01-26-2011, 10:20 AM
Good Greetings Meerie and All:
This is what I am currently learning. It is my salt for what it is worth. I Bless you all!
Galactic Gene Pool:
Carian-Bird - Pleiadian-Human
The base that your genetic structure originates from will create a proclivity toward: veganism, omnivore, carnivore (very rare on Earth) and or vegetarian
As we shift into greater expansion at times Animal Protein will be needed for some of the races. I see this as natural as your cat eating a mouse or an alligator gnoshing on a bird. It is is in the genes. As the genetic structure expands-- as a natural consequence of the expansion there will be less and less need to eat animal protein, then vegetable protein and evenually protien will be forgone except during healing or pregnancy.
Ayurvedic Classification of Body Type and Suggested foods and habits compliments the Wisdom that I recieved.
Venusians generally are usually Kapha. The grains are very difficult for A Venusian or Kapha or Human-Feline body type to digest and assimilate. Usually grains especially Gluten shifts the body into acidity, obesity and all the health woes that go with both obesity and acidic body environments
In order for disease to thrive 3 things must be in place: belief system, acidic body, attitude. It is possible to have an acidic body and live a life with some minor and annoying health complaints with out a body breakdown... but when the two other factors such as belief system (I am old thus I wil be sick etc.) and Attitude (fear feelings) creates disease and greater body breakdown. When the body is breaking down it is physically discomforting as the body is really breaking down.
So to shift from this 3 changes must occur:
Diet must shift to an 1. alkaline diet--- high lysine bearing foods tend to be the most alkaline , 2. Belief System examination and Correction (inner work). 3. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude and shift into Self-Love. When all 3 components are in place the body rapidly returns to good health.
The body is designed to heal itself when fed the proper prana and food.
There is also much to be said about the body type being beautiful as it is structured. In modern Western and especially USA society, venusian women are seen as being too much. This is largely due to the media examples of rail thin and emaciated women who really look like little girls in woman bodies. It is what I call the princess syndrom where the society controllers wish to create a culture of rejection toward any type of body type that is associated with the Earth Mother. The Earth Mother is always depicted as a Venusian Body Type.
earth mother goddess 2.jpg (Size: 5.27 KB / Downloads: 0)
venus_statue.jpg (Size: 8.57 KB / Downloads: 0)
I bless you with Love--
This is what I am currently learning. It is my salt for what it is worth. I Bless you all!
Galactic Gene Pool:
Carian-Bird - Pleiadian-Human
The base that your genetic structure originates from will create a proclivity toward: veganism, omnivore, carnivore (very rare on Earth) and or vegetarian
As we shift into greater expansion at times Animal Protein will be needed for some of the races. I see this as natural as your cat eating a mouse or an alligator gnoshing on a bird. It is is in the genes. As the genetic structure expands-- as a natural consequence of the expansion there will be less and less need to eat animal protein, then vegetable protein and evenually protien will be forgone except during healing or pregnancy.
Ayurvedic Classification of Body Type and Suggested foods and habits compliments the Wisdom that I recieved.
Venusians generally are usually Kapha. The grains are very difficult for A Venusian or Kapha or Human-Feline body type to digest and assimilate. Usually grains especially Gluten shifts the body into acidity, obesity and all the health woes that go with both obesity and acidic body environments
In order for disease to thrive 3 things must be in place: belief system, acidic body, attitude. It is possible to have an acidic body and live a life with some minor and annoying health complaints with out a body breakdown... but when the two other factors such as belief system (I am old thus I wil be sick etc.) and Attitude (fear feelings) creates disease and greater body breakdown. When the body is breaking down it is physically discomforting as the body is really breaking down.
So to shift from this 3 changes must occur:
Diet must shift to an 1. alkaline diet--- high lysine bearing foods tend to be the most alkaline , 2. Belief System examination and Correction (inner work). 3. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude and shift into Self-Love. When all 3 components are in place the body rapidly returns to good health.
The body is designed to heal itself when fed the proper prana and food.
There is also much to be said about the body type being beautiful as it is structured. In modern Western and especially USA society, venusian women are seen as being too much. This is largely due to the media examples of rail thin and emaciated women who really look like little girls in woman bodies. It is what I call the princess syndrom where the society controllers wish to create a culture of rejection toward any type of body type that is associated with the Earth Mother. The Earth Mother is always depicted as a Venusian Body Type.
earth mother goddess 2.jpg (Size: 5.27 KB / Downloads: 0)
venus_statue.jpg (Size: 8.57 KB / Downloads: 0)
I bless you with Love--