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_____ - GentleWanderer - 08-23-2016


RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Plenum - 08-23-2016

my view is that one is a 5th density source, and the other is 6th density.  Hence their focusses are different - one on the creative play of Light, the other on the unitive, unified aspects of all entities.

In terms of the Law of Attraction, my feeling is that Ra explained their own 'version' of it through the mechanism of Catalyst.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - BlatzAdict - 08-23-2016

i tried to sit in on a seth material workshop once.. and it felt like trying to put a triangle in a box cut out.

kind of fits, but not really. what i mean by that is there is a lot of wisdom, in seth material it is the search for wisdom of course since it's from a 5th density perspective.

To that end there won't be any material concerning the higher self, and anything beyond 5th density since that wisdom is the extent of a 5th density system.

I'M NOT SAYING SETH MATERIAL IS BAD, please don't take it that way. Just saying the focus of the Law of One is Tarot, 6d, divine feminine, divine masculine, and balancing.

with regard to law of attraction, they don't out right call it that, but refer to it as grasping intelligent infinity. If you think about it. it's the same.

------------------------------------------------------- - so now let's get into actually defining it a bit more, cause this helps me learn and i hope it helps you as much as it helps me.

27.5 Questioner: It is not necessary to divide it. The definition of intelligent infinity as one part is sufficient. Could you please now define intelligent infinity?
Ra: I am Ra. This is exponentially simpler and less confusing. There is unity. This unity is all that there is. This unity has a potential and kinetic. The potential is intelligent infinity. Tapping this potential will yield work. This work has been called by us, intelligent energy.

The nature of this work is dependent upon the particular distortion of free will which in turn is the nature of a particular intelligent energy or kinetic focus of the potential of unity or that which is all.

29.30 Questioner: But can you tell me precisely what the entity would do with the crystal to use it for the purpose of seeking the intelligent infinity?
Ra: I am Ra. The use of the crystal in physical manifestation is that use wherein the entity of crystalline nature charges the regularized physical crystal with this seeking, thus enabling it to vibrate harmonically and also become the catalyst or gateway whereby intelligent infinity may thus become intelligent energy, this crystal serving as an analog of the violet ray of mind/body/spirit in relatively undistorted form.

17.19 Questioner: How did Jesus learn this during his incarnation?
Ra: I am Ra. This entity learned the ability by a natural kind of remembering at a very young age. Unfortunately, this entity first discovered his ability to penetrate intelligent infinity by becoming the distortion you call “angry” at a playmate. This entity was touched by the entity known as Jesus to you and was fatally wounded.

Thus the one known as Jesus became aware that there dwelt in him a terrible potential. This entity determined to discover how to use this energy for the good, not for the negative. This entity was extremely positively polarized and remembered more than most Wanderers do.


In Law of One terms let's define what intelligent infinity is. We can actually apply this to the Law of Attraction, since in manifestation you need to first have your intention. However beyond intention there are various colors of how much love is imbued within that intention. With that said not all things that people ask for are necessarily for their best interests or best for others either.

Here even Jesus used his anger towards intelligent infinity and was able to harm someone and by doing so learned how to use it for good instead of for himself. However at first, there was harm inflicted on this other person child Jesus was angry with.

Many of you may know that sometimes we have good intentions and it doesn't always play out the way we think it will in our heads. However the key to effective manifestation, is three fold.

1)Silencing the mind.
2) Clarity and depth of visualization.
3) Releasing the cord of the manifestative intent, otherwise it can't go do what you want because you're still thinking about/ holding on to the energy by virtue of thought.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - AnthroHeart - 08-23-2016

I could never understand Seth.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - anagogy - 08-23-2016

(08-23-2016, 01:15 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: Two teachings i trust. Ra is mostly about Love, acceptance, forgiveness, indigo work and Oneness. Seth main's teaching (i find it in line with those of Abraham hicks) is "You create your own reality". I'm interested to integrate the two. And why did Ra didn't talked about the law of attraction, isn't it important for evolution ?

From my perspective, it is the difference in perspective between a 5th density being (blue ray perspective), and a 6th density being (indigo perspective). Each has value. I don't know that Seth was 5th density, but I strongly suspect it. (Plenum you beat me to the punch)

Ultimately, though, I believe they are saying the same and very true things, but in different words.

Ra did talk about the law of attraction very very briefly, and frankly, I think they didn't talk about it more simply because they weren't asked about it more. In the small section where they discussed thoughts and manifestation Ra stated, "this is a large subject." Unfortunately, they went on to ask about a plethora of other things (though equally important).

We, as extensions of the creator, naturally manifest what we desire if we haven't introduced resistance to the process. But resistance is exactly what most people have.

