The battle never ends... never. - Printable Version

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The battle never ends... never. - Deekun - 10-21-2010

According to Ra, battles still continue on past our density. So although it is nice to think that "You earthlings are one of the only ones that still have not learned and are always battling." Fact of the matter, per Ra, is that they are in constant battles as well.

Quote:Questioner: You spoke of an Orion Confederation and of a battle being fought between the Confederation and the Orion Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.

In this endeavor the Orion group charges or attacks the Confederation armed with light. The result, a stand-off, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

If this is the case and there will always be some sort of battle, then really, what is the point?

Quote:Questioner: Would an entity of this density be more effective for this work than an entity of density five or six?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own which, lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle. Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.

Per above, during 4th density we will still be caught in this tug of wars.. albeit per Ra it will only be 4 planetary entities at a time... it is still a hard pill to swallow that after all this, we still have to put up with more wars.
Bringing to realization that eternally there is always a struggle, at least until 5th density positive, 7th for negative path which could be millions of years of work.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Joseph326 - 10-21-2010

Greetings, Deekun

Ever entertain yourself with toy army men as a child? Perhaps it is a similar concept. Both sides are ultimately controlled by one mind. The difference here, however, is that the conflict would be more for learning and expansion of possibilities than entertainment alone (from a higher perspective most everything is humorous to some degree though).

Additionally, I would suggest a slight correction in that the negative path is integrated in 6th density, not 7th. It is my perception from reading the material that 6th density entities or complexes such as Ra do not partake in the festivities of 'battle' since they are of a density where both polarities are rejoined together.

You have brought up a valid concern, though it may be helpful to remember that all is well in Creation.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Deekun - 10-21-2010

(10-21-2010, 09:29 AM)Joseph326 Wrote: Greetings, Deekun

It is my perception from reading the material that 6th density entities or complexes such as Ra do not partake in the festivities of 'battle' since they are of a density where both polarities are rejoined together.

6th Density negative still joins but controlling through thought... I guess like a General would set up a strategy and pass it along to his troops.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - LsavedSmeD - 10-21-2010

(10-21-2010, 02:42 AM)Deekun Wrote: According to Ra, battles still continue on past our density. So although it is nice to think that "You earthlings are one of the only ones that still have not learned and are always battling." Fact of the matter, per Ra, is that they are in constant battles as well.

Quote:Questioner: You spoke of an Orion Confederation and of a battle being fought between the Confederation and the Orion Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.

In this endeavor the Orion group charges or attacks the Confederation armed with light. The result, a stand-off, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

If this is the case and there will always be some sort of battle, then really, what is the point?

Quote:Questioner: Would an entity of this density be more effective for this work than an entity of density five or six?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own which, lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle. Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.

Per above, during 4th density we will still be caught in this tug of wars.. albeit per Ra it will only be 4 planetary entities at a time... it is still a hard pill to swallow that after all this, we still have to put up with more wars.
Bringing to realization that eternally there is always a struggle, at least until 5th density positive, 7th for negative path which could be millions of years of work.

Positive gets easier Negative gets more difficult. This density currently is very difficult for positive entities in comparison to negative entities who reap the benefits of the societal outlook on serving the self.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Ali Quadir - 10-21-2010

Isn't this battle just a metaphor of Yin Yang, the principle of polarity? Where individuals and collectives, or rather competitive bands of co-creators, do battle for the greater good. Evolution has always worked like this.

In your body right now are constantly battles. One part of your body slowly dissolves the skeleton for example while another rebuilds it. Without the polarity in this battle we could not be.

In this view the battles do not need to be violent or the cause for suffering. The one creator needed to create polarities, differences to be able to experience himself. In the end battles are always battles of ideas or ideals. We just express them rather violently in our 3d society.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Etude in B Minor - 10-21-2010

I believe that Ra said that entities stop with these battles in mid 4th. It is just the early 4th-ers that carry over the righteous energy from 3rd, then they gradually come to see the pointlessness of it all.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Deekun - 10-21-2010

Quote:Questioner: I would also really like to know the orientation of the fifth-density negative for not participating in this battle?

Ra: I am Ra. The fifth density is the density of light or wisdom. The so-called negative service-to-self entity in this density is at a high level of awareness and wisdom and has ceased activity except by thought. The fifth-density negative is extraordinarily compacted and separated from all else.

