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Oneness of Place - Sacred Fool - 04-12-2022

This is the entire text of a session which I find to be quite intriguing.  May the next reader find it so as well.

Oddly, this text is in the light lines transcripts, but not in the L/L library of transcripts, therefore I cannot provide an url for this session.

Quote:Sunday Meditation

January 27, 1974

(Unknown channeling)

I am Hatonn. I greet you, my friends, in the love
and the light of our infinite Creator.

I and my brothers in space, as you call it, are here with you.
Yes, we are here in space, and we are also here. This
is a concept that is not too familiar with your
peoples, that it is possible to be in more than one
place at one time. However, we have told you that
there is only one place. There is an ambiguity of
concept when viewed from your limited state of
awareness which you presently enjoy. However, it is
possible to be, from your point of view, in two
places or many places at one time. To us, they are all
the same place.

This concept is not entirely new to the people of
your planet, although it is not understood but by a
very few of them. It is necessary that an individual
reach an understanding of the reality of the unity of
the creation in order to understand the reality of this

There are many ways to state in an intellectual way
this idea, but it is more revealing to experience it.
This experience is available to all of the Creator’s
It was how they were originally created.
Only through your own desires have you cut
yourself off from the ability to experience the reality
that is all about you. It is not necessary to be limited
as you are. It was not intended that you be so
limited. It is only your desire that you be so. It is a
simple process to free yourself from the thinking that
limits the people of this planet to their present
locations. These locations are simply a consequence
of their thinking, since in actuality, all places are one

This does not seem possible to most of the people of
your planet. However, this condition is the true
condition. The dimensions of the creation that you
experience in your present form and understanding
seem to be of such a magnitude that it would be
impossible for you to travel through any great
distance. We do not have these limitations. The
reason for our lack of these limitation is simply our
understanding of the truth of the concept of total
oneness. This oneness is the original Thought that
was provided all of the children of the Creator.

Return to this Thought. Have no other thought but
this Thought: a Thought of total and complete love.
This will enable you to know all of the fruits of our
infinite Creator.

I hope that I have been of help this evening. I am
Hatonn. Adonai vasu borragus. 


RE: Oneness of Place - Quincunx - 04-12-2022


RE: Oneness of Place - IndigoSalvia - 04-12-2022

Thanks for sharing.

Quote:Only through your own desires have you cut yourself off from the ability to experience the reality that is all about you. It is not necessary to be limited as you are. It was not intended that you be so limited. It is only your desire that you be so. It is a simple process to free yourself from the thinking that limits the people of this planet to their present locations. These locations are simply a consequence of their thinking, since in actuality, all places are one place.

This "desire" ... is it a pre-incarnative choice to be 3D under veil? Or is it also a result of incarnative choices? 

We are the dreamer and the dream, the illusion and the illusionist ... simultaneously.

Quote:These locations are simply a consequence of their thinking, since in actuality, all places are one place.

I can know this -- think this -- and yet, this illusion is quite convincing to my 3D self ... quite tangible, quite limiting in terms of physicality. So my knowing/thinking of the Oneness of all -- being the dreamer and the dream -- does not quite get me there. It seems that my thinking is not immersive, or whole, enough yet. Or, my thinking is still very much tied to my 3D experiences. 

And, I've pondered how from my birth, I've been raised to label everything from my own name, to geographical locations, to states of feeling and thinking, to concepts ... everything is labeled with a name. And, in some ways, this labeling is built-in separation. It is deeply ingrained: this is me, and this is other. This is me, that is you, etc. 

In the English language, it's not common to think/speak in terms of unity, of Oneness. And, so how do we undo years and years of acculturation (separation), and begin to think in terms of immersive, total unity, while also still walking in this 3D culture? 

Just things I ponder ...

RE: Oneness of Place - Sacred Fool - 04-13-2022

(04-12-2022, 09:53 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: In the English language, it's not common to think/speak in terms of unity, of Oneness. And, so how do we undo years and years of acculturation (separation), and begin to think in terms of immersive, total unity, while also still walking in this 3D culture?

I think the quote above sums it up.

Have no other thought but
this Thought: a Thought of total and complete love.
This will enable you to know all of the fruits of our
infinite Creator.

