Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - Printable Version

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Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - rilesywilesy - 11-07-2010

I have been doing some research and some piecing together of various bits of information which I was led to synchronistically by discovering some things regarding my blood type; originally I simply found this interesting, but as I delved deeper, I have become completely fascinated, and I hope you will be, too. I'm going to warn you before you read further though, that this one is not all lovey-dovey and comfortable. It deals with bloodlines, races, and the STS elite which allow the Orion Group to manipulate our society. I am putting this information in the forums on this website because the information I am uncovering may have serious implications for understanding how some sections of the Law of One material are relevant to the state of our world today, not to scare anyone.

First things first, since this is in the "Strictly Law of One" forum, let me show the specific section(s) of the material we are working with, here.

If you are reading this thread, you are likely familiar with the line of questions relating to the efforts of Yahweh to contribute to the evolution of consciousness on earth through genetic manipulation, and this experiment's mixed results.

Now, the reason my investigations have led me to believe I may have discovered something of great relevance to these passages will not be clear until I describe to you the path of those investigations. Therefore, allow me this somewhat lengthy departure from the Law of One material, before we return to it later:

I was researching something I had heard about a while ago, but had not looked deeply into. That is the subject of the RH-negtive blood factor, which I have, and which seems to have appeared roughly 35,000 years ago, in isolated populations, with no explanation from modern science and genetics other than "random mutation". People with this blood factor tend to have many peculiar characteristics, basically all of which apply to me, as well as to others with the blood type I have found since I started researching this, though not all. Also, and this is a very important point, this blood factor occurs mainly in the Eastern Jewish and Western European-American populations, being practically non-existent in African, Asian, and Native American populations.

For more info on the blood type, it's possible origins, and these characteristics, check out this webpage:

Now, it was somewhat interesting and exciting for me to find out that I seem to be descended from some type of mating or genetic manipulation of humans with or by extra-terrestrials. It also reminded me instinctively of the Yahweh passages from the Law of One material, but the connection was not yet clear.

The next step in this journey is when I happened upon this little website, and in particular this section of one of the author's books:

Now, I know that this is a lot to ask ye forum goers to read, but at least skim it and let me hit the high points. Also, please suspend your judgement as you read it, because you may at first be shocked.

Basically, the theory she proposes is that what have collectively become known of as "white" people of the world are basically the descendents of tribes of Israel which dispersed far and wide after they had been conquered by the Babylonians; todays modern jews, she says, are actually a mixture of the original Israelites with a people called the Khazars (which has some evidence to back it up, my research shows); this is why they look the way they do today, and she proposes that originally the Israelites were simply white. Most importantly, she claims that the Celtic/Anglo-Saxon/Scots people are the lost tribes of Israel, specifically Joseph and Judah. Before you laugh this off, please see the evidence she presents.

Now, while I do not necessarily agree with her point of view on the whole subject (it seeming somewhat racist to me), if you go through and read the information, you are bound to be astonished at the number of things which uncannily seem to indicate that she may be in some sense right. Not least of which are the many OT prophetic descriptions of what basically sound like going to the Isles of Britain, even describing the uniting of the Scots with Britain.

Also, have you ever wondered about the meaning of the unicorns and lions which appear on the crests of England and Canada? I always thought they were simply symbolic (the unicorn being chained by a crown, representing the human spirit being chained by the elites). The information she presents however shows these symbols in an entirely different light. OT prophesy describes a single united nation called "Ephraim" which is mighty and basically rules the world, owning ports and military outposts everywhere, and most importantly is described as the two unicorn horns which will drive ALL of the worlds people together into one nation.

I know this is not much of a conspiracy theory website, but you must all have some basic awareness of the NWO and the efforts being made toward it. Well, what is being described here pretty much sounds like Britain and America are the two unicorn horns of the Ephraim.

British Crest

Canadian Crest

The lion also has OT significance to the tribe of Judah, and I must say, the signs and symbols of heraldry are beginning to make a lot more sense, all of the sudden. And, of course, the elite aristocracy who they represent.

All of this has led me to some realizations that, while sounding completely contrary to what we normally think, I feel may be correct:

Britain and the US, the world's two great military powers, which are practically one, and the people who belong to them, may be none other than the lost tribes of Israel, and the NWO may be none other than their attempt to establish their kingdom, Zion. This information seems to have been forgotten by the majority of the citizenry of those nations, such as myself, up until now, who do not see themselves as children of Israel; but, it seems to have been remembered by the wealthy elite aristocrats, Kings and Queens, and perhaps passed down also through the traditions of secret societies, based on their use of symbols relating to these OT prophesies. There is not enough space in this forum for me to list all of these, so you will just have to read them from the red-thread webpage.