Ok, I think the above explains it, I guess 5th Negative doesn't engage in battle after all. So in 4th we still battle but only by thought and only 4 entities at a time until the sides rest. Seems almost like chess BigSmile
I'm glad you all shed some light on this, thank you all.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - zenmaster - 10-23-2010

(10-21-2010, 02:42 AM)Deekun Wrote: If this is the case and there will always be some sort of battle, then really, what is the point?
To learn.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Questioner - 10-23-2010

(10-21-2010, 10:08 PM)Deekun Wrote: Ok, I think the above explains it, I guess 5th Negative doesn't engage in battle after all.
I read these passages as showing that negative 4D attempts to overpower, conquer, control positive 4D.

By 5D, the negative realizes the futility and stops that attack. Since it's unwilling to cooperate in love, what it is left with is withdrawal.

By mid 6D, the negative realizes that the withdrawal is also pointless. It then opens the green ray to accept in positivity and reach balance.

Since there's very clearly an end to the battle, I don't see why you say it never ends.

I also see these passages show that the positive path is only tired out by the attack in 4D. Energy has to be expended to resist being taken over, controlled, manipulated.

Once the negative withdraws, positive 5D and positive 6D pretty much do their own thing without suffering direct attacks.

Before giving up on negative manipulation altogether, the higher density negative tries to befuddle, manipulate or scare 3D entities into choosing a negative path. The higher density negative also negatively "greets" extremely positive-leaning 3D entities and wanderers, to try to undermine the success of positive missions.

To counteract these negative efforts, higher density positive also tries to participate in lower densities. Both sides are limited in what they can do to lower densities. They both must respect free will and only give hints until clearly invited in.

From what Ra says, it seems to me that this is sometimes confusing or disappointing in higher densities, when they misunderstand the situation and realize they made a mistake, or when they recognize that their offers were rejected. But it does not make them tired.

Quote:then really, what is the point?
For the universe to include a variety of experiences, which intelligent infinity can savor and, Ra surmises, use as inspiration for contrasting rules that will let the next universe offer a further variety of experiences to the Creator.

Quote:it will only be 4 planetary entities
I don't understand how you got that count. I thought both Orion group and Confederation were described as multiple entities working together towards a shared goal.

The difference is that the Orion group centralizes power and control in order to build a hierarchy of domination. Its members agree to participate in this hierarchy in order to try to climb up to the top of that pyramid of power. Meanwhile the Confederation collaborates voluntarily as its members perceive this to be the most efficient way to expand their free will efforts.

I don't see where either of them are limited to 4 planetary entities, but I could well have missed the relevant quote.

Thanks for the intriguing topic, Deekun, I came up with different answers but I'm glad you brought up these questions. Smile

RE: The battle never ends... never. - βαθμιαίος - 10-23-2010

Here's the quote limiting positive participation to four planetary entities:

Quote:25.7 Questioner: Does a portion of the Confederation then engage in this thought-battle? What percent engages?

Ra: I am Ra. This is the most difficult work of the Confederation. Only four planetary entities at any one time are asked to partake in this conflict.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Questioner - 10-23-2010

Thanks βαθμιαίος, yet another detail that didn't stick in my memory.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Plenum - 05-27-2012

well, until one attains that sense of UNITY, and can hold it in all situations, one is essentially an inbalancing force in the universe. The 4th density is still learning, the 5th density still learning again ... and purity is cloer and closer at 6th. Yet ... still not there.

maybe battle is a strong word, perhaps journey would be closer.

the funny thing? once everything re-gorges into the Black Whole (total compression of light), the next octave just starts again lol. The Creator and his infinite game!!

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Siren - 05-28-2012

Somewhere in 4D physical battles are ceased. It is really pointless when reaching a certain level of understanding: you may interrupt/terminate incarnations by the means of physical death, causing bodies unviable as vehicles of transportation in space/time; but really... they'll just reincarnate.

Mind takes precedence over body, thus the battle becomes a thought-war, a battle of consciousness and will.

The battle becomes even more internalized (time/space) in 5D, the mind/spirit taking further precedence.

Now, "battle" and "war" have very negative connotations (I can totally understand why), but it would perhaps be better to see it all as vibratory "friction" between polarities (of service), a dynamic tension of sorts, through which unity is experienced, learned and perfected.

Balance is finally reached in 6D where polarities are reconciled; or in a manner of speaking, neutralized into balance: the negative and positive polarities drawn one into the other, blended, merged into a center-point where they become unified.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Oldern - 05-28-2012

According to my understanding, several things needs to be noted when we are talking about "battles". And War, with the big W.

First and foremost, ours is the only density where the idea of separation still exists.
Therefore, no matter what "battle" we do in 4d/5d/6d/whatever, we are knowing that NOTHING is truly lost, the only thing changing is the outcome the parties perceive. Just like when two humans play a casual chess game. (Not the one where one is emotionally invested in the results, as that is a totally different beast.)

