11-08-2010, 04:39 AM
Thank you Monica. I still feel, though, that all, even our suffering, is indeed perfect, in spite of what our senses or logic may tell us. This realm is not for being happy and heavenly and comfy-cozy, it is for burning away all of that which is not golden, that the gold may shine, and for exploring all of the possibilities of error and reconciliation. Polarity brings about the harvest. If I'm the only one that feels that way, then so be it; it is my view. I simply do not believe in mistakes. Let's not forget that free will is a distortion, even if it is the first and primary one. All wills are the will of the One Infinite Creator, and all experiences are valid and even valuable, even those which are "mistakes," so called. The fact that beings make certain decisions which have effects they were not intending is not, to me, a reason to say that those beings shouldn't have made those decisions; for indeed if Yahweh made that decision, this was a lesson that was a part of Yahweh's evolution as well. In other words, the choices we make are how we choose our lessons, and the choice of Yahweh to do what it did, as well as the choice made by the higher self of the Martians to have this done to them (yes, I do believe that nothing happens which is not chosen by our higher self), were all methods by which they chose the lessons they were to learn, even if they had no conscious notion of it at the time of choice. Also, I do not recall the density of Yahweh, at the time this happened, being given. In my view, the Logos allows all, within the limits of it's archetypal parameters, precisely because there are not wrong choices. All is a creative act, all results in learning of lessons which are entirely new and at the same time simply a new take on that which is eternally the same.
Unity, I already know you don't agree with me. I don't want to keep debating about it. I created this thread primarily to discuss issues of history in relation to the Law of One material, not issues of free will and whether or not certain things that happened were mistakes. On that, I hope that we can simply agree to disagree. Peace.
Concerning the race issue, I think you're right, it cannot be limited to the Abrahamic people and so perhaps the red-thread author is in some degree of error in her speculations. However, I am still left wondering if this group of people is indeed what we think of as the white groups or races (the original seeding). Since it made up roughly half of the beginning population of the earth, it must be some large group and not just the specific ruling bloodlines. And white people's general antagonism towards those around them throughout history seems to make them fit the bill. A professor of mine once described this white antagonism as being deeply rooted in very archetypal notions of light and dark; for instance, people gather around the fire, the brightness, the light, and are afraid of the dark. The dark is wild, and white things are generally considered to be purer, etc. So, in addition to that (if the they were what we know today as white people), the Martians arrived here on the earth halfway through their third density developments, while the indigenous populations for the most part were just beginning theirs, with bodies that had been enhanced to better suit their stage of development. Of course, we cannot judge the conditions at that time by what we know of as the races today, because there clearly is little difference, with proper education, in mental capacities between races, while it would also be ridiculous to deny that the bodies of the African race are generally athletically superior to most other races. However, science does claim that early man was smaller in stature, and so could this have been true of most racial groups 75,000 years ago, and could the Martians have been larger and smarter at the time? And were they the early origins of the loose grouping called Caucasians?
Not that it really matters I guess, we're all more or less the same now in our capacities, with some notable differences in tendency, and this isn't a subject that has much spiritual implication, I simply find it interesting.
Also, I seem to remember something David Icke said about caucasian people, when placed in sensory deprivation tanks, having circadian rhythms that were synced to the day cycle of mars, which is maybe just 40 minutes longer, people of color having rhythms slightly shorter and more synced to earth. I am still looking for the scientific basis of that claim.
Here is some info from Edgar Cayce on the subject:
Origins Of The Five Races
Question: Did the appearance of what became the five races occur simultaneously?
Answer Cayce: Occurred at once.
Question: Describe the earth's surface at the period of the appearance of the five projections.
Answer Cayce: This has been given. In the first or that known as the beginning, or in the Caucasian and Carpathian, or the Garden Of Eden, in that land which now lies much in the desert, yet much in mountain and much in rolling lands there. The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semitropical regions; hence it would be hard to discern or disseminate the change. The Nile entered into the Atlantic Ocean. What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile. What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States. That land along the Atlantic seaboard formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis. The Andean or the Pacific coast of South America occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria. The Urals and the northern regions of same were turned into a tropical land. The desert in the Mongolian land was then the fertile portion. This may enable you to form some concept of the states of the earth's representations at that time. The oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names, yet from whence obtained they their names? What is the legend, even, as to their names?
Question: Are the following the correct places? Atlantean, the red race?
Answer Cayce: Atlantean and American, the red race.
Question: Upper Africa for the black?
Answer Cayce: Or what would be known now as the more western portion of upper Egypt for the black. You see, with the changes, when there came the uprisings in the Atlantean land, and the sojourning southward, with the turning of the axis, the white and yellow races came more into that portion of Egypt, India, Persia and Arabia.
Now, the red-thread author does seem to think that the Israelites, or who she identifies as them, were at some of their earliest points from the Egyptian region. The Aryans who came South into India are traced (however accurately) to have come from some area in the Eastern Europe/Western Russia/Turkey region. So, perhaps they began in this northern area and then when the pole shifts occurred they moved out in all directions into Egypt, the Middle East, Russia, and Europe? Were these the Martians?