I draw your attention now to a poem written by William Blake:


And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the Holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance divine
Shine forth upon those clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among those dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold,
Bring me my arrows of desire;
Bring me my spear! O, clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

Now, what does this have to do with the Law of One material?

Having seen this new information, take another look at the passages from Ra about Yahweh, keeping in mind the RH-negative factor and it's existence primarily among Hebrew and other "white" populations.

Now, I realize that this information is touchy to say the least, as it deals with the subject of race (especially jews), bloodlines, and our elite STS friends at the top of the pyramid. But please suspend judgement until you look into the information and hear me out. I am not proposing any type of racial elitism here, but simply trying to dig out the truth of history.

So, why are there all of these Old Testament passages prophesying the establishment of Britain and America, and commanding the children of Israel in the name of Yahweh to basically wage holy wars and make efforts to establish a unified one world Kingdom? Could this truly be the will of God as the passages would indicate?

Well, as Law of One readers, we know the story of what happened with Yahweh. Genetic manipulations were made, creating a group of people who were stronger and more intelligent than those they lived among at that time. This resulted in some positive effects, but also allowed the STS distortion to develop and allowed the Orion Group to speak in the name of Yahweh through the prophets, creating the notion of the holy war and of the elite ruling the rest of humanity (the gentiles, non-white peoples).

As a side note, this type of aggression by white people towards darker colored people is found throughout history and the world, including the history of India, where a group of white people (Aryans) came in from the North, infiltrated the darker skinned populations, rearranged their cultures, and eventually became the elite Brahmins, resulting in the inhumane hierarchy which has existed there for most of known history up to today.

Are these OT prophesies, which have guided the children of Israel (through the aristocrats and secret societies) to move towards establishing a one world government, none other than those distorted messages from the Orion group posing as Yahweh? Is the concept of the holy war and the elite rulers still at work today, in modern imperialism? Is this none other than the Orion Group's attempts at enslavement via their elite?

I realize I'm really sticking my neck out with this one, but...
Is the Orion group one and the same with the reptilians which are said by some to be manipulating the elites at the highest levels, wearing them like puppets, etc?

As a little bit of a followup (as if I haven't given you enough to read already!), here is some information from Thoth about Israel, Yahweh, and their possible connection to the Pleiadians. I'm not sure how much I really trust Thoth and St Germaine, as sources, but since it is relevant, I will go ahead and post it here.
Also, I would add that it doesn't make sense that the first third density beings who were here were the result of the genetic manipulation of the people from mars, or the mixing with Yahweh, because this genetic manipulation is said to have created a notion of the elite, and if this be so then there would have to be other third density beings around them for them to consider inferior.

18.18 Questioner: Can you tell me Yahweh’s purpose in making the genetic sexual changes?
Ra: I am Ra. The purpose 75,000 years ago, as you measure time, was of one purpose only: that to express in the mind/body complex those characteristics which would lead to further and more speedy development of the spiritual complex.

18.19 Questioner: How did these characteristics go about leading to the more spiritual development?
Ra: I am Ra. The characteristics which were encouraged included sensitivity of all the physical senses to sharpen the experiences, and the strengthening of the mind complex in order to promote the ability to analyze these experiences.

18.20 Questioner: When did Yahweh act to perform the genetic changes?
Ra: I am Ra. The Yahweh group worked with those of the planet you call Mars 75,000 years ago in what you would call the cloning process. There are differences, but they lie in the future of your time/space continuum and we cannot break the free will Law of Confusion.

The 2,600, approximately, time was the second time—we correct ourselves: 3,600—approximately, the time of attempts by those of the Orion group during this cultural complex; this was a series of encounters in which the ones called Anak were impregnated with the new genetic coding by your physical complex means so that the organisms would be larger and stronger.

18.21 Questioner: Why did they want larger and stronger organisms?
Ra: I am Ra. The ones of Yahweh were attempting to create an understanding of the Law of One by creating mind/body complexes capable of grasping the Law of One. The experiment was a decided failure from the view of the desired distortions due to the fact that rather than assimilating the Law of One, it was a great temptation to consider the so-called social complex or subcomplex elite or different and better than other-selves, this one of the techniques of service to self.

Okay, now it is clear that they are not just talking about all of humanity, but specifically about the Israelites, as seen here:

Ra: I am Ra. In approximately 3,600 of your years in the past, as you measure time, there was an influx of those of the Orion group, as you call them. Due to the increasing negative influences upon thinking and acting distortions, they were able to begin working with those whose impression from olden times, as you may say, was that they were special and different.

