07-15-2010, 09:03 PM
(07-15-2010, 06:23 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: Greetings Gohava Sebi,
You wish your friendly whale would visit you? Have you ever thought about the possibility that maybe she feels the same and, is expecting your visit. ... So, what stops you to call, to call with a song?
Oh and, unusual name than the one you choose here! Would you enlighten us about its meaning and, the language it comes from, if I may ask?
With Love and Light,
I wish I did know how to visit her/him again. I'll try to prepare myself to meet in a dream by listening to whale songs before bed, maybe? Oh and my name is derived from my given name which are Hebrew and Gaelic. It means "God Has given a Valuable Servant of the Bishop." I kind of imagined it to be my fourth density name if names are still important then.