7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Printable Version

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7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-01-2011

I'm looking for something that has crystals for each of the 7 chakras for doing energy work..
does anyone have any suggestions?

i found some but... none of them really fit.

Quote:Questioner: What do you mean by crystal structures?

Ra: I am Ra. Each of the energy centers of the physical complex may be seen to have a distinctive crystalline structure in the more developed entity. Each will be somewhat different just as in your world no two snowflakes are alike. However, each is regular. The red energy center often is in the shape of the spoked wheel. The orange energy center in the flower shape containing three petals.

The yellow center again in a rounded shape, many faceted, as a star.

The green energy center sometimes called the lotus-shape, the number of points of crystalline structure dependent upon the strength of this center.

The blue energy center capable of having perhaps one hundred facets and capable of great flashing brilliance.

The indigo center a more quiet center which has the basic triangular or three-petalled shape in many, although some adepts who have balanced the lower energies may create more faceted forms.

The violet energy center is the least variable and is sometimes described in your philosophy as thousand-petalled as it is the sum of the mind/body/spirit complex distortion totality.

this came close but.... no cigar... plus i'm not sure if the rocks in this necklace are real crystals.. or if Amethyst, Citrine, Carnelian, Peridot, Topaz, Aventurine, Opalescent Labadorite, and Garnet is effective for the 7 chakras.. all i know is Rose Quartz is really good for the heart chakra..

plus it looks a little gay rofl. i dunno.. but i wuold get it if it matched Ra's description.

another is this at the bottom .. not sure if they are real crystals either i don't know.. my yellow chakra buzzes looking here.

Amethyst, Citrine, Carnelian, Peridot, Quartz, Garnet, Topaz

this one i'm not sure if zircon has any metaphysical properties... ??
Amethyst, Citrine, Carnelian, Peridot, Zircon, Garnet, Topaz
i wish i could find something congruent with Ra's associations of the visual description of the chakras... while also congruent with what crystals are the most effective for each specific chakra

i found... also this
Chakra Crystals - Crystals That Balance Your Seven Chakras
and a quick summary of the article

*editing this list as we go along together adding ur suggestions Smile***

Red- Citrine, Golden Calcite, tigers eye, Garnet
Orange - Orange calcite, Carnelian, Citrine, Black Tourmaline
Yellow - Citrine, Golden Calcite, Tigers eye
Green - Jade, Malachite, Rose quartz
Light Blue - Blue Calcite, Turquiose, Blue Kyanite
Indigo - Azurite, Amethyst, Blue Tourmaline, Lemurian Seed Crystal
Violet/White - Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry - Meerie - 03-01-2011

If I were you I would go to the jewelry store and try the respective stones from that list and see if they resonate with your chakra, for example just hold em in your hand and focus on the chakra, or hold them close to the chakra and see if it resonates. Choose the ones which feel best to you.
Good luck!

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry - Monica - 03-01-2011

These appear to be real stones.

Not sure whether they're the 'right' stones but if you get a buzz from it, I'd say go for it!

Here are some I found:

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry - Namaste - 03-01-2011

Seven separate crystals that match the colour of each energy ray would be useful.

Ra describes crystals as frozen light, and hence, one can easily determine which area of consciousness the crystal is associated with. Take other esoteric meanings of crystals with a pinch of salt, i.e. "This crystal helps with financial prosperity". It doesn't actually, it's the intent that you link with the crystal itself upon purchase.

Since Quartz is clear, one would imagine it contains all possibilities, and can be used with any intention.

Ra Wrote:57.6 Questioner: Would you tell me how to use that crystal for this purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a large question.

You first, as a mind/body/spirit complex, balance and polarize the self, connecting the inner light with the upward spiraling in-pourings of the universal light. You have done exercises to regularize the processes involved. Look to them for the preparation of the crystallized being.