An entity of the Confederation, many, many thousands of your years in the past, the one you may call “Yahweh,” had, by genetic cloning, set up these particular biases among these peoples who had come gradually to dwell in the vicinity of Egypt, as well as in many, many other places, by dispersion after the down-sinking of the land mass Mu. Here the Orion group found fertile soil in which to plant the seeds of negativity, these seeds, as always, being those of the elite, the different, those who manipulate or enslave others.

The one known as Yahweh felt a great responsibility to these entities. However, the Orion group had been able to impress upon the peoples the name Yahweh as the one responsible for this elitism. Yahweh then was able to take what you would call stock of its vibratory patterns and became, in effect, a more eloquently effective sound vibration complex.

In this complex the old Yahweh, now unnamed, but meaning “He comes,” began to send positively oriented philosophy. This was approximately, in your past, of 3,300 years. Thus, the intense portion of what has become known as Armageddon was joined.

And by their reference to Ezekiel here:

The other method used to greater effect later in the scenario, as you would call it, was the thought-form such as we often use among your peoples to suggest the mysterious or the sublime. You may be familiar with some of these appearances.

24.6 Questioner: Could you state some of those?
Ra: I am Ra. This is information which you may discover. However, we will briefly point the way by indicating the so-called wheel within a wheel and the cherubim with sleepless eye.

Could Ra have meant 36,000 years ago, instead of 3,600 years ago, the same way that, at another point, Ra accidentally referred to solar systems as galaxies? Maybe a being outside time and space sometimes makes a slip-up regarding things of scale?
I just realized that Ra is saying they dispersed after the sinking of the land mass Mu, that sort of throws a wrench in what was appearing to be a coherent story emerging...does anyone have any thoughts?

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - unity100 - 11-07-2010

(11-07-2010, 03:26 AM)rilesywilesy Wrote: Also, I would add that it doesn't make sense that the first third density beings who were here were the result of the genetic manipulation of the people from mars, or the mixing with Yahweh, because this genetic manipulation is said to have created a notion of the elite, and if this be so then there would have to be other third density beings around them for them to consider inferior.

there were other 3rd density entities in this planetary sphere for the 3d experience at that point in time. if you have read the other thread you linked to this from, you would see the situation with timeline and numerous quotes.

there were denebians at that time, as well as natives of earth. moreover, there were maldekians joining 3d when 3d became available at this planet. and, there were martians, whom yahweh were boosting as spoiled children.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - rilesywilesy - 11-07-2010

Ok, thanks I did not because i posted this late last night before I went to bed, I will go over it now.
Thanks to the previous thread for this info. This clears up the issue of whether the Mars entities were created unique with distortions toward elitism, or simply all of human beings:

20.19 Questioner: What percentage of the entities who were here in third density at that time were Martian and what percentage were harvested from Earth’s second density?
Ra: I am Ra. There were perhaps one-half of the third-density population being entities from the Red Planet, Mars, as you call it. Perhaps one-quarter from second density of your planetary sphere. Approximately one-quarter from other sources, other planetary spheres whose entities chose this planetary sphere for third-density work.

Category: Earth History: Population

20.20 Questioner: When they incarnated here did all three of these types mix together in societies or groups or were they separated by groups and society?
Ra: I am Ra. They remained largely unmixed.

Category: Earth History: Population

20.21 Questioner: Then did this unmixing lend to a possibility of warlike energy between groups?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

10.6 Questioner: Then our human race is formed of a few who originally came from Maldek and quite a few who came from Mars. Are there entities here from other places?
Ra: I am Ra. There are entities experiencing your time/space continuum who have originated from many, many places, as you would call them, in the creation, for when there is a cycle change, those who must repeat then find a planetary sphere appropriate for this repetition. It is somewhat unusual for a planetary mind/body/spirit complex to contain those from many, many various loci, but this explains much, for, you see, you are experiencing the third-dimension occurrence with a large number of those who must repeat the cycle. The orientation, thus, has been difficult to unify even with the aid of many of your teach/learners.

20.18 Questioner: The way I understand it, at the beginning of this 75,000 year cycle, then, we had a mixture of entities—those who had graduated from second density on Earth to become third-density and then a group of entities transferred from the planet Mars to continue third density here. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. You must remember that those transferred to this sphere were in the middle of their third density so that this third density was an adaptation rather than a beginning.

Category: Earth History: Population

So, it would appear that they were indeed created as a separate race or genetic group of people, which, if the evidence from the red thread is correct, may very well be one and the same as what we think of as "white" people, who may be one and the same with the Israelites or Abrahamic peoples.

