03-08-2015, 09:14 PM
This has been a topic of debate for a while here and I don't think it has ever been agreed upon. The two main sides of thought are that one should be compassionate and accepting of whatever the other self is going through without being "mean" these are the lovey dovey people where everything should be all 4D when in reality we still live within the confines of 3D.
The other side are those who see the truth and honesty in any discussion. One can still practice love and compassion while being honest which is where some have the hang up I think. I'm one that regardless how how mean it may be perceived, if I feel that it was is needed at the moment for the other self to fully realize the implications of their question or situation, I will be honest and brutally honest at times. This isn't out of spite, bigotry, or judgement in the least but out of the love that I hold in knowing that this other self may not ever truly realize the catalyst in front of them without this brutal honesty.
The other side are those who see the truth and honesty in any discussion. One can still practice love and compassion while being honest which is where some have the hang up I think. I'm one that regardless how how mean it may be perceived, if I feel that it was is needed at the moment for the other self to fully realize the implications of their question or situation, I will be honest and brutally honest at times. This isn't out of spite, bigotry, or judgement in the least but out of the love that I hold in knowing that this other self may not ever truly realize the catalyst in front of them without this brutal honesty.