Take then the crystal and feel your polarized and potentiated balanced energy channeled in green ray healing through your being, going into and activating the crystalline regularity of frozen light which is the crystal. The crystal will resound with the charged light of incarnative love, and light energy will begin to radiate in specified fashion, beaming, in required light vibrations, healing energy, focused and intensified towards the magnetic field of the mind/body/spirit complex which is to be healed. This entity requesting such healing will then open the armor of the overall violet/red ray protective vibratory shield. Thus the inner vibratory fields, from center to center in mind, body, and spirit, may be interrupted and adjusted momentarily, thus offering the one to be healed the opportunity to choose a less distorted inner complex of energy fields and vibratory relationships.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry - Brittany - 03-01-2011

When I am deciding between various stones, the one that "likes" me the most usually gets warm. Maybe you should try that...just hold two respective stones in your hand and see which one gets warm first, then keep moving to other stones until you find the one that "speaks" to you. Sometimes you'll find that a stone that is supposed to have certain properties is just in tune with your particular energy field and can be used for any number of things.

When it comes to chakra stones, here are my personal preferences - garnet, carnelian, citrine, flourite or malachite, selenite, lemurian seed crystal for the indigo (these are actually rather easy to find in spite of the fancy name) and amethyst or crystal quartz for violet.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry - BlatzAdict - 03-01-2011

oh this is gonna be so fun.. thanks lynn for the suggestions.. i was thinking maybe i should make my own.

bring 4th monica... ooooooooo i am likin what u posted tho... yaaayy

my only gripe with golden calcite is that it looks like pee. lololol

.jpg   gldn_calcite.JPG (Size: 273.48 KB / Downloads: 5)

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry - BlatzAdict - 03-01-2011

my friend john here made a tool for transmuting negativity to positivity.. i'm digging it.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry - BlatzAdict - 03-02-2011

so I've spent a day looking at crystals and so far i've boiled it down to 7 crystal choices

anyone got any ideas for making a tool of spiritual work?
Don't know if i necessarily want to go all out and make a want like my friend here

wondering what crystals i've chosen?

Crown White or Violet- Lemurian Seed Crystal
Third Eye Indigo - Lapis Lazuli
Throat Light Blue - Aqua Aura
Heart Green - Jade
Yellow - Tigers Eye, or Amber
Orange - Carnelian
Red - Ruby cause Red Zincite is way too expensive and rare Sad, or Garnet

ummm or settle for one of those jewelries.... I feel like I'm making my lightsaber for some reason. lol

or i might settle for 2 of these

this is so difficult.. does anyone else have experience building their lightsaber? lol lightsaber hahahahahaha

now just exhausted..

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-02-2011

so I made my order for my crystals on amazon.. kinda cheap. Order Total: $52.99 after shipping and taxes
I tried to stick with the colors Law of One goes with too. and went with stones that really made my chakras tingle thinkin about it Smile
Went thru a lot of debate as to whether to stick with the original choices, or to these new choices. In the end I ended up going back and forth trying to see what made each chakra vibrate more, looking at the picture.
Also in the end I decided making this tool would be more powerful than actually buying it premade... If every jedi has to construct their own lightsaber.. then obviously every adept has to construct his or her own tool of lightworking.

So I'm kind of working out what kind of design I want to pursue... Either a necklace .. or some kind of cool armlet thingie. But I'm not sure as it's a plan as I go process.
I need something portable that I can wear everyday, but not something that can get knocked up either so going to need somewhat good durability.
But it has to look cool too and not dopey or blocky. Something I can be proud of and yet still use it effectively for spiritual work.

Crown - # Lemurian Seed Crystal "Extra" (1" - 1-1/2") - 1pc.

Third Eye - # Indigo Aura Quartz (Tanzan Aura) Jewelry Point (1" - 1-1/2") - 1pc.

Throat - # Blue Kyanite Wand (1" - 2") - 1pc.

Heart - # Thick Green Tourmaline Rods (3/4" - 1") - 1pc. (funny this one was the most expensive 15.99?)

Solar Plexus - # Tumbled Copal "Columbian Amber" Extra Polish (5/8" - 1") - 1pc.

Sacral - # Tumbled Carnelian (1" - 1-1/2") - 1pc.

