10-23-2010, 11:15 AM
(10-21-2010, 10:08 PM)Deekun Wrote: Ok, I think the above explains it, I guess 5th Negative doesn't engage in battle after all.I read these passages as showing that negative 4D attempts to overpower, conquer, control positive 4D.
By 5D, the negative realizes the futility and stops that attack. Since it's unwilling to cooperate in love, what it is left with is withdrawal.
By mid 6D, the negative realizes that the withdrawal is also pointless. It then opens the green ray to accept in positivity and reach balance.
Since there's very clearly an end to the battle, I don't see why you say it never ends.
I also see these passages show that the positive path is only tired out by the attack in 4D. Energy has to be expended to resist being taken over, controlled, manipulated.
Once the negative withdraws, positive 5D and positive 6D pretty much do their own thing without suffering direct attacks.
Before giving up on negative manipulation altogether, the higher density negative tries to befuddle, manipulate or scare 3D entities into choosing a negative path. The higher density negative also negatively "greets" extremely positive-leaning 3D entities and wanderers, to try to undermine the success of positive missions.
To counteract these negative efforts, higher density positive also tries to participate in lower densities. Both sides are limited in what they can do to lower densities. They both must respect free will and only give hints until clearly invited in.
From what Ra says, it seems to me that this is sometimes confusing or disappointing in higher densities, when they misunderstand the situation and realize they made a mistake, or when they recognize that their offers were rejected. But it does not make them tired.
Quote:then really, what is the point?For the universe to include a variety of experiences, which intelligent infinity can savor and, Ra surmises, use as inspiration for contrasting rules that will let the next universe offer a further variety of experiences to the Creator.
Quote:it will only be 4 planetary entitiesI don't understand how you got that count. I thought both Orion group and Confederation were described as multiple entities working together towards a shared goal.
The difference is that the Orion group centralizes power and control in order to build a hierarchy of domination. Its members agree to participate in this hierarchy in order to try to climb up to the top of that pyramid of power. Meanwhile the Confederation collaborates voluntarily as its members perceive this to be the most efficient way to expand their free will efforts.
I don't see where either of them are limited to 4 planetary entities, but I could well have missed the relevant quote.
Thanks for the intriguing topic, Deekun, I came up with different answers but I'm glad you brought up these questions.