This resistance can be looked at as energy center blockages. When you have a blockage of resistance it manifests as "what is not wanted" occurring in your experience (negation of will). Catalyst in other words. You have something that is not in balance and it is manifesting a commensurate reflection in your experience. So really, Ra was talking about the same thing, essentially, if you look at it when they speak of balancing processes, and the importance thereof.

When you boil down to it, all blockages are ultimately caused by the deviation of our consciousness from the pure harmony of love, joy, appreciation, spontaneity, and acceptance. It is a blockage of light.

Our thoughts, beliefs, intent, and emotions are the major components in each case of resistance. It is just a matter of whether you prefer to attempt to increase the illumination, or attempt to remove the blockages to illumination.

They are both approaching the same problem (lack of perceptual light) from a different standpoint. More light results in a clearer understanding of blockages, and less blockages results in more effective (efficient and vigorous) light.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Plenum - 08-23-2016

I think the key 'component' to using the Law of Attraction is to realise that our Thoughts aren't generated in a vaccuum.  That is, there is a History and a Trajectory that has shaped our thinking patterns (past biases).

You just can't switch from one line of 'Thought/Timeline' to another without addressing the accrued momentum.  Hence the 'usage' of catalyst to switch to a different 'interpretation'.

But it's all contingent on appreciating the roots of one's thoughts, and that takes deep reconstructive work that goes far beyond just 'intending' a certain outcome.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - BlatzAdict - 08-23-2016

(08-23-2016, 02:08 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: I think the key 'component' to using the Law of Attraction is to realise that our Thoughts aren't generated in a vaccuum.  That is, there is a History and a Trajectory that has shaped our thinking patterns (past biases).

You just can't switch from one line of 'Thought/Timeline' to another without addressing the accrued momentum.  Hence the 'usage' of catalyst to switch to a different 'interpretation'.

But it's all contingent on appreciating the roots of one's thoughts, and that takes deep reconstructive work that goes far beyond just 'intending' a certain outcome.

Plenum buddy, but you missed one point

how much of that history and trajectory still counts when one finally learns to forgive others and forgive the self? With that said what exactly is true forgiveness? 

And if it is said to be the stoppage of the wheel of karma, I'd agree it's important to learn what that past karma is, but at some point it's also just as important to find the catalyst within the situation and to move past it. Easier said than done... lol I know. 

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Plenum - 08-23-2016

the heart is not the crown.

But yes, it's true, that once things are resolved, the history itself falls away, as it becomes an energy/aspect that has been re-integrated.

True forgiveness is just realising that you've done it to yourself; and that you always did.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Verum Occultum - 08-23-2016

Ra is compassionately wise. That is why Ra is an expert at teach/learning in many levels and many realities. Ra can correctly gauge a learn/teacher's level of "distance" from intelligent infinity (level of comprehension) and so knows what to say and what not to say. Sixth density reality is extremely challenging, and the balance between love & wisdom is perfected. The measurement/understanding of how offered information may affect a student psychologically is a part of developing this balance. The various probabilities are explored thoroughly. Little is hidden.

Seth speaks a lot about metaphysics, sometimes about very abstruse and distant concepts. The concepts are usually of a 5th density nature and many of them have psychological effects in 3rd density also. They simply remain unperceived, because they are not physically perceivable or measurable. Yet from Seth's level they can be seen with clarity. And so the cognizance of what kinds of psychological effects we are creating in ourselves and offering to others is helpful if we want to enrich the quality of our incarnation and life in general.

If Ra decided to speak about their reality, they would basically be incomprehensible to the basic third-dimensional understanding of reality, and that's not central to the harvest. So every time Ra says something, they exclude a million-trillion things. If they started speaking in monologue from session one, they might have told too many things. In the very beginning they addressed that queries are acceptable to them. Thus they know their own position in the Creation.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - APeacefulWarrior - 08-23-2016

Just tossing in, but Bashar also tends to talk a lot about reality-creation and parallel universes, and Bashar also says he's 5D. So that would support the theory here that 5D entities are really interested in that aspect of the cosmos.

And yeah, otherwise, the main answer to "Why didn't Ra talk about (whatever)?" is usually "Because the group didn't ask." Ra made it pretty clear that he felt his ability to suggest topics was extremely limited due to free will infringement, and he very rarely pushed the group in any particular direction with their asking.

_____ - GentleWanderer - 08-23-2016


RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - AnthroHeart - 08-23-2016

I kept dreaming of Ra last night, but it was a different Ra.