Root - # Ruby Crystal Chips "Extra" (1" - 1-1/2") - 1pc.

keep u guys posted on my little art project

oh and Craft Wire Silver Plated NonTarnish 24 Gauge 30 YD

If anyone has any suggestions i would be glad to take them into consideration. I was at first thinking about making some sort of light sabery wand, but it would be pretty impractical to lug that around and people would be like whats that.. plus it could get knocked up that way. maybe?

it's gotta be something u can wear and not necessarily connotative of "power" persay but more of... love, but also cool and trendy so it might inspire others to make something similar Smile
I'm putting a lot of thought into this.
maybe something like this
tho it's kind of womany.
tho I don't want to make it a simply wrist band either.. and I have to keep in mind durability.. I'm a Jedi Ninja.. it can get rough out there! lol
this looks complicated.. how is it possible to make something like this?!?!?

a head band might be too gaudy for my personal tastes:
yea it looks girly but i can imagine making this out of more manlier things u know... like pewter and other things but nah.

or even something like what I used to rock:
but nooooo

I like either the leather armlet idea... or some sort of of something!! I don't even know.
There is beauty in simplicity. I just know I'm going to wrap the crystals in wire so they are easier to affix to... whatever it is I'm going to affix them to. but what.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Crimson - 03-02-2011

haha! That sounds like a great project! Good research...

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-02-2011

wow see now that is cool lololol but missing the right proportions between this is uncomfortable.. and this is simple enough to make, to wear and to use.

or maybe I could put a bird on it.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Ocean - 03-02-2011

i saw a really pretty necklace online that had all the chakra stones but i don't remember the place. i was gonna buy it when i had money though. too much of a butterpaws to make one myself.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-02-2011

(03-02-2011, 01:37 PM)Ocean Wrote: i saw a really pretty necklace online that had all the chakra stones but i don't remember the place. i was gonna buy it when i had money though. too much of a butterpaws to make one myself.

something about how the more u work on or with something the more it is imbued with spiritual power. i don't really remember where i read that, but whatever you pick, go into your quiet zone and pick out the one u feel most vibrates your energy centers. It may not be the prettiest, or the most expensive, or it might be expensive, or it might be real pretty. Whatever feels right for you Smile
this helped me to decide.. not so much to buy from there cause the prices are expensive but learn about lemurian seed crystals... and to learn about Tanzine Aura Crystals. In the end i went with one because i resonated with it strongly, but not because it is made with gold and indium.. but the combined energetic effect of quartz on gold and indium. I thought about what Ra said and it being frozen light.. indigo outside, white or clear inside.

A nice color representation of that kind of protection I need for the work I'm going to eventually be doing that I explained in the results of the red ray to green ray thread. BigSmile
Whatever feels right for you buddy! Smile)))))

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-02-2011

How to Wire Wrap a Crystal

this is going to be part of the design... found this last night and it was inspiring! and it looks fun!

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-02-2011

i found some good inspiration here..
and this youtube video on how to knot a celtic tree of life... sweet.. incorporating highly spiritual knotting with my spiritual crystals..
this seems like it's coming together nicely and it's going to be a sort of some kind of armlet, fingerless glove perhaps..

if i get good at making these if they aren't too difficult then maybe i can sell one..

now where to find a long ass cord.. and what color... GREEEN!!!
DARK GREEN... my favorite.. or black.. hmm gotta pick one.
i think black.. always liked black better than white anyhow.
light absorber... then again green might be more conducive to love and the heart chakra.

i never liked red, orange, or yellow items of clothing.. always either, dark blue, or indigo, or green.. funny. when the creation process starts i'll take pictures or maybe film it for youtube! we'll see

i'm purposely avoiding a stick, or rod, design as the path of light doesn't see a war between the light and the dark but rather is an effort to lead the dark back on the path to light.

while the darkness themselves separate themselves from the one infinite creator due to fear. so even the item itself can't be a.... fighting thing but rather has to emote cooperation, and unity..

hahaha. it would be awesome to do chainmail but so much more difficult!

gotta find some sort of indestructable... thick long cord to make this stuff with now! keep u guys posted!

