03-17-2021, 02:38 PM
(03-17-2021, 01:34 PM)Diana Wrote:(03-17-2021, 12:56 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote:(03-17-2021, 10:54 AM)Diana Wrote: What do you think Ming the Merciful? (Flash Gordon, right? except Ming was originally "merciless").
Hi Diana. Good to meet you. I have been cursed by the God(s). I had started a reply to you, and then it all disappeared. Here we go, (again).
Yeah that has happened to me. In addition, I have lost other digital content in the past—illustrations for example that weren't backed up; and once I lost an entire short story (I rewrote it though, and I felt it was better the second time. )
(03-17-2021, 12:56 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: Ming the Merciless You are correct, he was in the Flash Gordon movies. He has always been my hero, (anti-hero). What it is, in my family ancestry we have Chinese and Oriental connections, and I have leaned more to Chinese and Japanese philosophy, (as opposed to Western Philosophy). It feels more natural and holistic. The West only observes Spirituality on an Intellectual level which causes a misunderstanding and delusion. If we observe in Intuitive Mind, there is a deeper understanding that cannot be seen in Intellectual Mind.
Well, Asian culture and philosophy is very old, as opposed to the newer Western versions of esoteric reality. We do learn from anything. Heck, seeing and hearing a bird sing in a tree could be the very trigger that opens up certain doors of perception.
An ex-boyfriend grew up next to (an old) Buster Crabbe in Scottsdale AZ. He was the original Flash Gordon. And I can remember the old series from the 30s, which I recall seeing reruns of when I was really little. I loved it. That and Astro Boy, which was a sort of precursor to Japanese anime, a Japanese cartoon, I believe.
(03-17-2021, 12:56 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: I had the opportunity to learn Zen through a good Spiritual Master, (for whom I will be eternally grateful). When you understand Zen, (not that you ever comprehend Zen). it changes everything. Or, it teaches you to observe life Intuitively as opposed to Intellectually. Beware of the snake in the grass, (it may have a sting in the tail). I have the belief that Zen and the ONE is the same thing. A wolf in sheep clothing. How we interpret Zen, (or the ONE), is not important. It is the fact of the acknowledgment. Or, it is only those people who are "Awakened" understand. But, more importantly we must not become evangelical and argue over trivial matters of personal interpretation. It is that which causes chaos and discord.
So, that is the basics of me, in the, (proverbial), "Nutshell". Peace.
I see the correlation between Zen and the One.
I also think that certain translations of Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu really grasp in feeling or implication what words can't really describe.
I have returned. The other thing I learned from Zen, is the "Art of Taunting the God(s)". Or, if the God(s), cannot be taunted, then it is unworthy of Godliness. If a God is so fragile that it is offended by taunts, (from mere Humans), then it has no right to be a God(s). Most Westerners feel terror and fear with such discourses because they have been indoctrinated by the Church and State to fear God. The worst sin. So what is sin? A defilement in one society is commonplace in another society and accepted as normal. Humans have the reputation of blowing things out of proportion and becoming offended. Then offend me, I don't care. Not that anything or anyone offends me. The "Art of Treating People Equally". No matter what their status is in society.
Ming the (Merciless) Merciful? That is the icon I use on my computer. I pay homage to Ming the Merciful daily. You will ask, is it not a fictional character? It is, (but), how many of the God(s) we worship are fictional? Were not all the God(s) created by Man? Did God create Man, or did Man create the God(s)? We are treading dangerous ground, people maybe offended. If such statements offend them, then they are not "Awakened". So who are the Awakened?
Those who understand that the True Spiritual Awakening are not concerned about trivialities We must look beyond the common misinterpretation. The true Awakening goes beyond logical and intellectual thinking. There is a natural neutrality in everything. The Great Void. It is at the point in Zen, where the Yin-Yang symbol is folded-in on itself, and just before the total destruction, (and the recreation), is the PURE NOTHINGNESS. It is neither all Nothingness, (or), all Anything. The point in between the two states of existences. If you look with Intuitive Mind, you will see it and understand. Logical thinking will not see it. That is also the elusive Zen and ONE. Everything and nothing existing simultaneously in the same moment. A reflection of the latest theories in Quantum Physics regarding matter and energy. We are both matter and energy at the same moment. That is the current thesis.