Second: with this knowledge, the result is what matters, the experience is what matters. Until one is one with the Creator again (for a moment anyway, as it will be back exploring itself again in infinite different ways, reuniting, going back, popping up, learning, etc), there will always be higher plans. When we hear that Ra and the Confederation engaged in a thought-war with Orion, one might still think "hm, but cannot THOSE be avoided?".

Fortunately, the answer is: yes. They can be avoided. By being in a totally different vibration than the attacker. But in order to oversee this sub-sub-sub-Logos, they need to place themselves around these "places" in order to be able to oversee anything, therefore the idea of being attacked comes with the job description. I am absolutely sure that there are other parts of consciousnesses (infinite number of it, to be exact) that are avoiding any kind of battle on the Law of Attraction alone - as in, they see no point in it, they meet no one to try and force something on them. Simple as that? I believe it to be so.

And let us not forget that really, any kind of engagement is based on contracts and agreements. Even if Ra did not know that, Ra's higher selves DO know that, as that was the thing to experience. I totally foresee the future for many of use being involved in such battles in overseeing other 3d planets and their species's (r/d)evolutions.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Cyan - 05-28-2012

I see and hope that the Human race will as its first joint soul level project take on the restoration and revitalization of our local space and attempt to fill most if not all of the spheres in our solar system with as much life with as high a complexity as possible.

Just as our way of saying "sowwy" to everything hurt.

I imagine that while it might be pointless, unneccesary and oh so primitive. Human beigns getting an actual concience and deciding that a good way to repay would be to turn Mars into a giant Rainforest would be a good way to go about having one of those "4th density battles" it would go something like

STS: "I want to be able to ride that creature"

STO: "I want it to decide if you can ride it!"

Mars-horse: "?"

RE: The battle never ends... never. - AnthroHeart - 05-28-2012

I remember there was an episode of Star Trek where they terraformed a planet. That would be a great experience.

I'd love to return to nature. Or at least I think I would.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Unbound - 05-28-2012

Aha I am baffled that anyone thinks they have "left" nature. Smile

RE: The battle never ends... never. - AnthroHeart - 05-28-2012

When I went hiking with friends a week ago, I felt like I've come home.
I don't get that feeling at my house.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - drifting pages - 05-28-2012

I choose love.That is the answer.From it i am.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Oldern - 05-29-2012

(05-28-2012, 09:11 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: When I went hiking with friends a week ago, I felt like I've come home.
I don't get that feeling at my house.

Maybe because that is your own perception of it? Think about it: you live in an enormous planet, full of life, I do not think even 10-20m of cement could really make a separation. Only an illusional one.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - AnthroHeart - 05-29-2012

Good point Oldern.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Unbound - 05-29-2012

Has the battle ever truly "begun"? Smile

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Aureus - 06-06-2012

Battle is inevitable when portions of consciousness interact. However the kind of battle I speak of is not one of warfare. It is one of experiencing friction, catalyst and through those experiences reinventing one's identity. An identity is not a number or a set of symbols. An identity is a form of energy, an specific arrangement of tools through which the consciousness navigates through the chaotic stormcloud of darkness until the identity is again harmonized with infinite, unified Light.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Shin'Ar - 06-11-2012

(10-21-2010, 02:42 AM)Deekun Wrote: According to Ra, battles still continue on past our density. So although it is nice to think that "You earthlings are one of the only ones that still have not learned and are always battling." Fact of the matter, per Ra, is that they are in constant battles as well.

Quote:Questioner: You spoke of an Orion Confederation and of a battle being fought between the Confederation and the Orion Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.

In this endeavor the Orion group charges or attacks the Confederation armed with light. The result, a stand-off, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

If this is the case and there will always be some sort of battle, then really, what is the point?

Quote:Questioner: Would an entity of this density be more effective for this work than an entity of density five or six?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own which, lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle. Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.

Per above, during 4th density we will still be caught in this tug of wars.. albeit per Ra it will only be 4 planetary entities at a time... it is still a hard pill to swallow that after all this, we still have to put up with more wars.
Bringing to realization that eternally there is always a struggle, at least until 5th density positive, 7th for negative path which could be millions of years of work.

I speak to this in another thread called New World of Compromise in the Life on Planet earth forum.

RE: The battle never ends... never. - Siren - 06-11-2012

(05-28-2012, 07:48 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Aha I am baffled that anyone thinks they have "left" nature. Smile

Precisely. All entities in existence are "part" of the same nature; not just 1st and 2nd density entities. Just because human beings (in general) are insular creatures that deliberately construct environments of steel and concrete to separate and confine themselves from entities of 1st and 2nd density doesn't remove them from still being a "part" of the rest of nature. It's just another self-imposed veil.