05-26-2021, 12:22 PM
Great points all around, I agree whole heartedly, I had heard Red Fascism somewhere and it stuck for some reason, the USSR was always under threat as a nation and so it couldn't be anarchist at all. My point in general was the positive polarity is not very strong in politics, and any attempt to form a society around such principles (Love, freedom, community) will ultimately fail if they are not protected from the force of nationalism and imperialism. I also think that in 4th density, anarchism will not be seen as optimal, since everyone's position is known and the society orients itself to STO. The result would be something like a meritocracy, with those least interested in the domination and control of being a Leader in the young social complex, receiving those responsibilities for governance, not ruling. Everyone will be encouraged to develop themselves as fully as they can, there will be no money (unless desired) no social grievance or crime which goes unaddressed with Love.