I would like to point out that while this may have caused the majority of the catalyst we are experiencing in our sphere, it does not mean that we should blame them with everything and be "against" them. I think that all of us should know by this point, as Law of One readers, that blaming and being against ANYone is not beneficial for any party involved. This reality is a video game, we incarnate here to learn, we choose specifically where we are to incarnate, knowing the situation involved. There are no victims here. Peace.
Another thing to consider here is:

To what degree is this only true of our bodies? To what degree are our souls actually from Mars or any other particular place? Or is it just a genetic grouping of vehicles we incarnate into?

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - crystl37 - 11-07-2010

Quote:Is the Orion group one and the same with the reptilians which are said by some to be manipulating the elites at the highest levels, wearing them like puppets, etc?

Absolutely, Ra tells us the genetic composition of some of the engineered entities was conducive to elitism, and the Orion group has enjoyed inroads into these groups, as I understand it, since 3600 or so years ago, when yahweh made an attempt with sexual reproduction with the Anak to create STO beings to counteract those who were Orion influenced then they became Orion influenced as well.

However, the elites, like everyone of us, are beings of free will, and have been priveleged by allegiance with the Orion group, to maintain possession of universal knowledge and have been using against the rest of humanity for thousands of years. They are serving Creation, and they have to try much harder in an STS polarity-94% as opposed to only 51% for STO.

Quote:I would like to point out that while this may have caused the majority of the catalyst we are experiencing in our sphere, it does not mean that we should blame them with everything and be "against" them. I think that all of us should know by this point, as Law of One readers, that blaming and being against ANYone is not beneficial for any party involved. This reality is a video game, we incarnate here to learn, we choose specifically where we are to incarnate, knowing the situation involved. There are no victims here. Peace.

Very well said, I am discouraged by the direction that threads in these forums go sometimes, discussion of should and shouldnt haves, rights and wrongs, passing judgement- when talking about our Logos? Really? I would have thought as well that if we are students of the Law of One, or claiming to be wanderers, that finger pointing, judementalism, and casting blame on subjects from the Ra material would be a moot point. But alas, we are all, regardless of our origins, humans, and we all make mistakes, apparently so do higher density galactic beings, in this we should be able to find the love to forgive ourselves and everyone else, if ascended masters and sixth density STO beings screw up, its not so big of a deal that we do!

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - unity100 - 11-07-2010

(11-07-2010, 11:13 AM)rilesywilesy Wrote: So, it would appear that they were indeed created as a separate race or genetic group of people, which, if the evidence from the red thread is correct, may very well be one and the same as what we think of as "white" people, who may be one and the same with the Israelites or Abrahamic peoples.

probably the groups of people, who have concentrated and then spread around from middle east. by the time yahweh contacted the israelites, abrahamites, the genetically modified bodies they have seeded 75,000 years ago would have spread around too much to be that limited.

Quote:I would like to point out that while this may have caused the majority of the catalyst we are experiencing in our sphere, it does not mean that we should blame them with everything and be "against" them. I think that all of us should know by this point, as Law of One readers, that blaming and being against ANYone is not beneficial for any party involved. This reality is a video game, we incarnate here to learn, we choose specifically where we are to incarnate, knowing the situation involved. There are no victims here. Peace.

that is a loving approach, however it is not a wise, or a unity approach.

'there are no victims here' -> tell that to the entire planet of maldek, with its 1d, 2d destroyed. or, tell that to the entire 3d, and (along with) 2d martians incinerated and removed, with all its inhabitants. not to mention whatever happened to mu, and then atlantis.

apparently, there are victims, and 'all is not ok' - because the planet was quarantined, and moreover all the matches, apparently were removed from this planet, by whomever undertook the removal task. so that, in the later 30% of this last cycle, there were no usable traces of atlantis, and its technology was to be found.

since the planet was quarantined by guardians, it is easy to say that the trace removal task was also done under their supervision.

that means, everything was not 'ok'.

Quote:Another thing to consider here is:

To what degree is this only true of our bodies? To what degree are our souls actually from Mars or any other particular place? Or is it just a genetic grouping of vehicles we incarnate into?

im under the impression that the archetypes that the logos one comes from chose, affects them a lot.

then, there are considerations of of spiritual 'karma' if you will, ie, the spiritual biases the entities developed during their time in their own logos, and all the interactions in between them. their energy models could be affected too, due to this, or any kind of deep mental biases in their subconscious.

there are many considerations actually.

but, since we know that the positive entities and society complexes generally dont have names, for them and for their members among them, and still know each other and can call each other and whatnot, it means they spiritually know each other.

