Accelerating One's Progress - Printable Version

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Accelerating One's Progress - Plenum - 07-09-2014

One of the great joys of Free Will is that one can choose to learn as fast or as slow as one wishes. It is all a matter of desire and application.

There were a few places where Don inquired about some of the methods by which an acceleration in progress could be attained, and Ra gave some thoughtful answers. I'll collect some of them here:

* Choosing to work with love/light rather just 'love'

Quote:10.12 Questioner: Then although many entities are not aware of this, what they really desire is to accelerate their growth, and it is their job to discover this while incarnate. Is it correct that they can accelerate their growth much more while incarnate in third density than in between incarnations of this density?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. We shall attempt to speak upon this concept.

The Law of One has as one of its primal distortions the free will distortion, thus each entity is free to accept, reject, or ignore the mind/body/spirit complexes about it and ignore the creation itself.

There are many among your social memory complex distortion who, at this time/space, engage daily, as you would put it, in the working upon the Law of One in one of its primal distortions; that is, the ways of love. However, if this same entity, being biased from the depths of its mind/body/spirit complex towards love/light, were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation of present moments available to it, such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way as we described the empowering of the call of your social complex distortion to the Confederation.

taking responsibility for each moment of your life. A powerful step forward.

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* Seeing the Creator in all places, and all spaces

Quote:10.14 Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise.

Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.

Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator.

everything around you is a manifestation/expression/living embodiment of intelligent infinity ('the oneness'). It all comes, and is expressed, from the one place - The One Infinite Creator. There is inherent unity. Perception (and choosing one's attitudes, and applying the desire to 'see') makes this a more conscious experience of that 'oneness'.

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* Working with your unique physical vehicle

Quote:105.16 ↥ Questioner: Would you clear up my thinking on that? I didn’t quite understand your statement.

Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit or mind/body/spirit complex has an existence simultaneous with that of creation. It is not dependent upon any physical vehicle. However, in order to evolve, change, learn, and manifest the Creator the physical vehicles appropriate to each density are necessary.

Your query implied that physical vehicles accelerated growth. The more accurate description is that they permit growth.

Having a space/time 3d incarnated body can seem like a drag at times. It needs cleaning, it needs maintenance, it needs feeding. It gets tired, it needs sleep. And yet, through this limited window of experience, it can also intensify joys and provide a mechanism for connecting to other selves.

The physical vehicle is both an expression of one's current state, as well as an invaluable feedback mechanism for the thinking of the mind.

Rather than seeing the body as a 'drag', and luggage that the mind has to move from place to place, it really is an integral part of the self and the chosen incarnation.

Learn to work with the body, identify it's limitations, and even extend what you think it's current working parameters are.

The first step, as always, is to work with mental distortions, to understand deeper roots. But the body is with us side-by-side on this journey, and has anchored us to the third density every beating breath in this incarnation. Does it not deserve some gratitude and attention for that? I can tell you, in my 37 years, this body of mine has been the most patient of STO entities Smile

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never forget that we have absolute volition in determining our reaction to reality. There are some things in our collective environment which are not determined by any one individual, but rather is the melding point of group will, but we can always choose our response. That response can either be more loving ... or less loving. Our choice.

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
--Dalai Lama"

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - third-density-being - 07-09-2014

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: * Choosing to work with love/light rather just 'love'

Love/light as Love/Wisdom? Not Love alone which leads to martyrdom?

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:
However, if this same entity, being biased from the depths of its mind/body/spirit complex towards love/light, were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation of present moments available to it, such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way as we described the empowering of the call of your social complex distortion to the Confederation.

taking responsibility for each moment of your life. A powerful step forward.

Since I'm looking deep into this Wisdom right now I may make too literal associations. Nevertheless I've bolded part that was refering to part of Illusion We do not have conscious access to - time/space.
As it is said: "(...)were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation(...)" - I understand it as each action in space/time has its reflection it time/space - and they all are cumulating there. I think it may be seen as many different energy patterns shifts/allocations as well as dispersion/concentration.

Of course our actions in space/time are paramount as here resides our conscious mind which may do the Work. When Ra spoke of "responsibility" I think he was refering to impact of not only Our behaviour but also its fundament - intention - on our "Wholeness" - that include Part of Self not available to us consciously.