________ - GentleWanderer - 08-23-2016


RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Jade - 08-23-2016

I can reconcile it pretty well, because I feel Seth's take on what we are calling the Law of Attraction is actually a much more nuanced thing - it's what Ra refers to as the integration of the mind/body (and subsequently) spirit complex - refining our desires so that the reality we create meshes with those desires. The "body" is the physical reality, and our mind complex is quite complicated in the way it projects things outwards. Seth is offering a lesson in learning to balance the two without the focus on polarity - Ra's point being that polarity helps speed this process along, or at least creates a more regularized, predictable reality creation feedback loop.

The impression I get from what Seth teaches is that Seth is attempting to deprogram/reprogram a lot of the trappings of the human mind. We've been trained with negative, self defeating thoughts, and for me, Seth was a way to help examine where those thoughts lie and how they create self sabotage. I think the works are complementary. "You create your own reality" coincides with the realization that one is the Creator, which ultimately IS the indigo ray. Seth says you are the Creator - and you have free will to do as you please. Ra says the same thing but encourages one to take that free will and use it to polarize for the vibrational benefit of the all.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Plenum - 08-24-2016

(08-23-2016, 04:32 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: If i understand well their teachings, Abraham Hicks (and maybe Seth to a lesser extent) says it's not necessary to address  directly the thoughts/belief that are causing the unwanted manifestation. They advise to entirely stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on something positive so that the negative belief will progressively dies off because it is not used and will loose momentum.

I'm not sure this theory is completely true because i've not succeded to apply it in my experience.

yes, if something is *arising* in consciousness, it is something asking for more attention.

It's like pain - you don't ignore physical pain signals - well, you can, at one's peril! - but it's feedback on what's going on.  The same goes for the mind; if there are intensive emotional/feeling signals, the nurturing thing to do is to try to find out *why* it's coming up.

The difficulty is that there is a kind of approach/technique to balancing, much like there is approach/technique to anything in life.  One can do it better, and one can do it quite poorly.  Most people (including myself!) have never been 'given' a good approach to deal with one's emotional/inner life, and hence it just gets shoved back down as being too painful/confusing/incomprehensible to process/think-about.

I think Seth is a bit better about this; as they do describe a lot of methodology.  I think there are quite a few places where they point to the origins (ie karma) of certain situations, and that it can be re-evaluated at some level.  

I think the slogan of 'you create your own reality' doesn't quite do justice to the volumes of books that Jane Roberts brought through.  I would rephrase/rebadge it as: "you experience the consequences of your thoughts", which is well aligned with buddhist understandings of the dharma and what is expertly described as "the Theory of Dependent Origination".

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Reaper - 08-24-2016

I don't try to reconcile the two. While they share many similarities, they also directly contradict each other many times and I think to try to squeeze them into the same box is to cheapen both messages. I find both perspectives very interesting, thought-provoking and enjoyable to read, though in the end I don't practice 100% adherence to either. In this way, the contradictions don't bother me at all.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Mahakali - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 05:50 AM)Reaper Wrote: they also directly contradict each other many times

Do you have any examples? I'm curious about this, as I haven't noticed any direct contradictions so far, myself.

______ - GentleWanderer - 08-24-2016


______ - GentleWanderer - 08-24-2016


RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Reaper - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 06:52 AM)Mahakali Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 05:50 AM)Reaper Wrote: they also directly contradict each other many times

Do you have any examples? I'm curious about this, as I haven't noticed any direct contradictions so far, myself.

For example, in Unknown Reality, Seth says that there are no such things as discarnate negative entities, and that if one encounters one it is merely a thought form of one's own creation, i.e. all "negative greeting" is created entirely from within one's own psyche. Ra obviously differs in their opinions on this matter. 

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Earthcat - 08-24-2016

The term "reconcile" suggests that there are great differences. I do not see that. Between most channeled entities there are usually only differences in the intricacy of detail presented. This would have to do mostly with the tuning of the instrument. Carla and company, together, created a "narrow band" transmission while single person instruments would normally not have such a connection. There are exceptions such as Cayce, who was every bit as detailed as the Ra material. Also both teachings are synchronistic in the subjects you listed. Ra as well, speaks of manifesting this illusion/reality. Cayce also, 'Mind is the builder".

I have read a great deal of Seth, but not all, so I would also be interested in the "direct contradictions".

Ra didn't speak of the Law of Attraction because he wasn't asked. He did speak on attraction.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Patrick - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 08:33 PM)Reaper Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 06:52 AM)Mahakali Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 05:50 AM)Reaper Wrote: they also directly contradict each other many times

Do you have any examples? I'm curious about this, as I haven't noticed any direct contradictions so far, myself.

For example, in Unknown Reality, Seth says that there are no such things as discarnate negative entities, and that if one encounters one it is merely a thought form of one's own creation, i.e. all "negative greeting" is created entirely from within one's own psyche. Ra obviously differs in their opinions on this matter. 

Aren't we all thought forms of our logos?

