12-23-2010, 07:43 PM
(12-23-2010, 06:50 PM)DarkSai Wrote: As i see it there are two key parts to Don's question. He asked how many people had 'penetrated the memory block' and 'became aware of who they are'. The memory block is only a perception derived from the veil between space/time and time/space, where all memories reside. So, i believe, piercing the veil is somewhat synonymous with piercing the memory block, even though its not 'technically' the same. This might also explain why Ra used the phrase 'penetrated their status'.Sure.
(12-23-2010, 06:50 PM)DarkSai Wrote: The 2nd part, 'become aware of who they are' i believe Ra have taken this as meaning simply that they became aware that they are eternal co-Creators and are One with All.I don't think so, because 1) awareness of being a co-creator or one with all has nothing specifically to do with being a wanderer and 2) this was in the context of an explanation of the varying degrees of awareness of being a wanderer.
(12-23-2010, 06:50 PM)DarkSai Wrote: I would also like to point out that not everyone that pierces the veil has their entire soul stream laid out in front of them immediately.I tend to think of the veil more generally, as some kind of bottleneck to the unconscious - both personal and collective. Also one could say that interpreting dreams or working with active imagination is "penetrating the veil" because information is flowing from the unconscious to consciousness.
(12-23-2010, 06:50 PM)DarkSai Wrote: It requires a further act of free will, be it conscious or not, to experience those things once the veil is pierced.Sure it should be obvious that here, in order for something to become experience in the first place (that is useful knowledge), the 'question' not only has to be asked (consciously or unconsciously), but consciousness must be applied to determine the answer. Otherwise there would be no point - no meaning, no place for the information to be integrated. Sometimes we do not want the information that is able to pass through the veil to be integrated, and we put in place an 'artificial veil' with blocking mechanisms like dogma, superstition and ritual or false morality. Two veils for the price of one.
(12-23-2010, 06:50 PM)DarkSai Wrote: Thus, i believe its not a far stretch to assume that Ra was counting those who have, essentially, had awakening experience where they touched intelligent Infinity and came to know their True Nature.But everyone has a "True Nature" and anyone can have an "awakening experience" - so you must be referring to a particular experience of penetrating the veil and seeing a part of the personality that was particularly suggestive of being an ET being.