01-14-2017, 03:54 PM
Dear Indigo,
My assumption would be, that you actually deal with very old sadness.
Meaning, its root are probaly in your formative years.
I experienced the same for most of my life.
Only when i started to do some serious healing work the situation would improve little by little.
You cannot force yourself to experience joy, when actually your sad. That would cause seperation from your self. It would be superficial only and not authentic.
You could work on both ends, doing things that make you feel better like everything mentioned here and also try to "work" on the sadness (in this case) side.
If you re interested,let me know, i can further expand on this if you want.
I think you simply long for connections that 3rd density isn't really set up to facilitate.
This could well be the root of it. I found however that this is a false assumption in a way.
I would live by that assumption for most of my life.
Until i discovered, that it was basically a belief i developed very early in my life.
It was true in these times.
My life, my surrounding and especially the people around me have changed a lot since then.
I would still hold on to that belief, not realizing it is a belief and not necessarily reality.
The effect was that i didnt even try anymore to connect on a deeper level.
After this realization i found that much more connection was possible than i ever thought!
My assumption would be, that you actually deal with very old sadness.
Meaning, its root are probaly in your formative years.
I experienced the same for most of my life.
Only when i started to do some serious healing work the situation would improve little by little.
You cannot force yourself to experience joy, when actually your sad. That would cause seperation from your self. It would be superficial only and not authentic.
You could work on both ends, doing things that make you feel better like everything mentioned here and also try to "work" on the sadness (in this case) side.
If you re interested,let me know, i can further expand on this if you want.
I think you simply long for connections that 3rd density isn't really set up to facilitate.
This could well be the root of it. I found however that this is a false assumption in a way.
I would live by that assumption for most of my life.
Until i discovered, that it was basically a belief i developed very early in my life.
It was true in these times.
My life, my surrounding and especially the people around me have changed a lot since then.
I would still hold on to that belief, not realizing it is a belief and not necessarily reality.
The effect was that i didnt even try anymore to connect on a deeper level.
After this realization i found that much more connection was possible than i ever thought!