03-05-2017, 12:28 AM
Very well then.
Also I do not need much help on my end, however if there are things you would like to offer for the sake of personal connection or detail to work with I leave this to your discretion. My philosophy as such is that you are likely to offer an aspect of yourself that you feel is most emotionally 'charged', perhaps only subconsciously, and it is likely to be charged with the same state of energy that you are asking to be analyzed by the cards.
In short, if there is something you feel that will enliven or empower the reading then you are free to offer it. I am able to work without too much detail because the cards do most of the work but it can't be said it is not useful for detailing the reading. I have considered that there are kind of two ways you can do it, one which involves more of the conscious mind and one that is more passive and drawing from the subconscious mind. I use a mix of both and that is likely the case for many people when they read the cards.
In any case, I leave it up to you folks how deep you want to connect. I am but a humble or maybe not always so humble man. Bit of both worlds most of the time.
Also I do not need much help on my end, however if there are things you would like to offer for the sake of personal connection or detail to work with I leave this to your discretion. My philosophy as such is that you are likely to offer an aspect of yourself that you feel is most emotionally 'charged', perhaps only subconsciously, and it is likely to be charged with the same state of energy that you are asking to be analyzed by the cards.
In short, if there is something you feel that will enliven or empower the reading then you are free to offer it. I am able to work without too much detail because the cards do most of the work but it can't be said it is not useful for detailing the reading. I have considered that there are kind of two ways you can do it, one which involves more of the conscious mind and one that is more passive and drawing from the subconscious mind. I use a mix of both and that is likely the case for many people when they read the cards.
In any case, I leave it up to you folks how deep you want to connect. I am but a humble or maybe not always so humble man. Bit of both worlds most of the time.