that would mean that, the entities from the same logos, having some past together, could know each other spiritually, deep down.
(11-07-2010, 05:29 PM)crystl37 Wrote: Absolutely, Ra tells us the genetic composition of some of the engineered entities was conducive to elitism, and the Orion group has enjoyed inroads into these groups, as I understand it, since 3600 or so years ago, when yahweh made an attempt with sexual reproduction with the Anak to create STO beings to counteract those who were Orion influenced then they became Orion influenced as well.

it wasnt that their genetic composition was conducive to elitism - it was that they have been incarnated with different bodies than others, and had more capabilities. that caused the elitism distortion in those entities. at least, this is what is told us.
(11-07-2010, 05:29 PM)crystl37 Wrote: Very well said, I am discouraged by the direction that threads in these forums go sometimes, discussion of should and shouldnt haves, rights and wrongs, passing judgement- when talking about our Logos? Really? I would have thought as well that if we are students of the Law of One, or claiming to be wanderers, that finger pointing, judementalism, and casting blame on subjects from the Ra material would be a moot point. But alas, we are all, regardless of our origins, humans, and we all make mistakes, apparently so do higher density galactic beings, in this we should be able to find the love to forgive ourselves and everyone else, if ascended masters and sixth density STO beings screw up, its not so big of a deal that we do!

yes, we shouldnt talk about our logos, and pass judgments and talk about should or should have nots.

after all, who are we to do that, arent we ? its our logos ! whatever happens, has to be right. noone set up a quarantine or something on this planet due to various reasons at all. actually that even brings up the question, that whether what is happening here, are due to logos's doing at all.

of course, all the while, studying the Law of One, a material which brings leave aside that information about logos, densities, wisdom and whatnot, information that dissects the very nature of spirit, mind, and existence, and earlier, and future octaves.

with the logic above, we should all ditch Ra material in entirety. because, what it relays us, is FAR more than just 'we are all one, love each other'.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - rilesywilesy - 11-07-2010

Crystl: Thank you, I agree.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - Monica - 11-07-2010

(11-07-2010, 05:29 PM)crystl37 Wrote: I would like to point out that while this may have caused the majority of the catalyst we are experiencing in our sphere, it does not mean that we should blame them with everything and be "against" them. I think that all of us should know by this point, as Law of One readers, that blaming and being against ANYone is not beneficial for any party involved. This reality is a video game, we incarnate here to learn, we choose specifically where we are to incarnate, knowing the situation involved. There are no victims here. Peace.

Agreed! Love, forgiveness and acceptance must be extended even to the STS entities who have apparently wreaked havoc on our 3D experience.

(11-07-2010, 05:29 PM)crystl37 Wrote: I am discouraged by the direction that threads in these forums go sometimes, discussion of should and shouldnt haves, rights and wrongs, passing judgement- when talking about our Logos? Really? I would have thought as well that if we are students of the Law of One, or claiming to be wanderers, that finger pointing, judementalism, and casting blame on subjects from the Ra material would be a moot point.

I think it depends on the motivation behind the discussion. It can be challenging to find the balance between judgment and assessment of a situation in order to learn from it.

So the question is: Are we just being judgmental, or can we learn from the mistakes and decisions of our Logos and the 6D entities?

If many of us are Wanderers, then it's highly likely that some are from the very same Social Memory Complexes that made those mistakes.

Hence, I see value in evaluating these actions. Perhaps it is a task given to some of us, to evaluate the decisions from the receiving end.

(11-07-2010, 05:29 PM)crystl37 Wrote: But alas, we are all, regardless of our origins, humans, and we all make mistakes, apparently so do higher density galactic beings, in this we should be able to find the love to forgive ourselves and everyone else, if ascended masters and sixth density STO beings screw up, its not so big of a deal that we do!

I see your point, but rather than feeling reassured about my own screw-ups, I feel rather disconcerted, realizing that there isn't some all-powerful 'God' in the sky who has everything under control. While 'everything is ok in the end' may be true from the perspective of the One Infinite Creator, everything certainly isn't 'ok' from the perspective of us, who are still enmeshed in this reality.

It seems to me that, rather than viewing the evaluation of 6D/Logos decisions as though a victim, it is actually the opposite: The evaluation of said decisions may actually be an attempt to take responsibility, in the form of awareness first, followed by clarity about future actions, to avoid a repeat of those mistakes.

A victim mentality is one in which the person shirks responsibility for one's situation, blaming it on the abuser. Conversely, one who seeks to understand the events leading up to the situation, may be attempting to take responsibility for their part in it.

It's possible that many of us had a part to play in these Cosmic events. Perhaps that's why this subject is of interest to us. And maybe part of the reason Ra felt it important to disclose this info.

To realize that we can't just depend on our Logos to make perfect decisions, but actually become Co-Creators, in the literal sense, isn't being a victim. It's taking action. It's doing our part to help facilitate new decisions.