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Ocean - 03-02-2011

thanks, Blatz. i am really curious about the lemurian seed crystal cuz i feel connected with Lemuria.
wow i gotta get a lemurian seed crystal. definitely. i feel it's just what i need.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - AnthroHeart - 03-02-2011

Yellow Topaz is my favorite yellow one. It's one that I use a lot because I can tend to get more blocked in yellow than any other. I can just look at pictures on Google Images to get the benefits of the energy.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Ocean - 03-02-2011

i've always loved topaz. i dunno i just feel passionate about it. maybe that means i should get some.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-02-2011

(03-02-2011, 10:20 PM)Ocean Wrote: i've always loved topaz. i dunno i just feel passionate about it. maybe that means i should get some.

yes it means u should! lol cause it means something to u and thats all that matters.
that's why i got the copal yellow amber.. to me it signified life, sometimes insects get caught in it.
besides the yellow chakra.. the power and control to create life, not just the power and control to create control... but the power and control to celebrate and create life.. so the hidden meaning for me made it even more powerful.

if you feel a connection to topaz.. go for it.. if u feel a connection to a lemurian seed crystal... go for it.
it means it's calling out to you, and u learn to trust your instincts and not to rationalize your thoughts.
It's one of the first things u learn to psychic mediumship. Smile

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Ocean - 03-02-2011

yeah i guess you're right. Smile i tend to have a gut feeling and then the reasoning kicks in.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-03-2011

(03-02-2011, 11:37 PM)Ocean Wrote: yeah i guess you're right. Smile i tend to have a gut feeling and then the reasoning kicks in.

the strangest thing to it is learning to recognize those aren't ur thoughts or feelings at all.. it's almost like it is calling to you.
once u can learn this u can learn what telepathy is... Smile

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Ocean - 03-03-2011

what is telepathy?

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-03-2011

(03-03-2011, 10:19 AM)Ocean Wrote: what is telepathy?

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-03-2011

How to Tie the Celtic Tree of Life Knot by TIAT
something else i found that I want to be part of the design... a tree of life knot!

also found this chinese knot that resembles sacred geometry... and masaru emoto's hidden messages in water.

does anyone possibly.. know how to do something like this? maybe u don't.. but i thought i'd try and put that out there anyway

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Aaron - 03-04-2011

Good luck with your project!! BigSmile

Are you going to make a bracelet or a necklace with the wire wrapped crystals? What I thought of when you mentioned making your own is to get a semi precious stone for each chakra, drill a hole in each one (or find ones pre-drilled), and weave them into a hemp necklace! But I just love hemp. Tongue

Also, I found these few pieces that I don't think have been listed yet.

This one's my fave!

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-04-2011

(03-04-2011, 01:46 AM)Aaron Wrote: Good luck with your project!! BigSmile

Are you going to make a bracelet or a necklace with the wire wrapped crystals?

i was thinking about using this as a starting point of reference.

thank you for the wonderful ideas. I don't have any drilling sets and i'm scared to shatter them as i have no experience in shaping crystals.

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Ocean - 03-05-2011

(03-03-2011, 08:18 PM)BlatzAdict Wrote:
(03-03-2011, 10:19 AM)Ocean Wrote: what is telepathy?

lol it says service not avaible. i guess i'm not telepathic.

but i meant to ask, how do you view telepathy? everyone thinks it's just reading and sending thoughts but your post made me imagine it in a different way. in a more heart-knowing way. i always follow my heart when choosing stuff, when i feel a kind of child-like glee at something. that's always my truth even when other people disagree. but i hadn't thought of that in relation to telepathy. could you expand on that?

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-05-2011

(03-05-2011, 12:21 AM)Ocean Wrote:
(03-03-2011, 08:18 PM)BlatzAdict Wrote:
(03-03-2011, 10:19 AM)Ocean Wrote: what is telepathy?

lol it says service not avaible. i guess i'm not telepathic.

but i meant to ask, how do you view telepathy? everyone thinks it's just reading and sending thoughts but your post made me imagine it in a different way. in a more heart-knowing way. i always follow my heart when choosing stuff, when i feel a kind of child-like glee at something. that's always my truth even when other people disagree. but i hadn't thought of that in relation to telepathy. could you expand on that?

the importance of meditation is to learn to quiet the mind enough so that we are able to discern which thoughts and ideas are ours, and which are not ours. when we become transparent, and quiet the mind to the point where nothing is bothering us, and we have enough discipline to not think or rationalize things, it is when other thoughts come into play.

There are many ways to receive psychic impressions, as u know they are all based on the senses. this is from wikipedia.
Quote:There are four primary channels, clairsensing, trance, healing and physical plus a whole raft of others that do not fit neatly into any one primary channel. Clairvoyance (seeing) and clairaudience (hearing) for example are both kinds of clairsensing and belong in that main group. Many mediums who are good clairvoyants may well have little or no clairaudient capability even though both "gifts" belong in the primary channel of clairsensing. Remote viewing is a facet of clairvoyance and usually appears in practitioners suffering from arrested development.

