01-04-2009, 11:27 PM
(01-04-2009, 12:38 PM)DreamingPeace Wrote:(01-04-2009, 05:02 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: I love the time lateral aspect, but it's such an abstract concept to me. And then there's the concept of free will. Wasn't it an impingement upon my free will to put me on a lateral so that I could live without as much STS catalyst? Of course, I am super grateful and will take any circumstance that helps me to polarize towards STO, but I find it difficult sometimes to read about all of these "provisions" and "tweaks" made to us in order for us to travel a different path.
Has anyone else tripped across this kinda-paradox-maybe?
No, not really. I kinda assumed it was stated in the 'terms and conditions' of the original contract.
We did sign up for this assignment, knowing that there could be some, er, twists and turns along the way!
The way I see, we got off cheap. Think of what could have gone down in the last 30 years! We (meaning all of us who have raised the vibration in some way, including Wanderers and everyone else who has prayed, etc.) have averted much...
(01-04-2009, 05:11 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: One other interesting aspect to the time lateral concept is whether or not we are going to get "jostled around" as we merge back with our truly natural space/time time line. I read that depending on how close we can get humanity to vibrate in the green ray space, will shape the way Gaia finishes adjusting the energies for us in the form of natural phenomenon.
There's a second part of this as well that's worth thinking about.
Let's take the assumption that somewhere along 3rd density, it was determined that humanity was not advancing enough so we were all flipped up onto some protected time track. We'll call the lateral time track "Timeline B" and Gaia's natural timeline as "Timeline A".
So like... What's been happening all this time in Timeline A? Has anyone been living there, being affected by STS entities while we have been enjoying life in Timeline B?
And what happens when both timelines meet? Obviously one would be heavily biased with more STO experiences, while Timeline A is presumed to be chock full of the STS crew who wants to enslave. When this all comes together at Winter Equinox of 2011/2012, doesn't it seem like there's a bit of a contrast that is suddenly going to come together? It doesn't seem like it's something that would just blend back into the natural timeline unless Timeline A has always been empty.
OK I'm confused here...I just re-read the transcript yesterday and I understood that the original timeline (A) was the one that was clean of so much STS interference...while timeline B is the one that STS had a shot at taking over...and that they tried to arrange a 'coup' to keep us from re-joining timeline A.
Did I get that backwards? I'll go back and re-read it...
Also, there has been some confusion about whether it's Solstice 2011 (thus the end of 2011 and 2012 heralding 4D in full force) or Solstice 2012 (the end of 2012)...I have heard it stated both ways but had concluded it was Solstice 2012. Can anyone clarify this?
Well, from the transcripts, the natural Timeline A is the one that was not protected and was therefore an easier target for STS entities to try to convince us that we needed slavery, war, and control. Thus, Timeline B was created as an alternative timeline that was closely guarded (quarantined) so that we could exercise our more natural gravitation towards being one with the Creator, thereby accelerating the rate at which we were becoming harvestable.