That seems to be a positive thing, as well as compassionate. Even if 'everything is ok in the end' if we can get to that end with less pain and suffering, that seems to me a worthy, noble, and compassionate cause.

It may seem overwhelming to contemplate that we, seemingly mere 3D entities, might actually have some say in future decisions. But if we are indeed Wanderers, that might be the case.

It's quite a different situation than that which we've been taught to believe: That we are powerless and subject to the whims of an all-powerful 'God.'

What does it really mean to be 'All One'? What does it really mean to be Wanderers? If we really are from a higher density, then it would behoove us to consider that our input might have an affect on the degree of pain and suffering entities experience in the future.

For these reasons, I find this discussion to have tremendous merit.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - unity100 - 11-07-2010

as i mentioned in the thread that was opened before this, this subject is much more important than anyone has expressed.

Moderator note: Link to thread added.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - crystl37 - 11-08-2010

[quote='unity100' pid='22547' dateline='1289176550']
as i mentioned in the thread that was opened before this, this subject is much more important than anyone has expressed.

Why? To whom?
I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - rilesywilesy - 11-08-2010

Thank you Monica. I still feel, though, that all, even our suffering, is indeed perfect, in spite of what our senses or logic may tell us. This realm is not for being happy and heavenly and comfy-cozy, it is for burning away all of that which is not golden, that the gold may shine, and for exploring all of the possibilities of error and reconciliation. Polarity brings about the harvest. If I'm the only one that feels that way, then so be it; it is my view. I simply do not believe in mistakes. Let's not forget that free will is a distortion, even if it is the first and primary one. All wills are the will of the One Infinite Creator, and all experiences are valid and even valuable, even those which are "mistakes," so called. The fact that beings make certain decisions which have effects they were not intending is not, to me, a reason to say that those beings shouldn't have made those decisions; for indeed if Yahweh made that decision, this was a lesson that was a part of Yahweh's evolution as well. In other words, the choices we make are how we choose our lessons, and the choice of Yahweh to do what it did, as well as the choice made by the higher self of the Martians to have this done to them (yes, I do believe that nothing happens which is not chosen by our higher self), were all methods by which they chose the lessons they were to learn, even if they had no conscious notion of it at the time of choice. Also, I do not recall the density of Yahweh, at the time this happened, being given. In my view, the Logos allows all, within the limits of it's archetypal parameters, precisely because there are not wrong choices. All is a creative act, all results in learning of lessons which are entirely new and at the same time simply a new take on that which is eternally the same.

Unity, I already know you don't agree with me. I don't want to keep debating about it. I created this thread primarily to discuss issues of history in relation to the Law of One material, not issues of free will and whether or not certain things that happened were mistakes. On that, I hope that we can simply agree to disagree. Peace.

Concerning the race issue, I think you're right, it cannot be limited to the Abrahamic people and so perhaps the red-thread author is in some degree of error in her speculations. However, I am still left wondering if this group of people is indeed what we think of as the white groups or races (the original seeding). Since it made up roughly half of the beginning population of the earth, it must be some large group and not just the specific ruling bloodlines. And white people's general antagonism towards those around them throughout history seems to make them fit the bill. A professor of mine once described this white antagonism as being deeply rooted in very archetypal notions of light and dark; for instance, people gather around the fire, the brightness, the light, and are afraid of the dark. The dark is wild, and white things are generally considered to be purer, etc. So, in addition to that (if the they were what we know today as white people), the Martians arrived here on the earth halfway through their third density developments, while the indigenous populations for the most part were just beginning theirs, with bodies that had been enhanced to better suit their stage of development. Of course, we cannot judge the conditions at that time by what we know of as the races today, because there clearly is little difference, with proper education, in mental capacities between races, while it would also be ridiculous to deny that the bodies of the African race are generally athletically superior to most other races. However, science does claim that early man was smaller in stature, and so could this have been true of most racial groups 75,000 years ago, and could the Martians have been larger and smarter at the time? And were they the early origins of the loose grouping called Caucasians?

Not that it really matters I guess, we're all more or less the same now in our capacities, with some notable differences in tendency, and this isn't a subject that has much spiritual implication, I simply find it interesting.

Also, I seem to remember something David Icke said about caucasian people, when placed in sensory deprivation tanks, having circadian rhythms that were synced to the day cycle of mars, which is maybe just 40 minutes longer, people of color having rhythms slightly shorter and more synced to earth. I am still looking for the scientific basis of that claim.

Here is some info from Edgar Cayce on the subject:

Origins Of The Five Races

Question: Did the appearance of what became the five races occur simultaneously?

Answer Cayce: Occurred at once.

