11-24-2010, 04:27 AM
Start looking at your hand first, it's easier. Easiest is in a dark room, put a kind of spotlight on your hand. Make sure your eyes or the background aren't in the light. Move your hand slightly as if following gentle waves. Looking across the hand or through the fingers you'll see a small band of whitish smokish lightish stuffish...
That's not the aura It's your etheric double body, it's easier to see. The aura is more subtle. Most people start by trying to see the etheric double and practice on that double untill they see the aura.
For comparison the etheric body double extends about 1 or 2 centimeters from the body. The aura usually extends up to a meter. For some people that's over 10 meters.
Do be aware, if you're looking too strongly at something (like a lamp) you'll see after effects. That's why the wavy motion is in there. Keep moving as not to build up the after effect.
It's not hard, 10 years ago I could get people to see it with 10 minutes instruction. Awesome party trick I'm not even good at it myself. I'm lousy at seeing colors, unfortunately this extends to seeing auras.
You can also easily learn to feel the aura, your own or someone elses. If anyone feels interested I'll post the steps.
That's not the aura It's your etheric double body, it's easier to see. The aura is more subtle. Most people start by trying to see the etheric double and practice on that double untill they see the aura.
For comparison the etheric body double extends about 1 or 2 centimeters from the body. The aura usually extends up to a meter. For some people that's over 10 meters.
Do be aware, if you're looking too strongly at something (like a lamp) you'll see after effects. That's why the wavy motion is in there. Keep moving as not to build up the after effect.
It's not hard, 10 years ago I could get people to see it with 10 minutes instruction. Awesome party trick I'm not even good at it myself. I'm lousy at seeing colors, unfortunately this extends to seeing auras.
You can also easily learn to feel the aura, your own or someone elses. If anyone feels interested I'll post the steps.