10-27-2010, 08:46 AM
(10-26-2010, 05:23 PM)Biu_Tze Wrote: Sounds like quite a task, not sure why somebody would want to do that, well actually, I guess I could conceive a few ideas.. I hope you don't succeed! but good luck either way
(10-26-2010, 05:32 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: LOL! That was my thought, too. Sounds like a lot of work just to prove a point.
quite a task ? not so very much, thanks to increasing vibratory levels of 4d. if you have forgotten, atlanteans have succeeded in causing cataclysms with that kind of technology.
actually, it could easily be done even now, all that is needed is to detonate various nuclear devices in various critical parts of the world ecosystem.
why somebody would want to do that ? does it matter ? you wouldnt, he wouldnt, she wouldnt they wouldnt, somebody would.
maldekians did it, martians did it, atlanteans did it, earth is tethering on the brink of it.
reason doesnt matter. the point which, you are apparently avoiding, is clear ; there are things that should not be done. it doesnt matter whether 'everything is going to be `okay` in the end.
you have yourself clearly expressed it by saying things about how one should be in line with his/her higher self or whatever. if there is a SHOULD, that means there are SHOULD NOTs too.
however, then you have gone to the opposite end of spectrum and again said that 'everything is ok because everything will be ok in the end'.
there are 2 possibilities for this. everything is either ok, or not. it cant be that everything is ok, but, still, there are things that we 'should not'.
(10-26-2010, 05:47 PM)Aaron Wrote: The question is, Unity, in doing that action, are you acting in line with your higher self or your smaller self? i understand you're just trying to prove a point, but I'm talking hypothetically as well.
No matter what happens, everything HAS to "be ok" in the larger sense of things, because there is only ONE universe (the word universe falls short of the concept I want to convey there) for things to be in. There is only ONE infinity and some of the distortions of it, in the smaller sense of things, are a sense of "not going to be ok" or "wrong action being taken".
So, to summarize, big picture = all ok, also known as unity or balance. Small picture = either ok or not ok, also known as duality. From our small perspective, there is certainly the possibility that things can go horribly "wrong". i.e. massive loss of life such as destruction of a planet, or lengthy enslavement of entities such as we're familiar with. In duality, we can label these things as good or bad. In unity, we don't label them because that way of thinking only exists in duality.
If you blast this planet off and turn it into spacedust, massive loss of life would occur. Bad, right? On another level, it's just information that was once structured in one place being scattered to re-structure itself over amounts of time that we can't fathom. On another level, it's just potential being re-distributed.
Does that get to the heart of what you're proposing?
it doesnt get into the heart of what im proposing. everything is either ok, or not ok.
if you say 'higher self etcetc', than that means everything is not ok, because there is the 'higher self' etc etc.
if, everything is 'ok', it doesnt matter what someone does, and that includes going against one's higher self or etc.