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Mahakali - 08-24-2016

(08-24-2016, 08:33 PM)Reaper Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 06:52 AM)Mahakali Wrote:
(08-24-2016, 05:50 AM)Reaper Wrote: they also directly contradict each other many times

Do you have any examples? I'm curious about this, as I haven't noticed any direct contradictions so far, myself.

For example, in Unknown Reality, Seth says that there are no such things as discarnate negative entities, and that if one encounters one it is merely a thought form of one's own creation, i.e. all "negative greeting" is created entirely from within one's own psyche. Ra obviously differs in their opinions on this matter. 

He might just be referring to the fact that, in the astral realms, the self can't be damaged, and all negative experiences there are as a result of one's allowing them through their belief system and ideals. Even Ra stated that the discarnate negative entities feed on fear, so, in that sense, you are creating the negative greeting by resonating with it emotionally, whereas Seth is simply looking at the same set of facts from a slightly different perspective?

I've only just started the Seth material, so I guess I'll have to read more of it to be sure, but that one doesn't seem difficult to reconcile.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Aion - 08-25-2016

I'm not sure what there is to reconcile. They are two viewpoints from different perspectives. I think that Ra is closer in being to Seth 2 and that might help alleviate any confusion of comparison.

_______ - GentleWanderer - 08-25-2016


_______ - GentleWanderer - 08-25-2016


RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - Chandlersdad - 08-26-2016

I knew Jane through correspondence until her death, but we kept the conversation relatively light. As I recall, Seth did not believe in evil. He seemed to see evil as a by product of ignorance, which is ultimately low consciousness. Perhaps Ra can be interpreted the same way? I tend to think that Ra believes in a much more proactive creative evil that knows itself as evil and revels in that identity. This can be combined with great knowledge and a 4th density consciousness. I don't think that Seth would have seen this as a possibility. But it has been many years. I have all the books and will have to break them out soon.

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - anagogy - 08-27-2016

I tend to think a lot of channeled beings shy away from talking about evil for a variety of reasons, namely:

A) They don't want to exacerbate the already powerfully activated vibration of it in our human experience. Most of the world already has strongly activated vibrations or beliefs about the nature of evil, demons, etc, and to go into specific detail on these things merely increases the probability of attracting and encountering something of that vibrational nature.
B) Most human beings have a warped conception of what it really means (for example, the creator does not frown upon the choice of evil anymore than it frowns upon you for playing Horde over Alliance on World of Warcraft).
C) Whether one is good or evil, both are part of the same Being. They are just roles that potentiate the flow of spiritual energy, and both are necessary.

"On the one hand, quite simply and in a way that you cannot presently understand,
evil does not exist. However, you are obviously confronted with what seem to be quite
evil effects. Now it has been said often that there is a god, so there must be a devil - or if
there is good, there must be evil. This is like saying that because an apple has a top, it
must have a bottom - but without any understanding of the fact that both are a portion
of the apple."


Seth is not saying apples don't have bottoms, just that both top and bottom, result in a complete apple.

Or to put it more succinctly:

RE: How do you reconcile Ra and Seth ? - APeacefulWarrior - 08-27-2016

(08-27-2016, 02:37 PM)anagogy Wrote: I tend to think a lot of channeled beings shy away from talking about evil for a variety of reasons, namely:

A) They don't want to exacerbate the already powerfully activated vibration of it in our human experience. Most of the world already has strongly activated vibrations or beliefs about the nature of evil, demons, etc, and to go into specific detail on these things merely increases the probability of attracting and encountering something of that vibrational nature.
B) Most human beings have a warped conception of what it really means (for example, the creator does not frown upon the choice of evil anymore than it frowns upon you for playing Horde over Alliance on World of Warcraft).
C) Whether one is good or evil, both are part of the same Being. They are just roles that potentiate the flow of spiritual energy, and both are necessary.

Just to add onto your list, another couple thoughts I've had along these lines:

D)To speak of negative things creates negative energies which attract negative entities. Dwelling too long on such subjects would, I suspect, greatly increase the likelhood of psychic attacks or attempts to mislead channels, by drawing attention to them. Especially since many veiled human channels would have a very hard time distinguishing between a positive entity and a sufficiently clever negative.

E)Later-stage 6D entities may be literally unable to discuss negative topics with positive people, or vice-versa. I'm thinking specifically of Ra talking of the 6.5D+ oversoul, and how (36.12) "any guidance given by the higher self may be seen in either the positive or negative polarity depending upon the choice of a mind/body/spirit complex." From this it follows to think that if any late 6D has embraced unity to the extent that it's naturally "broadcasting" a signal which contains both negative and positive energies, half of the message would then get filtered out based on the receiving channel's inherent distortions. ie, like natural sunlight light passing through a polarized lens.