In my opinion it translate itself as "detailed data banks" of our entire life/lesson. Everything You do and think is "recorded" as reflection/shape/energy accumulation in time/space. It doesn't matter if "someone saw You" while You were doing something or if You were "caught" - Everything became part of You in time/space.
No matter how bad (or good for that matter) You feel about what You have done, there's no confession, no absolution that can bring a relief to You, but to Accept Self. All your experience is now part of You. Accumulation of this experience is a Growth.

At least that's my current understanding.

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: * Seeing the Creator in all places, and all spaces

everything around you is a manifestation/expression/living embodiment of intelligent infinity ('the oneness'). It all comes, and is expressed, from the one place - The One Infinite Creator. There is inherent unity. Perception (and choosing one's attitudes, and applying the desire to 'see') makes this a more conscious experience of that 'oneness'.

Yes, this is my understanding as well. To seek authenticity, for One to open eyes and truly Gaze at the Creation, as it is, not filtered by local, planetary systems of understanding/dwelling/evaluating - this all is an Act of Will.

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: * Working with your unique physical vehicle

Quote:Ra: I am Ra. Each mind/body/spirit or mind/body/spirit complex has an existence simultaneous with that of creation. It is not dependent upon any physical vehicle. However, in order to evolve, change, learn, and manifest the Creator the physical vehicles appropriate to each density are necessary.

Your query implied that physical vehicles accelerated growth. The more accurate description is that they permit growth.

Having a space/time 3d incarnated body can seem like a drag at times. It needs cleaning, it needs maintenance, it needs feeding. It gets tired, it needs sleep. And yet, through this limited window of experience, it can also intensify joys and provide a mechanism for connecting to other selves.

For most - I think at some level for Us all as well - our current physical vehicle is "Us" - it is Our Self as We can see/experience it, and which experiences are shared by Other-Selves. Than there's Our Inner/Spiritual side that speaks to us with symbols and synchronicities of Events* - it requires of reposal of trust in sometimes non-logical things/aspects of Self/reasoning.

*Event to Event, Event to Event-in-Self, Event-in-Self to Event, Event-in-Self to Event-in-Self, etc.

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: The physical vehicle is both an expression of one's current state, as well as an invaluable feedback mechanism for the thinking of the mind.

You've intrigued me with this statement. Especially "thinking of the mind". Could You please write more about it?

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: Rather than seeing the body as a 'drag', and luggage that the mind has to move from place to place, it really is an integral part of the self and the chosen incarnation.

It may also be seen as a Vessel with all distorsions that We need to balance/resolve in order to evolve. By that I mean everything it is or it is not capable of - including social and psychic activity.

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: Learn to work with the body, identify it's limitations, and even extend what you think it's current working parameters are.

The first step, as always, is to work with mental distortions, to understand deeper roots. But the body is with us side-by-side on this journey, and has anchored us to the third density every beating breath in this incarnation. Does it not deserve some gratitude and attention for that? I can tell you, in my 37 years, this body of mine has been the most patient of STO entities Smile

Living life in this body/vehicle is manifestation of my utter respect and gratitude toward it. To think of Self as this body is to give it utmost of our love and admiration.

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: never forget that we have absolute volition in determining our reaction to reality. There are some things in our collective environment which are not determined by any one individual, but rather is the melding point of group will, but we can always choose our response. That response can either be more loving ... or less loving. Our choice.

Yes, RA often underlined that it is Our Free Will that We are all here. It took me a while to understand it. But to reach level when all body reactions are consciousnessly made require huge amount of work/discipline - also work in Mind. I think this is a Fakir path. To master the body.

May "loving less" be loving without showing it to Other-Selves but always tries to respect/understand/accept each aspect of Other-Self ?

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - Patrick - 07-09-2014

(07-09-2014, 08:26 AM)third-density-being Wrote:
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: * Choosing to work with love/light rather just 'love'

Love/light as Love/Wisdom? Not Love alone which leads to martyrdom?

I believe you are referring to Compassion/Wisdom or compassionate wisdom. As Compassion alone can lead to martyrdom. But Love and its first distortion Light are neutral in that sense. Light/Love being a playing field for Love/Light.

