were trying to take us off-course...keep us from rejoining the path to 4D positive), but the course seems to have shifted to positive...I felt a tangible lightening...everywhere I look I perceive a lightness that I did not perceive before...Has anyone else observed this?
Unfortunately. Obama, who hired half of Bush's staff and half of Clinton's staff, will not bring the Change we so desparately are seeking. Start brewing some tea cause the wait will continue...