03-19-2021, 12:09 AM
Hatonn, 15 Jan 1974
Quote:My friends, truth is very, very simple. The Creator’s plan is very, very simple. It is not necessary that we weave a complex web of circumstance to lead you to the Creator. He is within you, and you are Him. It is only necessary that you realize this in its fullest sense for you to be aware of all the Creator’s wisdom. The people of this planet have blocked their minds from this knowledge. We are attempting to teach the people of this planet how to remove this blockage.
It is a very simple process. Unfortunately, the people of this planet are more accustomed to complexity, and would therefore desire intellectual juggling of various propositions and theories. This, my friends, is not necessary. To get from where you are to where you should be requires an understanding that has nothing to do with the intellect. It requires, simply, a knowing of truth.
This truth is extremely simple. What I am trying to say is that when you become totally aware of this simple truth, then you will not use intellectual processes to understand anything that you wish to know. This knowledge will be yours, for all knowledge is linked in the Creator’s universe. There is no separation. This separation occurs only when man desires it, through use of the freedom of choice that has been given him by his Creator. Return, therefore, to the Creator. Return to the knowledge and the wisdom and the power that is yours. Do this by giving forth only His light and His love. This is what was intended. Acting otherwise, and knowing otherwise, results only in the isolation and blockage that I referred to.
Consider very carefully these simple teachings that I offer to you, for these simple teachings are all that is required. There is nothing of a complex nature that is needed.
Inhabiting that truth is not a function of intellect, but when one moves forward into the illusion with that light and love, knowing how to employ some intelligence can be useful, it seems to moi. But all of this returns again to that central point--that central truth--eventually, perhaps at the end of each day? Perhaps for a given individual, more often, or less?