May it be so.

RE: Oneness of Place - Diana - 04-13-2022

(04-13-2022, 12:16 AM)NI Sacred Fool Wrote:
(04-12-2022, 09:53 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: In the English language, it's not common to think/speak in terms of unity, of Oneness. And, so how do we undo years and years of acculturation (separation), and begin to think in terms of immersive, total unity, while also still walking in this 3D culture?

I think the quote above sums it up.

Have no other thought but
this Thought: a Thought of total and complete love.
This will enable you to know all of the fruits of our
infinite Creator.

May it be so.

SF I do get your point. I think from a certain perspective it sounds simple and maybe it is. I do think levels of wisdom or experience—not this life only—mitigate the apprehension of the concept; for example the difference between a native 3rd-density being and a 6th-density being.

I also understand IndigoSalvia. There are practical considerations. There is a lot of 3D conditioning here. We may think we are immune but I doubt anyone has escaped the influence of cultures, societies, familial situations, and advertising and the media for that matter unscathed. To say I love everyone is easy to do. Even to get the wider idea of unconditional love for all is not difficult to arrive at. But sometimes this is like a calm surface of a lake with unknown undertows. 

I think there is also the idea of self-forgiveness which can be very hard to do. If an entity is a wanderer for example, and born into this world and “maelstrom,”  this entity may grow up doing whatever humans do. At some point this entity may gradually awaken to its origins or at least be vaguely aware. What then? The road to forgive one’s self may be very difficult and then there is a deep rift between self and others even if one sees love in everything else. 

Another thing which I think mitigates efforts to stay centered on love is the struggle for survival here. If you aren’t balanced in especially the lower two energy centers, it’s difficult to concentrate on higher principals or rise up out of survival concerns. 

The first step in my view is to disengage with the media and connect more with the natural world. Meditation is certainly helpful. I would stop watching the news and listen more to birds singing or streams bubbling. Smile There are these sublime moments of being present, when the phantoms of the past and the projections of the future lose their influence. But once we are back in the human world it can be a challenge to sustain detachment from the drama. As always balance is a key, as total withdrawal from humanity seems counterproductive to me.

RE: Oneness of Place - Sacred Fool - 04-13-2022

(04-13-2022, 11:16 AM)Diana Wrote: I also understand IndigoSalvia. There are practical considerations. There is a lot of 3D conditioning here. We may think we are immune but I doubt anyone has escaped the influence of cultures, societies, familial situations, and advertising and the media for that matter unscathed. To say I love everyone is easy to do. Even to get the wider idea of unconditional love for all is not difficult to arrive at. But sometimes this is like a calm surface of a lake with unknown undertows.

Indeed the challenges to fully offering love to everything at every moment are innumerable.  But perhaps that's one reason we suffered ourselves to help out here in the first place?  The challenges to love the unloveable and forgive the unforgivable are more strenuous here than anywhere else, and because these challenges are so intense--and because we must reach so deeply into the murky-dark waters of our own personal lake in order to find the eternal light--the effect of doing so helps purify our very soulstream as we discover more deeply and firmly anchored purposes in our serving and becoming a window through which the eternal light can be seen.

You note, Diana, that the journey is very difficult to begin and to continue, and I answer that it is difficult, but with awesome benefits.  And so what then?  Well, that's the choice.  And that's the element that makes this simple (not easy, but simple).  At this moment I choose (by volition or by default) the degree to which I reach back to you with love or with caution or with intellectual distance or with some crazy mixture of who knows what.  If I reach to you with a genuine degree of purity of love, such as I may be able to muster in the moment, then the differences between us diminish, as a pure offering of love acts as kind of equaliser as I do unto you as if doing unto myself.  Learning in this way, one may find that there is, indeed, but one self.  Also, Hatonn avers, there is one place.  Yes, simple, perhaps, but easy?  No, not yet for me...not quite yet.

RE: Oneness of Place - tadeus - 04-14-2022

(04-12-2022, 07:58 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:
Quote:However, it is possible to be, from your point of view, in two places or many places at one time.
To us, they are all the same place.

This is a good explanation why teleportation is possible.

You "choose" your current place where your consciousness is.