And so then, when the mating of the Yahweh entities with a portion or their original seedings (thank you Unity for the clarification), which we have come to know today as the Israelites, occurred, could it still be true then, as the red-thread author indicates, that the Northern (lost) tribes of these people did disperse after the Babylonians tried to stamp them out, into the northern regions of Europe, and still did become what we think of today as the Celtic-British portion of the total, overall white population (which is much larger and covers much more land)? Or, was the second mating of the Yahweh entities, creating the Israelites, only relevant to a few elite families? Or did those families simply arise from this larger population of people who Yahweh genetically changed?
Unity, I already know you don't agree with me. I don't want to keep debating about it. I created this thread primarily to discuss issues of history in relation to the Law of One material, not issues of free will and whether or not certain things that happened were mistakes. On that, I hope that we can simply agree to disagree. Peace.
Concerning the race issue, I think you're right, it cannot be limited to the Abrahamic people and so perhaps the red-thread author is in some degree of error in her speculations. However, I am still left wondering if this group of people is indeed what we think of as the white groups or races (the original seeding). Since it made up roughly half of the beginning population of the earth, it must be some large group and not just the specific ruling bloodlines. And white people's general antagonism towards those around them throughout history seems to make them fit the bill. A professor of mine once described this white antagonism as being deeply rooted in very archetypal notions of light and dark; for instance, people gather around the fire, the brightness, the light, and are afraid of the dark. The dark is wild, and white things are generally considered to be purer, etc. So, in addition to that (if the they were what we know today as white people), the Martians arrived here on the earth halfway through their third density developments, while the indigenous populations for the most part were just beginning theirs, with bodies that had been enhanced to better suit their stage of development. Of course, we cannot judge the conditions at that time by what we know of as the races today, because there clearly is little difference, with proper education, in mental capacities between races, while it would also be ridiculous to deny that the bodies of the African race are generally athletically superior to most other races. However, science does claim that early man was smaller in stature, and so could this have been true of most racial groups 75,000 years ago, and could the Martians have been larger and smarter at the time? And were they the early origins of the loose grouping called Caucasians?
Not that it really matters I guess, we're all more or less the same now in our capacities, with some notable differences in tendency, and this isn't a subject that has much spiritual implication, I simply find it interesting.
Also, I seem to remember something David Icke said about caucasian people, when placed in sensory deprivation tanks, having circadian rhythms that were synced to the day cycle of mars, which is maybe just 40 minutes longer, people of color having rhythms slightly shorter and more synced to earth. I am still looking for the scientific basis of that claim.
Here is some info from Edgar Cayce on the subject:
Origins Of The Five Races
Question: Did the appearance of what became the five races occur simultaneously?
Answer Cayce: Occurred at once.
Question: Describe the earth's surface at the period of the appearance of the five projections.
Answer Cayce: This has been given. In the first or that known as the beginning, or in the Caucasian and Carpathian, or the Garden Of Eden, in that land which now lies much in the desert, yet much in mountain and much in rolling lands there. The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semitropical regions; hence it would be hard to discern or disseminate the change. The Nile entered into the Atlantic Ocean. What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile. What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States. That land along the Atlantic seaboard formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis. The Andean or the Pacific coast of South America occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria. The Urals and the northern regions of same were turned into a tropical land. The desert in the Mongolian land was then the fertile portion. This may enable you to form some concept of the states of the earth's representations at that time. The oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names, yet from whence obtained they their names? What is the legend, even, as to their names?
Question: Are the following the correct places? Atlantean, the red race?
Answer Cayce: Atlantean and American, the red race.
Question: Upper Africa for the black?
Answer Cayce: Or what would be known now as the more western portion of upper Egypt for the black. You see, with the changes, when there came the uprisings in the Atlantean land, and the sojourning southward, with the turning of the axis, the white and yellow races came more into that portion of Egypt, India, Persia and Arabia.
Now, the red-thread author does seem to think that the Israelites, or who she identifies as them, were at some of their earliest points from the Egyptian region. The Aryans who came South into India are traced (however accurately) to have come from some area in the Eastern Europe/Western Russia/Turkey region. So, perhaps they began in this northern area and then when the pole shifts occurred they moved out in all directions into Egypt, the Middle East, Russia, and Europe? Were these the Martians?
And so then, when the mating of the Yahweh entities with a portion or their original seedings (thank you Unity for the clarification), which we have come to know today as the Israelites, occurred, could it still be true then, as the red-thread author indicates, that the Northern (lost) tribes of these people did disperse after the Babylonians tried to stamp them out, into the northern regions of Europe, and still did become what we think of today as the Celtic-British portion of the total, overall white population (which is much larger and covers much more land)? Or, was the second mating of the Yahweh entities, creating the Israelites, only relevant to a few elite families? Or did those families simply arise from this larger population of people who Yahweh genetically changed?