04-13-2022, 11:43 PM
(04-13-2022, 11:16 AM)Diana Wrote: I also understand IndigoSalvia. There are practical considerations. There is a lot of 3D conditioning here. We may think we are immune but I doubt anyone has escaped the influence of cultures, societies, familial situations, and advertising and the media for that matter unscathed. To say I love everyone is easy to do. Even to get the wider idea of unconditional love for all is not difficult to arrive at. But sometimes this is like a calm surface of a lake with unknown undertows.
Indeed the challenges to fully offering love to everything at every moment are innumerable. But perhaps that's one reason we suffered ourselves to help out here in the first place? The challenges to love the unloveable and forgive the unforgivable are more strenuous here than anywhere else, and because these challenges are so intense--and because we must reach so deeply into the murky-dark waters of our own personal lake in order to find the eternal light--the effect of doing so helps purify our very soulstream as we discover more deeply and firmly anchored purposes in our serving and becoming a window through which the eternal light can be seen.
You note, Diana, that the journey is very difficult to begin and to continue, and I answer that it is difficult, but with awesome benefits. And so what then? Well, that's the choice. And that's the element that makes this simple (not easy, but simple). At this moment I choose (by volition or by default) the degree to which I reach back to you with love or with caution or with intellectual distance or with some crazy mixture of who knows what. If I reach to you with a genuine degree of purity of love, such as I may be able to muster in the moment, then the differences between us diminish, as a pure offering of love acts as kind of equaliser as I do unto you as if doing unto myself. Learning in this way, one may find that there is, indeed, but one self. Also, Hatonn avers, there is one place. Yes, simple, perhaps, but easy? No, not yet for me...not quite yet.