08-27-2016, 03:21 PM
(08-27-2016, 02:37 PM)anagogy Wrote: I tend to think a lot of channeled beings shy away from talking about evil for a variety of reasons, namely:
A) They don't want to exacerbate the already powerfully activated vibration of it in our human experience. Most of the world already has strongly activated vibrations or beliefs about the nature of evil, demons, etc, and to go into specific detail on these things merely increases the probability of attracting and encountering something of that vibrational nature.
B) Most human beings have a warped conception of what it really means (for example, the creator does not frown upon the choice of evil anymore than it frowns upon you for playing Horde over Alliance on World of Warcraft).
C) Whether one is good or evil, both are part of the same Being. They are just roles that potentiate the flow of spiritual energy, and both are necessary.
Just to add onto your list, another couple thoughts I've had along these lines:
D)To speak of negative things creates negative energies which attract negative entities. Dwelling too long on such subjects would, I suspect, greatly increase the likelhood of psychic attacks or attempts to mislead channels, by drawing attention to them. Especially since many veiled human channels would have a very hard time distinguishing between a positive entity and a sufficiently clever negative.
E)Later-stage 6D entities may be literally unable to discuss negative topics with positive people, or vice-versa. I'm thinking specifically of Ra talking of the 6.5D+ oversoul, and how (36.12) "any guidance given by the higher self may be seen in either the positive or negative polarity depending upon the choice of a mind/body/spirit complex." From this it follows to think that if any late 6D has embraced unity to the extent that it's naturally "broadcasting" a signal which contains both negative and positive energies, half of the message would then get filtered out based on the receiving channel's inherent distortions. ie, like natural sunlight light passing through a polarized lens.