11-24-2015, 02:41 PM
The white magic Ra discusses is from the Golden Dawn system for the most part. They teach the Hermetic Qabalah as a means of initiation through the 10 sephiroth leading up to the degree of ipsissimus , although from what i have seen 7:4 Adeptus Extempus is commonly regarded as the highest grade anyone can reach in physical form, the 3 higher grades being those of the inner plane school/teachers. I have had a decent look into the Golden Dawn and the WMT, its a highly interesting area of study but i found it lacked any real sense of linage, when compared to say a path such as Buddhism or Taosim, Yoga etc. The linage seems to have been a creation of the original masonic founders and the Qabalah seems to have been arranged from the Christian Qabalah and not the Kabbalah of the traditional Jewish linages. Most of the schools and teachings of the Golden Dawn are coming from the Crowley/Regardie teachings. That being said i do think its a good system and its quite amazing to think that 3 founders could create such a modern day mystery school.