03-02-2011, 08:29 PM
i found some good inspiration here..
and this youtube video on how to knot a celtic tree of life... sweet.. incorporating highly spiritual knotting with my spiritual crystals..
this seems like it's coming together nicely and it's going to be a sort of some kind of armlet, fingerless glove perhaps..
if i get good at making these if they aren't too difficult then maybe i can sell one..
now where to find a long ass cord.. and what color... GREEEN!!!
DARK GREEN... my favorite.. or black.. hmm gotta pick one.
i think black.. always liked black better than white anyhow.
light absorber... then again green might be more conducive to love and the heart chakra.
i never liked red, orange, or yellow items of clothing.. always either, dark blue, or indigo, or green.. funny. when the creation process starts i'll take pictures or maybe film it for youtube! we'll see
i'm purposely avoiding a stick, or rod, design as the path of light doesn't see a war between the light and the dark but rather is an effort to lead the dark back on the path to light.
while the darkness themselves separate themselves from the one infinite creator due to fear. so even the item itself can't be a.... fighting thing but rather has to emote cooperation, and unity..
hahaha. it would be awesome to do chainmail but so much more difficult!
gotta find some sort of indestructable... thick long cord to make this stuff with now! keep u guys posted!
i found some good inspiration here..
and this youtube video on how to knot a celtic tree of life... sweet.. incorporating highly spiritual knotting with my spiritual crystals..
this seems like it's coming together nicely and it's going to be a sort of some kind of armlet, fingerless glove perhaps..
if i get good at making these if they aren't too difficult then maybe i can sell one..
now where to find a long ass cord.. and what color... GREEEN!!!
DARK GREEN... my favorite.. or black.. hmm gotta pick one.
i think black.. always liked black better than white anyhow.
light absorber... then again green might be more conducive to love and the heart chakra.
i never liked red, orange, or yellow items of clothing.. always either, dark blue, or indigo, or green.. funny. when the creation process starts i'll take pictures or maybe film it for youtube! we'll see
i'm purposely avoiding a stick, or rod, design as the path of light doesn't see a war between the light and the dark but rather is an effort to lead the dark back on the path to light.
while the darkness themselves separate themselves from the one infinite creator due to fear. so even the item itself can't be a.... fighting thing but rather has to emote cooperation, and unity..
hahaha. it would be awesome to do chainmail but so much more difficult!
gotta find some sort of indestructable... thick long cord to make this stuff with now! keep u guys posted!