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - GentleReckoning - 07-09-2014

I still look at light being manifestation, and love being that which draws light/manifestation towards the being. I know this is slightly ot, AND I haven't scoured the Ra material looking for validation of it, but I have a hunch there's something to this view of L&L.

Somewhat more on topic, I'm studying willpower and self control, and they seem to directly affect ability to create in time/space. I feel that being able to exist in space/time and begin creating in time/space greatly accelerate development for if that which is desired is never able to manifest (light/love) then how can someone experience and learn from that which they came into incarnation planning to desire.

Just some random thoughts. :p

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - Plenum - 07-10-2014

thanks for all the thoughts there Simon. They are definitely well expressed, and as GLB mentioned elsewhere, you have a knack for expressing clear-cut concepts, to cut through to the heart of the matter.

(07-09-2014, 08:26 AM)third-density-being Wrote:
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: The physical vehicle is both an expression of one's current state, as well as an invaluable feedback mechanism for the thinking of the mind.

You've intrigued me with this statement. Especially "thinking of the mind". Could You please write more about it?

I guess that was a bit of an unusual expression I used there - the 'thinking of the mind' - but I guess it goes to the heart of what you think the 'mind' is. In another place, Ra compares the mind to the meeting point beween physical inputs (of the body) and the downstreaming information from the spirit (time/space influences).

But this is also a two-way street, as then what the mind 'does' with that information/data then feeds back out into one's lived experience; both as the fruit of our beingness, and also feedback for choosing certain thought/belief/bias patterns.

I think the mind is more than capable of analysing and deconstructing itself in something like a meditative state, but quite often, we are totally unaware of the consequences of thinking in a certain way until we actually have the real physical experiences (via the body) of choosing to adopt those thought patterns.

This is where the interacting/interfacing with other-selves in 3rd density is so valuable; as we can then sense the tensions or the incompatible overlaps when we try to communicate or interact with others.

With some individuals, there will be a large amount of overlap, and communication is free and easy; with others, there will be less overlap, and less that is possible to be transmitted in a fruitful way. Both situations are ok, so long as it's not one's own internal tensions that are restricting the flow of contact.

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - Nicholas - 07-10-2014

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: taking responsibility for each moment of your life. A powerful step forward.

Just wanted to focus on that statement you made there Plenum, relating to the powerful aspect. 2 Quotes of note.

Quote:94.12 As the entity increases in experience it shall, more and more, choose positive interpretations of catalyst if it is upon the service-to-others path and negative interpretations of catalyst if its experience has been along the service-to-self path.

Choosing to take full responsibility for all that occurs is a big step to take, and I liken it to a leap of faith when veiled from knowing and baffled by circumstances.

Quote:95.24 The cruelest blow is seen with an ambiance of challenges offered and opportunities to come. Thusly, the great pitch of light is held high above such an one so that all interpretation may be seen to be protected by light.

So in essence the power resulting from making such a choice, even with the worst cards being dealt to us can be initiated by our attitude towards how we play them, and as Ra perceive it, a tremendous protective light shines down (metaphysically speaking) if on the STO path.

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - Unbound - 07-10-2014

(07-10-2014, 04:53 PM)nio Wrote:
(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: taking responsibility for each moment of your life. A powerful step forward.

Just wanted to focus on that statement you made there Plenum, relating to the powerful aspect. 2 Quotes of note.

Quote:94.12 As the entity increases in experience it shall, more and more, choose positive interpretations of catalyst if it is upon the service-to-others path and negative interpretations of catalyst if its experience has been along the service-to-self path.

Choosing to take full responsibility for all that occurs is a big step to take, and I liken it to a leap of faith when veiled from knowing and baffled by circumstances.

Quote:95.24 The cruelest blow is seen with an ambiance of challenges offered and opportunities to come. Thusly, the great pitch of light is held high above such an one so that all interpretation may be seen to be protected by light.

So in essence the power resulting from making such a choice, even with the worst cards being dealt to us can be initiated by our attitude towards how we play them, and as Ra perceive it, a tremendous protective light shines down (metaphysically speaking) if on the STO path.

