(07-30-2010, 03:27 AM)Wander-Man Wrote:Quote:a positive entity may give some happiness to other entities, but also, takes away some happiness, due to the decreased happiness of its own self, as a subset, member of the society.
i don't think serving others decreases happiness !
4d positive entities ignore their own selves in their activities. this hurts their own self. eventually leading to problems, and general stress and pain. in extreme cases, termination of the bodily vehicle.
'serving others' or 'serving self' does not make an entity get severed from its ties to entire existence. there will always be link in deep levels of existence, and the feelings, thoughts, state the entity is in will effect entire existence, entire 'creation' as some call it, through these deep links. and, any entity suffering due to any reason, will be a suffering of entire existence, creation. it doesnt matter whether you are trying to serve others while suffering yourself due to overexertion, or it doesnt matter whether you are serving and gratifying your own self, while harming others.
in short; because all is one (in unison, i prefer as a word actually), hurting or neglecting ANY part of that infinity, gives pain to infinity.