10-06-2021, 04:12 AM
Something that can seem scary is that Osho said going into total confusion brings clarity but it's through the dark night of the soul. And Gigi Young said the same thing about the black sun and the blackening stage! That it means entering the dark night of the soul.
Fortunately the dark night of the soul can be avoided by recognizing that all thoughts are concepts. That's where the transparent astral crystal comes into the picture. The transparent crystal contains all concepts yet is itself unattached to them. It's when the mind clings to the thoughts through separate personal identification that the difficulty of going into total confusion remains.
Fortunately the dark night of the soul can be avoided by recognizing that all thoughts are concepts. That's where the transparent astral crystal comes into the picture. The transparent crystal contains all concepts yet is itself unattached to them. It's when the mind clings to the thoughts through separate personal identification that the difficulty of going into total confusion remains.