07-10-2014, 05:22 PM
I'm Glad You're findings my thoughts valuable. Writing here is also a way for me to process this Wisdom as well, to Understand it better.
I would like to get back to this one. This time I've bolded also part not emphasized in my last comment. "present moments available to it". I understand it as a Choice - "present moment available to ti" - as to reach/choose in space/time to shape/cummulate /vibrate Self in time/space.
I think time/space part of Us has all memories of Our previous incarnations and knowledge of nature of Our Lessons in current one.
Without any doubt Patience is the key to any Work - expecially to accelerate One's Growth.
As I'm on the very start of this path I can only imagine how subtle balancing is necessary to have feedback of One's growth in time/space. When looking at time/space growth "consequences", it may be compared to "exercising an influence" in time/space. To do last one, You have to consciously cumulate properly oriented energy (by/with Will and Meditation/Visualization) and at desired moment release/redirect its flow/flux/focus - this action (when properly energized/focused) is than manifested in space/time [that's basically how all "magic" works - all rituals are only a way to cumulate energy in time/space - or draining it if that's desired]. If One is trained in looking in Self, One will see the difference before/after event like that in time/space. Same with gaining proper experience and acceleration. If One will look carefully in Self everyday and "hear Ones own Music of Self", in what We understand as "time", One will start to hear the differences in its "tones", "vibrations" in relation to different events out-side of Self, as well as inside Self. I think that's the way how to open Self for synchronicities of "Events" (in Self and beyond + relations of Events).
If We try to name/label form of communications with time/space, I think it would be all events without the contribution of the "third-density-mind"/conscious mind. Conscious must be present to register/to witness/to process the Event but mind it-Self cannot be source/cause of it.
In other words all experiences during meditatons, contemplations, readings, thinkings, learnings - during every activity that may give One a "new perspective" - illumination of part of Self/Creation. Also all events during waking hours which were not rejected by conscious mind and were "out of place" for some reason (as not part of the "witnessed chain of events" - it may be a merely feeling but still Be in Ones Self).
I apologize for presenting such incomplete understanding. I'm working on "mapping" all this Wisdom and to make detailed analysis of each aspect of the "Whole" it presents. Its truly exciting Work. Nevertheless bare knowledge without Spiritual experience is a Wisdom without Depth...
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. We shall attempt to speak upon this concept.
The Law of One has as one of its primal distortions the free will distortion, thus each entity is free to accept, reject, or ignore the mind/body/spirit complexes about it and ignore the creation itself.
There are many among your social memory complex distortion who, at this time/space, engage daily, as you would put it, in the working upon the Law of One in one of its primal distortions; that is, the ways of love. However, if this same entity, being biased from the depths of its mind/body/spirit complex towards love/light, were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation of present moments available to it, such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way as we described the empowering of the call of your social complex distortion to the Confederation.
I would like to get back to this one. This time I've bolded also part not emphasized in my last comment. "present moments available to it". I understand it as a Choice - "present moment available to ti" - as to reach/choose in space/time to shape/cummulate /vibrate Self in time/space.
I think time/space part of Us has all memories of Our previous incarnations and knowledge of nature of Our Lessons in current one.
Without any doubt Patience is the key to any Work - expecially to accelerate One's Growth.
As I'm on the very start of this path I can only imagine how subtle balancing is necessary to have feedback of One's growth in time/space. When looking at time/space growth "consequences", it may be compared to "exercising an influence" in time/space. To do last one, You have to consciously cumulate properly oriented energy (by/with Will and Meditation/Visualization) and at desired moment release/redirect its flow/flux/focus - this action (when properly energized/focused) is than manifested in space/time [that's basically how all "magic" works - all rituals are only a way to cumulate energy in time/space - or draining it if that's desired]. If One is trained in looking in Self, One will see the difference before/after event like that in time/space. Same with gaining proper experience and acceleration. If One will look carefully in Self everyday and "hear Ones own Music of Self", in what We understand as "time", One will start to hear the differences in its "tones", "vibrations" in relation to different events out-side of Self, as well as inside Self. I think that's the way how to open Self for synchronicities of "Events" (in Self and beyond + relations of Events).
If We try to name/label form of communications with time/space, I think it would be all events without the contribution of the "third-density-mind"/conscious mind. Conscious must be present to register/to witness/to process the Event but mind it-Self cannot be source/cause of it.
In other words all experiences during meditatons, contemplations, readings, thinkings, learnings - during every activity that may give One a "new perspective" - illumination of part of Self/Creation. Also all events during waking hours which were not rejected by conscious mind and were "out of place" for some reason (as not part of the "witnessed chain of events" - it may be a merely feeling but still Be in Ones Self).
I apologize for presenting such incomplete understanding. I'm working on "mapping" all this Wisdom and to make detailed analysis of each aspect of the "Whole" it presents. Its truly exciting Work. Nevertheless bare knowledge without Spiritual experience is a Wisdom without Depth...