Question: Describe the earth's surface at the period of the appearance of the five projections.

Answer Cayce: This has been given. In the first or that known as the beginning, or in the Caucasian and Carpathian, or the Garden Of Eden, in that land which now lies much in the desert, yet much in mountain and much in rolling lands there. The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semitropical regions; hence it would be hard to discern or disseminate the change. The Nile entered into the Atlantic Ocean. What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile. What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States. That land along the Atlantic seaboard formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis. The Andean or the Pacific coast of South America occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria. The Urals and the northern regions of same were turned into a tropical land. The desert in the Mongolian land was then the fertile portion. This may enable you to form some concept of the states of the earth's representations at that time. The oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names, yet from whence obtained they their names? What is the legend, even, as to their names?

Question: Are the following the correct places? Atlantean, the red race?

Answer Cayce: Atlantean and American, the red race.

Question: Upper Africa for the black?

Answer Cayce: Or what would be known now as the more western portion of upper Egypt for the black. You see, with the changes, when there came the uprisings in the Atlantean land, and the sojourning southward, with the turning of the axis, the white and yellow races came more into that portion of Egypt, India, Persia and Arabia.

Now, the red-thread author does seem to think that the Israelites, or who she identifies as them, were at some of their earliest points from the Egyptian region. The Aryans who came South into India are traced (however accurately) to have come from some area in the Eastern Europe/Western Russia/Turkey region. So, perhaps they began in this northern area and then when the pole shifts occurred they moved out in all directions into Egypt, the Middle East, Russia, and Europe? Were these the Martians?

And so then, when the mating of the Yahweh entities with a portion or their original seedings (thank you Unity for the clarification), which we have come to know today as the Israelites, occurred, could it still be true then, as the red-thread author indicates, that the Northern (lost) tribes of these people did disperse after the Babylonians tried to stamp them out, into the northern regions of Europe, and still did become what we think of today as the Celtic-British portion of the total, overall white population (which is much larger and covers much more land)? Or, was the second mating of the Yahweh entities, creating the Israelites, only relevant to a few elite families? Or did those families simply arise from this larger population of people who Yahweh genetically changed?

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - unity100 - 11-08-2010

(11-08-2010, 04:39 AM)rilesywilesy Wrote: Answer Cayce: Or what would be known now as the more western portion of upper Egypt for the black. You see, with the changes, when there came the uprisings in the Atlantean land, and the sojourning southward, with the turning of the axis, the white and yellow races came more into that portion of Egypt, India, Persia and Arabia.

Now, the red-thread author does seem to think that the Israelites, or who she identifies as them, were at some of their earliest points from the Egyptian region. The Aryans who came South into India are traced (however accurately) to have come from some area in the Eastern Europe/Western Russia/Turkey region. So, perhaps they began in this northern area and then when the pole shifts occurred they moved out in all directions into Egypt, the Middle East, Russia, and Europe? Were these the Martians?

firstly, the move cayce speaks about is after atlantis disaster. not after the mu disaster. the move Ra speaks of is after the mu disaster.

so it is probable that the races were moving about and mixing before atlantis.

it is also possible that the martians originated in north, in central asia or western central asia or eastern europe, and then were pushed by denebians settling in china and environs after sinking of mu. there were continual migrations due to pressure from east from china, even till medieval ages.

however i dont think it would be logical to equate white bodies with martians. there is no given solid identifier linking up the two exclusively. there can be more than one white body using race. for example, the characteristics of scandinavians and abrahamic peoples, do not fit in together. or celts and abrahamic ones. and generally the ones in middle east, or indians.

but whats more important is, it is impossible now to link any color/race/body with any planetary race.

they have been mixing up and breeding among each other since 75,000 years, and by this time it is probable that a lot of mixing has occurred. and, similarly, its possible that a lot of mixing occurred spiritually too. it is almost certain that almost all entities are now incarnating according to their karma and spiritual attraction and incarnational needs, rather than anything to do with spiritual origin. you may find martians in china and denebians in south america.

Quote:And so then, when the mating of the Yahweh entities with a portion or their original seedings (thank you Unity for the clarification), which we have come to know today as the Israelites, occurred, could it still be true then, as the red-thread author indicates, that the Northern (lost) tribes of these people did disperse after the Babylonians tried to stamp them out, into the northern regions of Europe, and still did become what we think of today as the Celtic-British portion of the total, overall white population (which is much larger and covers much more land)? Or, was the second mating of the Yahweh entities, creating the Israelites, only relevant to a few elite families? Or did those families simply arise from this larger population of people who Yahweh genetically changed?

yahweh didnt breed with what we know today as israelites. they breed with a group of people in the region called anak. these people dispersed, and they did not breed noticeably with israelite people. actually, they were driven away, by the very israelites you speak of. so, history's or todays israelites have no relevance to anak.

it is hard to link anak with celts-scandinavians, and there is no reason to do it either. their features do not resemble each other at all. british, is mixing of celtic race with gallo-romans, and gallo-romans are in turn gauls which were extensively mixed with italians.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - Monica - 11-08-2010

(11-08-2010, 06:43 AM)unity100 Wrote: but whats more important is, it is impossible now to link any color/race/body with any planetary race.

