Socialism is the same as capitalism. So long as it is run by STS authorities, the resources will be hoarded and blocked.
In capitalism, market crashes are used to transfer and redistribute wealth from the little guy (GME/Reddit bets) to the big guys (Schwab/Citadel/hedge funds).
In socialism, revolutions, wars, and laws are used to transfer and redistribute the wealth from those without guns to those with the guns.
Sweden, Australia, Switzerland, all have different combinations and ratios. So does the US, as Georgia/Utah is not the same as California.
The example of what happened to Libya is also a teaching moment for both styles.
In capitalism, market crashes are used to transfer and redistribute wealth from the little guy (GME/Reddit bets) to the big guys (Schwab/Citadel/hedge funds).
In socialism, revolutions, wars, and laws are used to transfer and redistribute the wealth from those without guns to those with the guns.
Sweden, Australia, Switzerland, all have different combinations and ratios. So does the US, as Georgia/Utah is not the same as California.
The example of what happened to Libya is also a teaching moment for both styles.