11-23-2015, 06:58 AM
(11-22-2015, 08:50 PM)awakenspencer Wrote: Ra and Q'uo talk about the White Magician - an entity that is able to produce changes in his consciousness at will.
what kind of changes are you after?
(11-22-2015, 08:50 PM)awakenspencer Wrote: Would those here who have embarked on this path care to share what techniques and resources have helped them in this endeavor?
a book called Thinking and Destiny is extremely helpful.
(11-22-2015, 08:50 PM)awakenspencer Wrote: I have utilized Reiki and various forms of meditation, but have not gone into more "strict" forms of magic. It seems to be difficult to find quality material.
again, if you are clear on your end goals, the techniques will find their way to you.
There is much simple terminology in Ra that has to be personally unpacked for it to actually have any 'meaning'.
The 'work in consciousness' in this case is just about shifting from one vantage point to another vantage point.
This is called 'work'; but really the energy that is utilised in that process (and the resulting changes which are deemed 'work') are nothing more than a reconfiguration that happens as a result of properly configured and parsed desires. First of all the language of the mind has to be deciphered, and then the interfacing with the spirit has to be understood. Intentions are one thing; parsing them so that they can be understood by the subconscious/deeper frameworks is another thing. It's not about language or wording per-se; it's more about the concatenation of a set of serial concepts that actually translates into magical efficacy. Work/energy is a consequence of this type of interaction; it's not the be-all and end-all. For a positive lightworker, all these efforts are geared towards greater wholeness in the self, which will then naturally radiate out to others as accepting, acknowledging, and embracing who they are. Integration/integrity of the self is the real measure of progress in this case.