03-21-2011, 05:10 PM
(03-05-2011, 12:24 AM)kanonathena Wrote: Hi, I wonder since entities Hitler did so much wrong, if karma applies wouldn't it serverly hinder his polorization on the negtive path, e.g. some life-long disablity. But LOO says most negtive entity choose to incarnate a wealthy life, so they won't have to endure karma from their previous life.
Would you be so kind as to find Ra's quote so that we could have the wording and the context where Ra said that.
Quote:Or does karma work like cancer, if gain polarity through STS action then karma won't be involved.
That karma is just a catalyst for you to choose polarity? Then what is Karma?
Good question! I posted a few words above but I 'll elaborate some more.
There are three catalysts for a body/mind/spirit complex such as we human beings are:
1/ 'Compassion' is the catalyst for the body.
2/ 'Love' is the catalyst for the mind or soul.
3/ 'Hope' is the catalyst for the spirit.
If I remember correctly, Ra mentioned the word 'karma' especially when associated with the catalyst of the mind/soul, which is 'love'.
It is helpful to understand that we co-create and co-project events in our life, events which will help us experimenting those three catalysts 'compassion', 'love' and 'hope' and this, not only toward others but also towards the self.
In the mode of 'love', 'forgiveness' works pretty much as a healing balm... hence the reference Ra gives as a healing tool and emotion.
Why those three feelings/emotions/inner experiences?
Because, they have the ability when together, to change/correct/heal our DNA on a personal and societal level. And as this healing of the DNA takes place, a certain light, awareness and information is brought forward within us from these three integrating experiences.
I hope this helps regarding your question.

Love, compassion and hope to everyone