It's probably better that way, that we can't link any color/race/body with any planetary race. There is enough racism already without adding to it, the destructions of planets, etc. Just as white Americans don't want to be blamed for what our ancestors did (genocide of Natives, slavery of Africans, etc.), neither do we want to blame the descendants of those planets for what their ancestors did.

(11-08-2010, 06:43 AM)unity100 Wrote: they have been mixing up and breeding among each other since 75,000 years, and by this time it is probable that a lot of mixing has occurred. and, similarly, its possible that a lot of mixing occurred spiritually too. it is almost certain that almost all entities are now incarnating according to their karma and spiritual attraction and incarnational needs, rather than anything to do with spiritual origin. you may find martians in china and denebians in south america.

Exactly! This is an important point. Especially now, when so many of us are mixed. It's more important to learn the spiritual lessons.

I have past-life memories of being a Native American and a European. My husband has past-life memories of being a European and an Asian. Entities are incarnating now according to karmic needs, rather than their race of origin.

At Harvest time, the new SMC will undoubtedly have entities from all over, who have now harmonized. Those who are transported elsewhere, will likely be transported due to their current needs, rather than where they came from at the beginning of the cycle.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - rilesywilesy - 11-08-2010

I'm not saying it's important, but there are fairly clear racial boundaries still to this day. Maybe it's better to think the way you're saying though, to avoid racism. I'm just curious. Maybe it's nothing.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - unity100 - 11-08-2010

(11-08-2010, 12:07 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: It's probably better that way, that we can't link any color/race/body with any planetary race. There is enough racism already without adding to it, the destructions of planets, etc. Just as white Americans don't want to be blamed for what our ancestors did (genocide of Natives, slavery of Africans, etc.), neither do we want to blame the descendants of those planets for what their ancestors did.

in this case, they are not descendants, however. they are the very souls incarnated in mars during that stage.

(11-08-2010, 02:31 PM)rilesywilesy Wrote: I'm not saying it's important, but there are fairly clear racial boundaries still to this day. Maybe it's better to think the way you're saying though, to avoid racism. I'm just curious. Maybe it's nothing.

ra uses the word 'planetary influence'. this phrase is more than just using bodies for incarnation.

im under the impression that, the incarnated entities still hold a connection to their original logos, or, they still maintain the particular spiritual and subconscious (mental) biases they have amassed in their original logoi. any entity from another logos incarnating into the influence of another group, would probably be taking on a lot of the influences of that culture for that time period. (societal mind).

so, we have different cultures, some very clearly defined.

RE: Yahweh, the Children of Israel, and the Orion Group - Monica - 11-08-2010

(11-08-2010, 04:55 PM)unity100 Wrote: in this case, they are not descendants, however. they are the very souls incarnated in mars during that stage.

True. But, as you said, we can't identify anyone based on race. And since many souls have incarnated as different races, and others have been influenced by those races, it seems to me that it would make more sense to focus on the patterns of behavior that are the same, rather than the particular entities.

For example, some of those now promoting violence might have been influenced by those entities, while others may have chosen in incarnate in that race in an attempt to promote peace/love from within the culture. There are probably many Wanderers in those cultures as well.

Here's an obvious one:

Orphaned Land seeking end the violence among the Abrahamic religions

(The interview starts out about the music but gets into some beautiful spiritual work that this Israeli band is doing.)

There has been a huge movement to reach out to the black community in the US, with these elitist religious fundamentalist views. I recently met, on separate occasions, 2 black women, both pastors who have bought into this mentality.

The pattern can no longer be confined to a particular race.

There are lots of conspiracy theories, each one attempting to label a particular race or religion as the root cause of our planet's travails. Some people think the US, as a nation, is responsible for the world's evils. Others think it's the Catholic Church. Still others think it's a global elite that is controlling said organization. Each one of these theories has its reasons backing it up, but none seem to be accurate.

I'm not saying the topic shouldn't be explored. There is value in understanding what happened, so we can learn from those mistakes. But we can do that, while focusing on the entities of that time, and the patterns that persist in our time, rather than linking those historic events to entire groups of living entities of our current time.