08-28-2016, 05:19 PM
My simplistic response is that the entire Hippie movement (with all it embraced) was an illustration of pure Green Ray without the benefit of Blue Ray, i.e., love without wisdom. I was born in San Francisco and watched the entire hippie phenomena descend on the city in the 60's..."If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...". It was a desire to return to an imagined childlike innocence that repressed (at least initially) negative emotions under a patina of brotherly love, devoid of any balancing elements of Blue Ray wisdom. Seeking instant enlightenment, drugs were used to essentially shoot infant consciousness in a medicinal rocket into outer space. If the consciousness could not handle what was revealed, that consciousness ended up in a jail or medical facility. Some people never came back since the "trip" invoked a psychosis. But making-believe did not last long. The Haight became a dangerous place. So many bad trips on so many levels - burned out people who sought perhaps what we could call a 4th Density reality while firmly still locked within 3rd Density. Yes, the movement was always marketed and commercialized for profit. When LOST IN SPACE and the BRADY BUNCH had episodes dedicated to groovy psychedelic aliens and dance parties, I knew we were descending the other side of the Bell Curve. For years the Haight became a rather sad place. I once sat down with some college age hippies in a coffee shop. I asked what attracted them to leave college (at least temporarily) and come to the Haight. One guy summed up the group response "We felt it was a great place to get laid, since all the girls seemed to be so willing". So maybe what started with high (unrealistic) ideals quickly became another profit center, a place for many groups to "get laid".