06-01-2021, 02:28 PM
(06-01-2021, 10:12 AM)Patrick Wrote: @Graemett
To the subject of your question. I found this very interesting session here.
Quote:Gary: Q'uo, I'm going to read a few sentences from Ra. The final sentence in this excerpt has confused even the greatest scholars of the Ra contact. Ra says: “The largest number of wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted toward a great deal of purity of mind, and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, (here's the tough part) and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction.” Can you lend any clarity to "and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction?"
Q’uo: I am Q'uo, and aware of your query, my brother. The maelstrom that is referred to in this quote is the confusion that exists within each third-density illusion into which wanderers offer themselves through incarnation to attempt to alleviate the effects of the maelstrom of confusion within the third-density illusion; the desire to aid in the reduction of confusion and the forces of negativity that have long surrounded many of the population of this planet on other third density planets that suffered the same difficulty in achieving harvest, is that which has followed these entities here to your earth plane, shall we say. [1]
The maelstrom which each of the repeating third-density groupings has been brought with them is a kind of, shall we say, catastrophic, non-loving experience that has an infective or infection quality that seems for many to grow more potent as each additional effort to polarize sufficiently for fourth density graduation fails. Thus the wanderers who offer themselves in service to this planet and its variety of repeating populations, realize they are incarnating into a storm, a consciousness storm of failure, a storm of retribution, a storm of the desire to move out of the sinkhole in which they find themselves, and yet find the movement to be nearly impossible.
The reason this maelstrom has the, shall we say, sinkhole quality of drawing these entities into it, is that there is the continued failure to put forth the necessary effort to make progress on the spiritual path. This creates a kind of inner turmoil which is reflected outwardly for each entity so that there is a cumulative increase in exponential terms for the confusion, doubt, anger, fear, and so forth that form the emotional framework for such entities.
The wanderers are well aware of this type of negative magnetism, shall we say, that there is a drawing unto this storming condition by the entities who have experienced it so many times within that or other third density experiences. Thus, the wanderer realizes that there is a kind of momentum working against them as they seek to be of service to those who are the victims of this momentum. This maelstrom that has long been a part of their spiritual journey.
Is there a further query, my brother?
Gary: Thank you. The assumption had been that Ra's syntax was a little off in transmitting that reply, and your reply was very clarifying. Another question. Also from the Ra contact. The questioner asks "What could one of these entities do to become karmically involved?" Ra replies: an entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings can become karmically involved.”
Can you elaborate on what it means to be consciously unloving?
Q’uo: I am Q'uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. It is usually the pattern of behavior of negatively oriented entities to be unloving or separative with entities about them, to control these entities in some fashion so that their power may be ascribed to the negatively oriented entity with the greater power. To be consciously unloving for the negatively oriented entity is the very nature of its journey.
However, we find that there are many entities who are most usually seen as being positively oriented, that also, in some instances, for some reason, may express this type of negativity to other entities within its circle of being. The wanderer, in many instances becomes confused upon its path of service, having been subject to many of the paralyzing effects of living as a wanderer within this third-density illusion. These paralyzing effects may have a distorting feature for such a wanderer so that it may confusedly feel that it is accomplishing a positive task by behaving in a negative manner, feeling, the end justifies the means, shall we say.
Such a wanderer, in this confused comprehension of its service, then may exert a controlling behavior upon another entity which it feels needs this controlling behavior in order to benefit from the supposed wisdom of the wanderer. This is a kind of situation which redounds to the very being of the wanderer, who has in its original desire to incarnate to be of service, found itself at the mercy of, as we said before, the kind of difficulties and traumatic experiences that the wanderer is likely to encounter that has caused a distortion within the perceptions of the wanderer.
This is a situation which can require that the wanderer, upon moving from this illusion into the afterworld, shall we say, as it begins to assess the incarnation just completed, will discover that its perceptions cause behaviors upon its part that will now require that it re-learn those lessons that were seemingly forgotten within the previous incarnation. This re-learning of lessons of opening the heart to unconditional love may require the repetition of the entire 75,000 year master cycle of third density. Thusly, the wanderer will hopefully begin to build a firmer foundation within its own beingness in order to be able to more clearly apprehend the nature of the services which it wished to offer in the previous incarnation.
Is there a further query, my brother?
Gary: Two super-quick follow ups. So are you saying, Q'uo, that the consciously unloving activity that accumulates karma is essentially any activity which seeks to intentionally infringe on the free will of another through control or manipulation? Whether or not the reasons are confused?
Q’uo: I am Q'uo, and am aware of your query, my brother, and would say that you have correctly surmised that which we meet—we correct this instrument—which we were attempting to express.
Gary: In that case, would, say . . . you also use the word negativity, and that's where I'm attempting to explore, because many positive beings have a variety of experiences of negativity, sometimes communicated. So for the entity who may have a, say, knee-jerk reaction of anger, or frustration, or other form of negativity, does that fall within the karma-accumulating unloving activity?
Q’uo: I'm Q'uo, and am aware of your query my brother. In general, we would say this is not the case. For there must be a pattern of this type of negative expression of control over another self, that would cause the wanderer or any other entity so demonstrating this controlling behavior, to need to repeat the master cycle of third density experience. The knee-jerk reaction to which you refer is a kind of experience of catalyst, which to the conscientious seeker of truth becomes an opportunity to balance in the overall sense of its beingness. So that the anger may be balanced by the love that was absent in the expression of anger, as the catalyst was experienced.
Thank you Patrick, interesting reading. Regarding "Negativity"? If we are, (constantly), residing in the "Neutral State", there is no negativity. Part of the aspect of Self-Realization is the control and taming of the emotions. This also comes from "Living in the Moment" and the "Now". In the same way that we treat every individual equally, (without prejudgement), there is no emotional attachment regarding the reaction to one person or another. Then we have the issue of worldly possessions. Worldly possessions create a, (natural), attachment because they become a part of our personality. Once again, I had the opportunity which many people do not have, in the other thread regarding homelessness, I said that by losing everything, I gained everything. Becoming free from material possessions. Material possessions also restrict Spiritual Evolution because of our attachment to them. Within our Spiritual Growth, we need to live a "Minimalist Living", (if we are really sincere in what we believe), then a minimalist lifestyle is not a sacrifice, but a gift.
Another method I have used for at least the last ten years, is to hold a "Neutral Position" regarding events in the outside world. Or, disregard all mainstream propaganda and misinformation. By reaching our own conclusions from the "Neutral State", we are also creating our own Reality. In, (yet), another Thread, the subject of "Chemtrails'" was mentioned, and my reply was, I have not seen them for the last ten years. In other words, they do not exist in my Reality. Self-Realization is the Self-Evolution and changing our Reality, (and Worldview). It is the same regarding the Pandemic. My answer is always the same, "What Pandemic"? It does not exist in my Reality. By living in the Neutral State, we are controlling our own destiny.
Meanwhile, we must be positive, (in all things). By residing in the Neutral State, (and the control over emotions), there is no negativity. Although neither does Positive Thought exist either. The natural "Neutral State" is neither positive or negative, (emotionally), because there is no emotional attachment. It is, AS IT IS. The "Natural Order of Everything". As individuals we regard ourselves as separate from the outside world, and we do not recognize that we are a part of it. Perhaps "Self Realization" should be renamed the "Realized Self", as it detaches itself and the Human overtones?