I wonder what it is that causes the STO path to be naturally protected and what causes STS to lack this protection? My most working theory so far is that reality works on a mirroring and reflective sort of influencing so when an STS individual chooses to completely separate themselves they are essentially removing the channels which normally connect them to what I might call the "Ambient Light" of collective unity. There is a certain protection afforded merely because the individual is thus connected to a network of protection, whereas an individual seeking separation severs this willingly.

This would be very relevant to the acceleration of one's progress as each path's challenges likely are brought out by the nature of catalyst experienced through that ambient filter.

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - third-density-being - 07-10-2014

I'm Glad You're findings my thoughts valuable. Writing here is also a way for me to process this Wisdom as well, to Understand it better.

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. We shall attempt to speak upon this concept.

The Law of One has as one of its primal distortions the free will distortion, thus each entity is free to accept, reject, or ignore the mind/body/spirit complexes about it and ignore the creation itself.

There are many among your social memory complex distortion who, at this time/space, engage daily, as you would put it, in the working upon the Law of One in one of its primal distortions; that is, the ways of love. However, if this same entity, being biased from the depths of its mind/body/spirit complex towards love/light, were then to accept responsibility for each moment of the time/space accumulation of present moments available to it, such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way as we described the empowering of the call of your social complex distortion to the Confederation.

I would like to get back to this one. This time I've bolded also part not emphasized in my last comment. "present moments available to it". I understand it as a Choice - "present moment available to ti" - as to reach/choose in space/time to shape/cummulate /vibrate Self in time/space.

I think time/space part of Us has all memories of Our previous incarnations and knowledge of nature of Our Lessons in current one.
Without any doubt Patience is the key to any Work - expecially to accelerate One's Growth.

As I'm on the very start of this path I can only imagine how subtle balancing is necessary to have feedback of One's growth in time/space. When looking at time/space growth "consequences", it may be compared to "exercising an influence" in time/space. To do last one, You have to consciously cumulate properly oriented energy (by/with Will and Meditation/Visualization) and at desired moment release/redirect its flow/flux/focus - this action (when properly energized/focused) is than manifested in space/time [that's basically how all "magic" works - all rituals are only a way to cumulate energy in time/space - or draining it if that's desired]. If One is trained in looking in Self, One will see the difference before/after event like that in time/space. Same with gaining proper experience and acceleration. If One will look carefully in Self everyday and "hear Ones own Music of Self", in what We understand as "time", One will start to hear the differences in its "tones", "vibrations" in relation to different events out-side of Self, as well as inside Self. I think that's the way how to open Self for synchronicities of "Events" (in Self and beyond + relations of Events).

If We try to name/label form of communications with time/space, I think it would be all events without the contribution of the "third-density-mind"/conscious mind. Conscious must be present to register/to witness/to process the Event but mind it-Self cannot be source/cause of it.
In other words all experiences during meditatons, contemplations, readings, thinkings, learnings - during every activity that may give One a "new perspective" - illumination of part of Self/Creation. Also all events during waking hours which were not rejected by conscious mind and were "out of place" for some reason (as not part of the "witnessed chain of events" - it may be a merely feeling but still Be in Ones Self).

I apologize for presenting such incomplete understanding. I'm working on "mapping" all this Wisdom and to make detailed analysis of each aspect of the "Whole" it presents. Its truly exciting Work. Nevertheless bare knowledge without Spiritual experience is a Wisdom without Depth...

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - Wai - 07-10-2014

In a lighter vein:

(07-09-2014, 05:54 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: .... I can tell you, in my 37 years, this body of mine has been the most patient of STO entities Smile

Plenum, wait till you get to your 60's Wink

Talking about the body, I sometimes have this thinking that my body is also following the density concept: As a baby, 1st density - I can't do much except lie there. As a teenager, 2nd density - I am developing and not allowed to think or wander around too much. As an adult, 3rd density - I am still developing but now able to think (hopefully). And above 60 years, 4th density and above - I am more kind, gracious, loving and wish I am more a spirit so that I don't have to drag this physical body around BigSmile

RE: Accelerating One's Progress - AnthroHeart - 07-11-2014

Wai, that is very thoughtful your post.
I realize I don't have to do it all right now.
I have my whole life. I am 37 now.
I've got many years to get the spirituality right.
I think life will be more fun when I retire.