03-28-2016, 09:54 AM
Hey im_not_me... stay close to your grandma. The other side of my family chased me away from mine. I really need to suck it up and call her soon, consequences be damned. She was really the only good one in my life. I used to take her out to lunch all the time, too. My aunt/dad held her hostage from me though and would blame me for stuff, like when she would get sick. It was my fault, I was killing her for letting her smoke 2 cigarettes a week on our lunches, etc etc. Anyway. Our families are definitely programmed for us. I 100% chose a "special needs" group, and I spent the first 25 years of my life trying to help them harmonize and keep calm. I have to have faith that I helped along the way, at least, to help them all be a little less broken than they would have been with their choices. When I found the Law of One, I realized it was not my job to give and give without end to others who only wanted to take and take, so now, I'm basically only in contact with my in-laws as far as family goes. Luckily, they're basically perfect.