Telepathy can occur in many different ways. from feeling someone elses feeling, to seeing a mental image someone sends you, or hearing something. It depends on what you focus or visualize on.

One time I was meditating and an ET sent me a mental photograph of himself from the chest up. He was humanoid and had these giant eyes, almost liked like Jim Belushi but with giant eyes. There was no expression, no smile, no anger, just him as he is. So I sent him a mental image of me with a gigantic smile and arms open to suggest HUG! I think this ET was sirian. Though he looked like a greek ET.. i don't know what star system black hair black eyes but caucasian is from. maybe another offshoot of lyra...

2 years ago my uncle died and i meditated and visualized him having a conversation with me. i heard his voice but not so much as an audible voice i heard in my ears but more like an audible voice in my imagination. i'm not gonna get into the details of what we talked about it would make this post twice the length. I visualized the way my uncle sounds the way he talks to me which is quite amusing after he died. I would hear certain things coming from him all of a sudden that I knew wasn't from me. I was like I knew when u were going to pass and he's like whaat? thats scary.. Maybe I was just talking to myself pretending to be him, or maybe I was actually talking to him. I believe I was talking to him... your powers are stronger the more faith you have in your powers..

I think that's why I butt heads with unity lol. I'm coming from faith or love and he's coming from intellect or light.

Part of psychic mediumship again is to not judge what comes through and just to take it as it is. The moment we start to judge is the moment our ego comes into play, and our ego does not like spirituality at all, much less love.

Another time i met someone from a spiritual personals site and she told me she was telepathic.. i sent her my energy and she's like do u have to pee? and i'm like wtf why yes how'd u know? lolololol
So it's more a feeling, but learning how to feel those feelings is another thing

learn how to feel your chi, your reiki, chakra, spiritual energy, whatever it is you call it.. learn how to feel it. then go out into the world and feel other people and see if u feel anything.. men are a hard energy, more yang.. females have a softer energy almost like an embrace, more yin.

both can feel heavy or light.. light is happy.. heavy is pissed or anger, but the more u do it the more u can tell the finer difference. but u need to be able to feel your energy when u are pissed, or when u are sad, or when u are happy.. this is awareness... and then clearing ur mind, living in the now, living in the moment, u will be more sensitive to the feelings of others and the emotions of others.

most people are lonely but hide it. it's a little sad in this world. crap i always run my mouth. sorry.
lol damn yo 12:12 again.. i'm just on a roll with the synchro..

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - Ocean - 03-05-2011

no that was great. thank you.

i think i do feel that from men and women, their gender. sort of. and i've made progress feeling my own energy, and taking the ego out of it when i'm for example pissed or scared and just feeling the feeling, and as such it still hurts but isn't AS scary, because now it is just a form of energy. still unpleasant but less mythical.

thoughts are harder though, as i've always had uninvited thoughts so i just assume all my thoughts are just my crazy mind. but i did get a projected image i think some time ago.

lol i can't believe there's a Sirian alien that looks like Jim Belushi. hehehe. that's hilarious. does that mean they have our templates?

RE: 7 Chakra Balancing Jewelry *making a lightsaber lol* - BlatzAdict - 03-05-2011

(03-05-2011, 01:56 AM)Ocean Wrote: lol i can't believe there's a Sirian alien that looks like Jim Belushi. hehehe. that's hilarious. does that mean they have our templates?

contrary to popular belief.. most aliens look human. ra said so. we were created by the annunaki, and then several other races came and put in their genetic code into the genome.. thats why we all seem to be related genetically.

whites are from the lyran system, where they branched out to the plieades, and other systems i have long forgotten about but read about years ago.

asians from deneb.. not sure where black ppl are from.. sirius? thats just a guess.

ra says one star's unique energetic output makes a 3rd density life all across the board 1 hair color 1 skin color.

i forget where in the Law of One it says that. thats why they consider our race genetic royalty. we have the code of all of the progenitor races that contributed their genetic sequence.
i wish someone would ask quo what star system latin people are from. and what system hindu people are from. hmm. and black ppl. just to settle it once and for all lololol.