08-23-2016, 02:08 PM
(08-23-2016, 01:15 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: Two teachings i trust. Ra is mostly about Love, acceptance, forgiveness, indigo work and Oneness. Seth main's teaching (i find it in line with those of Abraham hicks) is "You create your own reality". I'm interested to integrate the two. And why did Ra didn't talked about the law of attraction, isn't it important for evolution ?
From my perspective, it is the difference in perspective between a 5th density being (blue ray perspective), and a 6th density being (indigo perspective). Each has value. I don't know that Seth was 5th density, but I strongly suspect it. (Plenum you beat me to the punch)
Ultimately, though, I believe they are saying the same and very true things, but in different words.
Ra did talk about the law of attraction very very briefly, and frankly, I think they didn't talk about it more simply because they weren't asked about it more. In the small section where they discussed thoughts and manifestation Ra stated, "this is a large subject." Unfortunately, they went on to ask about a plethora of other things (though equally important).
We, as extensions of the creator, naturally manifest what we desire if we haven't introduced resistance to the process. But resistance is exactly what most people have.
This resistance can be looked at as energy center blockages. When you have a blockage of resistance it manifests as "what is not wanted" occurring in your experience (negation of will). Catalyst in other words. You have something that is not in balance and it is manifesting a commensurate reflection in your experience. So really, Ra was talking about the same thing, essentially, if you look at it when they speak of balancing processes, and the importance thereof.
When you boil down to it, all blockages are ultimately caused by the deviation of our consciousness from the pure harmony of love, joy, appreciation, spontaneity, and acceptance. It is a blockage of light.
Our thoughts, beliefs, intent, and emotions are the major components in each case of resistance. It is just a matter of whether you prefer to attempt to increase the illumination, or attempt to remove the blockages to illumination.
They are both approaching the same problem (lack of perceptual light) from a different standpoint. More light results in a clearer understanding of blockages, and less blockages results in more effective (efficient and vigorous) light.